A World of Level (English version)

-Captain we need to finish soon ...

Kristine's scream does not seem to have had any effect on her leader who has not moved, she looks desperately to the left to see the situation of her other partner.

Twelve, thirteen, fourteen blows are launched in Xamui the other member of the team. He deftly defended everyone while flying sparks everywhere, after suffering this attack from his opponent of class Thief, he bounces back twice away from his opponent, which allowed him to look to the side and see Kristine's hand bleeding:

-Take that Potion ...

He threw an emerald green bottle that was supported by his partner.

- This will not prevent your HP from falling, but it will prevent you from dying ... You will have a minimum HP, just do not take any more damage, retreat ...

-But and you? Won't you need this Potion more than I do? Your opponent is very strong ...

- Don't worry, he's fast but I can do it all day ...

Kristine's eyes widened in awe at what Xamiu said. With such an attack speed seen a little while ago, it was difficult to imagine someone following that without saying that he defended himself with pure luck.

The ninja saw that his partner was not yet confident in taking the green liquid, so I enter:

-Captain ... can I use what I was saving for another occasion?

Throwing her blue hair violently into the air in the rapid movement of her head, Kristine paid her attention to what the leader would respond.

-Hum ... Okay ... use that then come and help me ...

After communicating, Naue steps on his opponent again to make striking exchanges.

Xamiu activates some Skill that makes a black aura come out of his body, soon after he says to his opponent:

-You wanted to show me that you are agile? So lets dance....

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The Revenge of Humans Gustavo Luiz Carneir @Sapientotus



