Chapter 1

In the mid-April, Miune Chiho arrived Amsterdam in Netherlands from Osaka in Japan. He is a  26 year old Japanese man, and begins a translation job.

"Yeah, what a beautiful home! My new life begins now! ”

Today he with a large suitcase moves to grachtenpand -a colourful traditional house in Amsterdam-, and holds the door knob.



He looked the house next door.

A lady wore an elegant amber-colored dress, she is just getting out of the door of the clasic design house.

   "She's really beautiful," that steals his eyes.

The lady notices him, having navy-blue eyes and medium hair with silky blonde.

He can’t look away from her.

She tells him looking at only her still.

"Hi, are you a new neighbor?”

"Yes, I am. Nice to meet you. Μy name is Miune Chiho from Japan."

"Nice to meet you. My name is Nahat Nicolet.”

Her clear and beautiful voice heals Miune well, he feels that and looks foward so much  for this new life. 

But then Nahat sighs and says to herself.

"This man isn't my type!”


"Well......, I'm okay.  That's not a big problem, okay."

She says to herself again and turns towards him suddenly and proudly.

"Hi, Muine. You can ask me if you have any questions in your new life in Amsterdam. Have nice days!" and she remembered, "Oh, tonight I have a dinner with Mr. Jansen."

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Buren -the neighbor- 赤城春輔 @HarusukeAkagi




