Final Goal of Covid-19


第1話 Blood Type and Covid-19

When we look back our history, we can find that the human race had repeatedly encountered various epidemics. The Spanish Flu early in 20th century, the Cholera in 19th century, the Pest Plague 14th century etc.

However all of these had happened within human historic era and we have no idea about any prehistoric pandemics because of lack of records.

Had the human race repeatedly encountered any serious pandemics during its primitive ages? Provably it had. Then how could it overcome these disasters without any modern medicines and vaccines?

We can find the probable answer in our blood types. We knows there are various kinds of blood type, ABO, MN, Rh, etc. But not so much people can correctly answer why such blood types are existing.

A blood type is usually decided depending on the Sugar Chain which is attached on a red blood cell. Sugar Chain is the long chain of amino acid and has a little differential between each type. For example type A blood has its own Sugar Chain and if we transfuse type B blood into A, A’s antibody will work and coagulate B blood, Therefore we cannot transfuse blood between A and B.

Then why does a human body have such complicated mechanism? If the blood type is only A, it will be m

uch easier for all human being. But the God gave us 4 types, namely A, B, O, AB. Why?

There is an assumption it was the result of some kind of infection disease which the human race experienced in their ancient prehistoric ages. It might be an anthropoid age. After sever natural selecting struggle only 4 blood types had survived and been succeeded until today. The biodiversity is essential for every animal to survive in this virus filling world.

If you search for “Infection” and “Blood Type” in SNS, you can easily find out a lot of studies and reports about their relation. Even for Covid-19 some scientist says there is a little differential for infection ratio depending on blood type. .

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