第9話 I'm glad I met you

He opens the door of the rooftop and finds Marie standing some distance away from him, with a smile on her face.

"She's... smiling at Me ?"

He muttered to himself in amazement.

"So...You Finally Come."

Marie said with a smile.

"Um...Yeah. You want to talk about something, Right ?"

Sue asked in little nervousness.


Marie said then looked towards the clouds.

"Do You Really Love Me ?"

She asked while looking towards the clouds.

"Huh !?"

Sue responded shockingly after hearing that.

Marie then looks at him then walks towards him.

"W-W-Why is she coming towards me ?"

Sue muttered to himself in nervousness.

Marie stood just in front of him and asked.

"So ?"

"So close..."

Sue muttered to himself in Embarrassment.

"Are you telling me the truth?"

Marie asked again.


Sue responded confusingly then he remembered.


"I'm Not Qualified Enough Yet..."

He said in a serious voice.

"Huh ?"

Marie responded.

"...Not Qualified Enough To Be With You...But It Doesn't Mean That I'm Not Even Qualified Enough To Love You Back... If You Will Be That Girl...Even If I Had To Go Through The Most Painful Path To Get You...I Won't Hesitate...To Go Through It... Because...I Don't Know...If You Love Me Or Not...But For Me...Even As An Introvert or Cold-Blooded...I Always Love You..."

Sue said in a serious voice.

Marie widened her eyes and some tears came out of her eyes when she heard 'I Always Love You'.

She hugs Sue while closing her teary eyes.

"...I Always Love You Till The Last Breath Of My Life...I Don't Care Anymore About What They Say About Love..."

Sue said while hugging her gently.

"Huh ?"

Marie responded.

Sue smiles and says.

"...They Always Said That Love Is A Poison...Even If It Is A Poison...I Gladly Accept This Poison... Because For Me...Love Is Like A Shiny Moon In The Dark Sky... Where Everything Is Dark But Still There's One Thing Which Always Gives You So Many Lights...That's What Actually Love Is."

Sue smiles and some tears also appear in his eyes. He removed his tears then released her and went towards the classroom.

*Flashback Ends*

Sue smiles as he remembered what he said before and then he places his right hand on his heart area and says with a gentle smile.

"Yeah...I never like telling lies. I Always Love You is a Real truth. Because I Really Truly Love You."

He said then he remembered what other Sue told him on his way to the rooftop.


"I Just Don't Want You To Get Heartbroken."

Another Sue said in a cold voice.

Sue looks at his other self in surprise.

That Sue walked towards Sue and said while passing by.

"Never Let Your Feeling Get In The Way Of Seeing Things As They Truly Are. Don't Forget That."

He said then disappeared.

*Flashback Ends*

"I Never Let My Feeling Get In The Way Of Seeing Things As They Truly Are. But My Feeling Already See The Things As They Truly Are. That's Why I Rely On My Heart For This."

He muttered to himself with a smile.

"But Do You Ask Me Whether I Love You Or Not ?"

Marie said then turned around then walked some distance away from him and looked towards the clouds.

Sue pauses for some seconds. He looks down then after a while, he smiles while closing his eyes then walks towards Marie and stands beside her, and says while looking towards the clouds.

"I Don't Know...But It's Alright."

"Huh ?"

Marie responds confusingly after hearing 'It's Alright'.

"W-What do you mean ?"

She asked confusingly.

"Loving someone doesn't mean that you always want that person to love you back. But You want to see that person smiling, you want to see that person happy, you want to see that person's life beautiful, you want to see that person to be what they really are. That's what Loving someone means. Isn't it?"

Sue explains with a smile then looks at Marie and says.

"I Love You and Always Will. But it doesn't mean I force you to love me back. I Love You because I want to see you happy, I want to see you smiling, I want you to live your life peacefully. I Care About You and Always Will. If you're happy...so am I. Because...I Love You So Much."

Sue said then smiled gently.

After hearing that, Marie blushes and thinks.

'I Never Thought that he would be that Thoughtful."

Marie smiles then gently hugs him.

"Huh ?"

Sue responded confusingly.

"I see."

Marie said with a smile.


Sue doesn't understand what she means.

Tears flowed out from her eyes. Sue widened his eyes in surprise after seeing her tears and asked panickedly.

"M-Marie? You're Crying ?... Why ?"

After hearing that, Marie smiles while closing her teary eyes and says,

"Because I Also Love You So Much, Silly."


Sue was stunned after hearing that.

Marie then gently placed her head at his chest while hearing his heartbeat and said with a gentle smile.

"I Always Love You from the Moment I met you. But You Never Notice That."

"W-What !?"

Sue said surprisingly.

"And You know that the girl who loves you is no one else except...Me. I Just Can't Able To Say That In Front, that's why I said that there's a girl who loves you so much."

Marie said with a gentle smile.

Sue looks stunned after hearing that...then he smiles and hugs her back while saying.

"I See. Well, I'm Glad...I Found That Girl."

"And I'm Glad I Met You."

Marie said with a smile.

The bell rings and lunch break overs.

"Let's Go to Class Now."

Marie said with a smile.


Sue smiles back then releases her.

They went towards their classroom.

But while they're going down stairs, Sue notices something.

He looks back and finds his other self standing in front of the rooftop's door.

"Be Careful."

He said in a cold voice.

Sue nodded while making a serious face.

"What's the matter ?"

Marie asked him.

"Ah! It's nothing. Let's Go."

Sue responded.


Marie said confusingly.

Then they went towards their classroom.

Soon they reached, then went towards their seats and sat there.

Soon enough, the Teacher enters their classroom, and then class starts.

After some periods, School's over.

Sue packs his backpack then stands up and looks towards Marie.

She's not there.

"Ha? She already left?"

Sue muttered to himself in shock.

He sighed then went outside the school.

But suddenly.


He hears a familiar voice.

He looks towards his left.


He said shockingly.

"W-What are you doing here ?"

He asked surprisingly.

"Waiting For You."

Marie said with a smile.

"B-But Why Don't You Just Stay in the Classroom ?"

He asked her confusingly.

"Well. Because... everyone's thinking that you have no friends and if someone sees us together all of a sudden then it will create some problems."

Marie explains with a gentle smile while folding her arms.

"Problems...!? How so ?"

He asked confusingly.

"Come On. You're big enough to understand."

Marie said in a serious voice.

Sue thought for some seconds then said.

"Oh...They think that something's going on between us."


Marie said while closing her eyes.

"But We two love each other. So...what's the problem then ?"

Sue asked confusingly.

"It's so sudden. Others aren't able to understand that. That's Why it's better to keep our status a secret."

Marie said in a serious voice while opening her eyes.


Sue said while understanding the situation.

"Well let's go then."

Marie said with a smile.


Sue responded with a smile.

Then they walk towards their home.

While walking, Sue thinks.

'It feels great...'

He looks towards Marie. She smiles at him.

'...To go home with someone we love.'

"It Feels so Great..."

Marie said with a smile while looking towards the sky.

"Huh ?"

Sue responded surprisingly.

She then looked towards him and said with a gentle smile.

"...To go home with someone we Love, Right ?"

Sue widens his eyes and thinks.

'She really understands me.'

He smiled and said while looking towards the clouds.

"Yeah...It feels So Great."

Soon they arrive at Sue's home.

"Well, I'm going home now."

Marie said with a smile.

"I will drop you there."

Sue said.

"No, it's fine. You Go. See you tomorrow."

Marie said with a satisfactory smile.

"Are You Sure ?"

Sue asked doubtfully.

"Yeah. Of course. Well, Bye."

Marie then waves her hands with a satisfactory smile on her face.


Sue said with a smile.

Then he thinks.

'It looks like, Lifelike this is better.'

He muttered to himself.

"You think so."

He hears a familiar voice.


He responded. He already understands who the person is.

His other self who is standing beside his home's door while holding hands and looking down asked him again.

"Are You Sure About That ?"

He asked them to look towards him.


Sue said in a satisfactory voice.

"Fine Then."

His other self said in a cold voice.

Sue turns around and then opens the door of his home.

"Moving On Doesn't Mean You Forget About Things...It Just Means You Have To Accept What Happened And Continue Living. Right ?"

His Other Self asked while Sue is about to enter his home.

Sue stopped and said.


His voice is kinda sad.

"I See. Good To See That."

His other self said then smiles then disappeared.

Sue then enters his home while announcing.

"I'm Home."

"Welcome Back Son."

His father said while watching television.

"Welcome Back Sue."

His mother said while watching the Television with his father.

"Welcome Back Big Bro."

His little sister Ema said with a charming smile while sitting with his father and mother.

He smiled at everyone and said,

"Yeah. I'm Back."

Then he went towards his room and entered and changed his clothes and lay down on his bed and muttered to himself.

"I Know Who Am I...No One Has To Tell Me."

Then soon enough, He falls asleep.

[5th Day Before The Graduation Ends]

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