第2話 ピンパブ事始(上)















 その店の入り口には,「モンテン・ルパ」という赤いネオンがあった。このとき賀茂は知らなかった。「モンテン・ルパ」(Muntinlupa)とは,現在でもれっきとしてマニラに存在する市(city)の名称であるが,かつては,太平洋戦争敗戦の後,A級戦犯を含む,日本軍の戦犯と呼ばれた軍人たちが多数収容されていた施設が存在し,現在では,ニュー・ビリビッド刑務所(New Bilibid Prison)と呼ばれている。















つづく・・・To be continued


 In 1815 “Genpaku Sugita” who wrote “ Kaitai Shinsho” recalled the early days of Dutch studies ,and had a hard time translating it into Japanese. It is a letter that he wrote to his high-ranking younger pupil at that time.

This has nothing to do with this main story.


The time was about to reach 9 pm.

Negi invited Kamo, "Boss, how about another bar?" Negi's words weren't so serious and sounded like an entertaining ritual as before. "No, it's early tomorrow," Kamo tried to answer like a conditioned reflex, but he said, "Hmm. What should I do?"


“Yoichi Kamo” is from Okayama prefecture and is now 55 years old. His family is his wife and three daughters (university student, high school student, and junior high school student). After graduating from a private university in Tokyo, he got a job at "Umisen Securities". It has undergone several mergers and is now surviving as "Yamasen Securities". Kamo is the second section manager of the General Affairs Department, who is in charge of purchasing equipment used by the company.

"Don't rest, don't be late, don't work" "Don't look below( subordinates), don't look outside (business partners), only look at superiors (bosses)." It's his lesson. Following this teaching, he went up to the position of section chief without being ordered to relocate or be seconded in his synchronization. His retirement and pension amounts have already been calculated. His daily worries are whether to work for an extended period of 65 after reaching the retirement age of 60, or whether to receive a pension from the age of 65.


“Shinji Negi” is from Gunma prefecture, 60 years old, has a divorce history, and has an eldest son and daughter with his ex-wife, but they are already adults. After graduating from a private high school in Tokyo, Negi got a job at a major stationery sales company, but couldn't stand the power harassment of his boss. When Kamo asks about the business condition, he humbles himself like a small and medium-sized enterprise's father, saying "I'm getting along somehow,thank you."He seems to be doing well.


This is not the first time Kamo has been entertained by Negi. Ever since Kamo joined the company, he has always pretended to be a serious and devoted person to his superiors and business partners. Whenever he was invited by his superiors, he would always be a lackey, no matter what. He has never demanded entertainment from his business partners.Although it is not a matter of "sankono-rei," he has only occasionally agreed to accompany them to a single tavern when they have repeatedly and persistently asked him to join them. Tonight was the second time Negi invited Kamo to a tavern.Negi remember at the first time that Kamo left early saying, "I have an early day tomorrow.

 Tonight Negi may not have expected that Kamo would go out with him for the second time.Kamo seemed to be troubled, saying, "Hmmm.... What should I do? As if he had been waiting for my proposal.Negi said "Chief, I'm embarrassed to say this.But I've been falling in love with a young Filipina recently. I was wondering if you could accompany me to the Filipina pub where she works. I heard that the Chief lives in Chiba City,.The pub is located in front of Ichikawa Station and is only one train ride away by Sobu Line“. Negi said with a twinkle in his eye.

 Kamo would normally pull out quickly, but against his will, he forgot about his earlier hesitation and said "I have never been to a Filipino pub since I was born.The image is not good but Ichikawa is on my way home“. Kamo was murmuring to himself "I've never been to a Filipino pub in my life. I don't like the image. Although I usually avoid going to places where women entertain me. I'll only go to one place“. Kamo replied, "Well then,just one restaurant then.


 At the entrance of the restaurant was a red neon sign that read "Muntinlupa″. Kamo did not know this at the time. Muntinlupa" is the name of a city that still exists in Manila today, but it used to be a facility where many Japanese war criminals, including Class A war criminals, were interned after the defeat in the Pacific War, and is now called "Muntinlupa". It is called New Bilibid Prison.

 When I entered the dimly lit restaurant, I noticed an outdated mirror ball hanging sloppily from the ceiling. It seemed to be an old establishment.

 Is there a girl you want? the boy asked. Negi quickly replied, "Jessica, please. Negi quickly replied, "Jessica, please. The boy immediately asks, "Who is your guest? Kamo turns to him and asks, "What's going on? Negi told the boy, "This is my first time here, so I'm going to rotate. The boy replies, "Yes, sir. and left toward the back.

 The boy said, "Shacho, irasshaimasae!" and left toward the back. The woman who sat down next to Negi was a Filipina of about 25 years old. She shook hands with Kamo as well and said, "Hajimemashite, Jessica desu. She greeted him with "Hajimemashite, Jessica desu. Unconsciously, Kamo shook Jessica's hand with both of his own.

 In the high-class clubs in Ginza where Kamo had once been entertained, it would have been impossible for the hostess to ask for a handshake, and while he was puzzled for a moment, Jessica's hands were held out in front of him, forcing him to act like a dirty old man in a pin pub. He looks like Pavlov's dog.

 Jessica was about 5'5" tall, petite, and charming looking. I see," Kamo murmured in his mind, "this is the Filipina that Negi is so crazy about.

 After toasting with a glass of whiskey made by Jessica, I looked at them and saw that they were whispering to each other with a serious look in their eyes.

 At that moment, Kamo's pupils dilated like cherry blossoms in full bloom. Jessica was sitting next to Negi, and from the delta zone between the legs of her jet-black micro-mini skirt, Kamo's visual center was pierced by a pair of red panties that looked like fresh blood. Kamo was not much of a military maniac, but just the other day he remembered from a YouTube video that the U.S. military was developing a state-of-the-art laser weapon, the power of which could shoot down a state-of-the-art Russian fighter jet in an instant. Kamo could not bear the glare of the flash, and again, as if by conditioned reflex, he suddenly turned away from them.



Sitzleisimers." The other Filipina again shook my hand. I heard a voice saying, "Hajime mashite, Ana desu″. The giant object tried to sit down beside Kamo, emitting a loud voice. At that moment, Kamo was thrown back. There was a fat old woman of about 45 years of age with a belly of about 100 centimeters that reminded him of a giant poisonous snake.

 As my eyes became accustomed to the dimly lit restaurant and her entire appearance was gradually revealed, I noticed that she was missing two front teeth, her cheeks were sloppily hanging down, and her entire face was covered with waves that could not be distinguished as lines or wrinkles. An old mirror ball shone on her face like a spotlight, and the cellulite in the spotlight stood out. His arms were as thick as Kamo's thighs, and his thighs were almost the same as Kamo's waist. In his mind's eye, the image of an eight-forked serpent (Yamata-no-orochi) performing the °Bicchu Kagura″, a nationally designated intangible cultural asset in his hometown, drum cans, wine barrels, toads, and more flashed through his mind like a running light. Compared to Obasan, even the "Osaka ladies" who often appear on TV seemed lovable.

 Kamo was smiling lightly in front of me (I think he meant it as a smile). Kamo looked at the mouth of the woman with two missing front teeth, who was smiling wanly in front of him and saying, "Karaoke/Utaimasu karaoke? The sloppily opened mouth and the long, thin tongue that did not match her body shape gave me a sense of dread that went beyond the weirdness of it. I had seen many times before a general assemblyman with a murder weapon on his face who came to the general affairs department of a company, but she seemed cute compared to this old hag.

 I felt like I was being stared at by an old lady who was a far cry from the main character in "Anna and the Snow Queen." Just when my whole body was frozen, Kamo fell down again. As soon as she sat down next to Kamo, Obasan, who was sitting on Kamo's right side, put her left leg close to Kamo's right leg and her left hand on his right thigh. The warmth of Oba-san's body made Kamo feel as if he were a frog being chased by a snake. From the opposite side, he was still locked on to the latest laser weapon of the U.S. military, and from his right, he was being teased by an unidentifiable giant object that called itself "Anna.

 I hoped to escape from this magical palace as soon as possible, but somehow my vision was pierced by the laser beam, my body was teased by the giant object, I could neither stand up nor speak, I lost my hearing to the noisy music I had never heard before, and the mirror shining beyond my eyes turned away from Obasan... I even lost my eyesight at the ball.

 As his entire rigid body felt as if it were melting away, Kamo asked himself, "Is there a black hole ahead?" He felt himself falling into a world he had never experienced before.

To be continued



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