

  • 第13話 帰り道 ①への応援コメント




  • 第10話 初めては怖いへの応援コメント


  • to bad about giving up it was really interesting and getting more interesting with a double love triangle developing , Ryuo-Mai-Yuu; Mai-Yuu-Saijo.Thanks for the story.PS I've read some of your other stories on another site that I can't log into with google-translate, and I've enjoyed them very much.

  • 第22話 海+ナンパへの応援コメント

    Yuu helped Saijo from a pick up, which was good, Mai was jealous that Yuu and Saijo were talking, poor Yuu doesn't know what is going on.

  • 第21話 西条の看病への応援コメント

    Saijo was embarrassed by how needy she acted in front of Yuu, she wasn't ready to that side of her to him, although she was happy he took care of her.

  • Saijo pushed herself to be with Yuu, now she's paying for it, Yuu can show, what he can't say, how he feels about Saijo.

  • Saijo was so happy about being called a couple with Yuu that she couldn't control her excitement, Yuu noticed and misunderstood which embarrassed Saijo more.

  • 第18話 買い物のあとへの応援コメント

    could Mia like Yuu more than Ryuo, or does she not like someone cuter then herself around her male friends. Yuu should have fought Ryuo more about having prior commitments instead of worrying about explaining Saijo, as it was he almost blew it with Saijo. Saijo was happy with his attention ,except when he went with Mia and Ryuo, but over all she had a good date.

  • Yuu is embarrassed at Saijo's show, but Saijo is enjoying Yuu's expression at her swimsuit modeling show, and learning that he's worried about how others see her, Ryou showing up is making it more embarrassing for Yuu.

  • Yuu is trying to help his friend the girl he likes while worried that Saijo doesn't like him, Saijo is teasing Yuu not understanding his frame of mind, and at the same time worried that he's not responding to her.

  • Saijo was playing with Yuu, but it upset him and he thinks he will not see Saijo again

  • 第14話 帰り道 ②への応援コメント

    Saijo was protected by her mother but because Yuu tried to protect both of them Saijo and her mother were pleased, Saijo got Yuu's contact information, but Yuu is left in the dark as to why she wanted it.

  • 第13話 帰り道 ①への応援コメント

    did Saijo use her manager to help her get closer Yuu, Yuu's manager at his shop is pushing Yuu to get closer to Saijo, Saijo is disappointed that Yuu is acting like he's only escorting her because of a stalker, Yuu is to dense to realise her feelings for him, he doesn't even know his own feelings toward Saijo

  • 第12話 開店前にいる客への応援コメント

    Saijo was having fun teasing Yuu, and Yuu actually liked talking with her, is this new lady a reporter, a girl friend of the ex-boyfriend, or someone who works in Saijo's management team, or even her mother.

  • 第11話 ライブへの応援コメント

    Yuu was enraptured by his first live.

  • 第10話 初めては怖いへの応援コメント

    Yuu seems to be on good terms with the rest of the shop staff.

  • Saijo likes Yuu but he doesn't know that, that is why Yuu's heart is hurting when she talks about a new boyfriend, that's the reaction she was after, Saijo is a lot more world wize than Yuu, and she isn't making the same mistake she did before, she wants his emotional strings tied to her so tight that he can't escape.

  • 第8話 変なもやもやへの応援コメント

    Saijo wants to talk to Yuu but he isn't letting her, he 's unsure of his feelings, and he doesn't understand her reason for coming to his shop, as far as he's concerned to many people now what he's doing, and he is uncomfortable being spied on.

  • 第7話 知らない男への応援コメント

    a piece of crap that didn't get what he wanted so he dumped her now he's wanting her back to try again thinking it would be easier to get what he wanted from the way she was acting when he broke up with her if Yuu was not in the way. Yuu was mature in restraining himself from punching the man. I hope Yuu has a chance to talk to Saijo before she runs into her ex.

  • 第6話 アイドルの相談への応援コメント

    Saijo acts hot tempered because she was embarrassed, the fact he was able to make her laugh and smile is an indication that she feels at ease around him.

  • bickering like friends

  • she's warming towards him. looking forward to it.

  • 第3話 その子の正体への応援コメント

    Yuu was surprised to see Saijo's picture in the magazine.

  • Saijo is stand offish and a little snappish, while Yuu is shy but outgoing.

  • 第1話 女性との出会いへの応援コメント

    he is a very kind and considerate young man, even towards a Tsuntsun girl. it's started out interesting I'm going to read more. the synopses didn't do justus.

  • 最新話から半年過ぎてますが放棄ですか?




  • 更新お疲れ様です。



  • 更新めちゃ嬉しいです!



  • 第22話 海+ナンパへの応援コメント




  • 第13話 帰り道 ①への応援コメント





  • 第13話 帰り道 ①への応援コメント




    報告ありがとうございます!減らしていけるよう努力します!m(_ _)m

  • 冒頭の 「《《》》 変装になっていない変装」 は多分






  • これからに期待!



  • 第1話 女性との出会いへの応援コメント





    m(_ _)m