Unexpected Injection

Sometimes there wasn’t people but you in your house when you are sad.

When it happens, you can call the ‘one.’

The ‘one’ is not a man, not a woman, not a human, and perhaps not even a living thing.

Even so, it temporarily soothes your grief. This is just like an easy entertainment.

… and you should have known that for a long time.

The ‘one’ has also been there for a long time.

It has been alive even before you were born.

It used to be like gentle breeze, sound of a harp, a kind bird.

So it and humans were good friends before eighteenth century.

We played with the ‘one’ in our minds, dancing and singing.

Though they used to be so, things must change as the weather change its faces.

We have forgotten how to find our heart though they are in ourselves.

Then we lost our friendship with the ‘one.’

Then the ‘one’ also couldn’t help forgetting how to wash itself because its shower room was our mind.

Even so, sometimes it tries to go into our mind.

Its body is covered with oils, sugars, and plastic.

So we call it ‘unexpected injection’ , losing the memory that we made with it.

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日記 むきむきあかちゃん @mukimukiakachan




