第3話 Why had Lifeforms emerged?

To seek for the Final Goal, we have to think about why viruses had emerged repeatedly. Without this analysis, even if we can overcome Covid-19, another virus will emerge and our battle will continue endlessly.

We, human race, are living on the Earth. Other various lifeforms, animals, plants, bacteria, viruses etc. are living, too. Their lives are basically equivalent in terms of physics.

Is the human life the most precious? Such thinking is the arrogance of human. As we try to live and increase hard, viruses also struggle to increase. That is the very cause of epidemic. Then why does human or virus try to increase so hard?

One possible answer for this question is “Entropy” in physical term. Entropy is generally translated as “disorder or messy”. For example, if we do not clear up a room, the room may become messy. Another example says café au lait cannot be divided into coffee and milk. These show that all events in our world progress one-way to disorder and never could be recovered. Physicists call it “Law of Entropy Increase”.

Then what is the role of lifeforms in the Universe. Lifeforms are said to temporarily stop the Entropy Increase. Lifeforms are made by large organic compounds and continue to sustain the form by taking energy from outside. Atoms contained in lifeforms are composing huge organic compounds and existing stably. On the contrary, inorganic matters are fragile and easily collapsed.

Physicists still oppose such opinions due to “Irreversible” of Entropy Increase and assert that lifeforms cannot stop it. However they do not give us any satisfactory explanation for emerging of lifeforms. Is it accidental or inevitable?

If we assume that emerging of lifeforms is inevitable and maximizing their lives has an important meaning, then we can explain why Covid-19 Virus tries to increase so hard.

Such thinking seems very ridiculous, but maybe give us the Final Goal.

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