“All right, Corvin!” Oberion yelled, almost angrily, but not quite. “The weather has gotten worse.”
Covin didn’t say anything, he just pulled the blanket up further, so only his eyes were exposed.
“You sleep while the rest of us mobilize for war!” Oberion snarled. “You are to defend the king with your life! You are to make sure not a single prisoner escapes! Those are my final orders to you. Heed them, for you are at the mercy of the king himself now!” Corvin could swear Oberion was smiling throughout the light cast into his dark quarters. “You may find he is far less forgiving than I.”
Good, fuck off now. Corvin thought.
“Oh, one more thing, the king is inviting you to dinner tonight.”
And with that, he left. Closing the door until only a sliver of light ran across the floor and onto the wall.
After a few moments, Covin got up from the comfort of his bed, walked over to the door to shut it. As he was about to close it, Oberion peeked through the crack, then shut it himself.
Corvin curled his fist into a ball, but then relaxed. This exact moment reminded him of a memory he had about Zaya. He remembered the exact moment when she got up from her bed with him to sleep in the guest bedroom.
He couldn't remember exactly what he had said to upset her, but he did remember her reaction. He knew right then and there that something was wrong but he didn’t know what. That feeling of having more time, like if she were to make a rash decision, she would tell him.
He got no such warning. One day he came home and she wasn’t there. So he waited another day, then another, then a week passed, and she still didn’t come back. Then, He accepted the fact that she wasn’t going to return.
A knock at his door. Was Oberion back? The knock was lighter, it wasn’t him.
“Sir Corvin?” A voice asked.
“Go away.” Covin said, rolling away from the door.
“I’m sorry, but the king has ordered you to come to dinner.”
The table was surprisingly small. It had a few candles scattered, but plates and plates of food, more than anyone could possibly eat, sat in the middle of the table. Corvin was stunned. The king was a frail man, and Corvin couldn’t eat this much, so who in the hell was the food for?
Covin sat down on the table, where the king motioned for him to sit. Corvin hesitantly grabbed a piece of chicken.
Calvin Boneh grinned at him. “I hope you’re enjoying dinner, Corvin.”
Corvin nodded, just wanting to get it over with.
“I suppose you want your payment now?” Boneh asked, poking a piece of meat with his fork.
Corvin looked up. Boneh slid an envelope across the table. Corvin grabbed the envelope. Boneh smiled at him. “The information you wanted. It’s a thanks. You’ll get your real payment once you’ve completed your job.”
Corvin opened the envelope in a hurry. Shreds of paper fell to the ground. He pulled out a document.
It read:
Legal name: Zaya Carson
Status: Deceased
Citizen: No
Corvin’s heart sank. “No, no, no…” He whispered
Lord Boneh didn’t show any emotion. He stared blankly at Corvin.
“How?” Corvin asked. “How?”
“Orc attack.” Boneh said. “We found what was left of her near the side of the road. That was two years ago.”
Corvin was shocked beyond emotion. The wind grew colder. He crumpled the paper up. The king looked at him with uninterest.
Corvin got up from his seat fast, causing the chair to screech across the ground. The guards stepped forward, but Boneh motioned them to stand down.
Boneh felt the temperature drop. He clenched his teeth. He had no idea what Corvin could do at any moment, he could die in seconds, but he had bigger problems to deal with than a summoned.
Boneh got up. He brushed his napkin off. “I understand your pain, and I am sorry for your loss. But your payment is still available.”
Corvin didn’t know what to say. He felt empty. Zaya had stopped being a part of his life a long time ago. He said nothing to the king.
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