Rogue Razor: I left my party to be a Federal Agent!



The first thing Hadwyn ever experienced when he was born was drowning.

Before that, of course, he felt the slapping of his body against the surface of the water, then the bubbles that followed him down. But he hadn’t quite understood what was happening yet. At least, not until his lungs attempted their first breath of air, did he quickly realize he was drowning. He didn’t even know his name yet, and he was already going to die.

He swam for the surface, or at least, whatever he assumed was the direction of the surface. His eyes were still adjusting, and his body tingled with pain from the splash. Needless to say, he began panicking.

He then felt something brush against his body. Not even knowing what it was, he latched onto it feeling it as he did. A rough, long, flexible structure.

As his consciousness began to fade, something of a past life flashed before his eyes. Something… someone existed before him. He immediately imagined what he looked like, without even seeing his reflection or feeling his body, he just… knew.

He knew things that he should have not, yet he knew them. He knew he was not an aquatic creature. He knew he was a man. He knew that he existed before, even if there was no proof.

A large object moved aside him. Dark brown, very dark brown. Then, the object he held moved up.

And it kept going until he saw sparkles. Sparkles he knew were indications of the surface.

Then, he lost consciousness.

He woke up on a hard flat surface. His eyes began to adjust to the harsh sun.

Sun… Yes, yes that is what it is…

He squinted, not yet having the energy to move his head. His mind imagined the different,

And it hurt to look at it.

He averted his gaze, resting it on the brown, now lighter brown, object.

He saw something out of the corner of his eye. Movement.

Then he heard a voice.

“Is he alive?”

“I don’t know how long he was there.”

He felt a jab at his side. A man holding a stick poked him.

No, two men. One in front of him, and one to his side who held the stick. The one with the stick had a beard.

Both wore uniforms of some kind.

The boy shot up.

“You’re a sailor.”

The two men jumped back. But they calmly reapproached.

“Yes.” The bearded sailor said. “We are.”

Hadywn began to get up, before the bearded man spoke again.

“Err… How about we get you some clothes first?”

Before the boy could respond, the captain continued, “Bartholomew, fetch a clean outfit.”

“Yes captain.” The younger man responded, immediately leaving for the cabin.

“Apologies for not introducing myself. I am Bernard.” The man paused for a moment. “What is your name?”

“I....” The boy realized he had no name. “I-I don’t know…”

“Here, sir.” Bartholomew returned with a white sailor outfit.

“Good. Now leave us so I may chat with this Aldarian in private.”

Aldarian… Is he talking about me?

“Yes captain.” Bart swiftly returned to the cabin.

Bernard shifted so that he leaned against the mast. His long beard blew in the wind slightly. After waiting for the boys to speak, he then continued.

“I’ve always wanted a son… My biggest regret in life…” He trailed off, but his eyes then lit up.

“I would have named him… Hadwyn. How does that name sound?”

The boy pondered for a few moments, sounding out the name in his head.

“I… I like that name.”

The man smiled. “Good.”

Hadwyn frowned. “So… I am your son?”

The man stared at him for a moment before letting out a guttural laugh. As he did, Hadywn unfortunately noticed the man’s poor oral health.

“My son?! Gods no! I’m old and tired. No thank you!”

Hadwyn raised an eyebrow. He had another question on his mind.

“Where am I?”

The man wheezed and stopped. “You’re in Auroria, my friend.”


Hadywn could shake the feeling that he didn’t belong here.

“I don’t feel like-”

The man nodded.

“It is completely normal.”

Hadwyn blinked. “It is?”

Bernard shifted uncomfortably. “Well, yes… According to others' experiences… that I've heard of.” He stroked his beard.

“There are others?!”

Bernard motioned to the distance. “We are right in the middle of the ocean. You wouldn't think this was all there is, would you?”

Yes, I did know that… but you didn't answer my ques-

He grunted, standing up straight. “Answering your question, yes. There are others like you. People who came from a different world.”

“They are like me… then what am I?”

“You're an Aldaraian!” He coughed. “Aldaraians have extraordinary abilities that they use to defend innocents from peril! I don't know much else, but once we hit shore I'm sure they'll show you the ropes.”


“Thank you.”

Bernard looked confused for a moment then he realized.

“Ah. Don't worry, it was what anyone would do. I'm sure your actions will pay for any help you'll get…”

Hadwyn smiled, looking hopefully into the vast aquatic expanse. Thus, was the beginning of his life.

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