

第1問 少女と本


There was a young girl named Emily who loved to read books. One day, she found a mysterious book that had no title. The book, which she discovered in an old library, was filled with stories about magical lands. Emily remembered the day when she first opened the book and felt a strange connection to its tales. She often visited the library where she found the book, spending hours lost in its pages. The reason why she was so captivated by the book was that it seemed to tell stories of her own dreams. Emily learned how to navigate through the magical lands described in the book, and she felt as if the book was guiding her on a personal adventure.

One evening, Emily met an old librarian who noticed her fascination with the book. The librarian, who had worked there for decades, told Emily about the history of the book. It was written by an author who had traveled to many of the places described in the stories. The librarian remembered the time when the author donated the book to the library, saying it was meant for someone special. Emily realized that the book was not just a collection of stories, but a map to real places.

Determined to uncover the truth, Emily decided to follow the clues in the book. She planned a journey to visit the places where the stories took place. The first destination was a hidden forest, which was described in vivid detail in the book. When she arrived, she found a small cottage where an old woman lived. The woman, who was the author’s sister, welcomed Emily and shared more secrets about the book. She explained how the book had the power to connect readers with their deepest desires and dreams.

Emily continued her journey, visiting enchanted castles, mystical lakes, and ancient ruins. Each place she visited matched the descriptions in the book perfectly. Along the way, she met people who had also been touched by the magic of the book. They shared their own stories and experiences, helping Emily understand the true power of the book. The reason why the book was so special became clear to her: it was a bridge between reality and imagination, allowing readers to explore their innermost thoughts and dreams.

As Emily’s adventure came to an end, she returned to the library where it all began. She thanked the librarian for guiding her and promised to share her experiences with others. The librarian, who had seen many readers come and go, knew that Emily’s journey was just the beginning. The book, which had changed Emily’s life, would continue to inspire and guide others who were brave enough to follow its path.

1. **Who** discovered the mysterious book in the old library?

- a) The librarian

- b) Emily

- c) The author

- d) The author's sister

2. **What** was unique about the book Emily found?

- a) It had a golden cover

- b) It had no title

- c) It was written in a foreign language

- d) It was very old

3. **Where** did Emily often visit to read the book?

- a) Her home

- b) A café

- c) The old library

- d) The author's house

4. **Why** was Emily so captivated by the book?

- a) It was beautifully illustrated

- b) It seemed to tell stories of her own dreams

- c) It was a gift from her friend

- d) It was very expensive

5. **How** did Emily feel when she first opened the book?

- a) Confused

- b) Disappointed

- c) Excited

- d) A strange connection to its tales

6. **Who** told Emily about the history of the book?

- a) The author's sister

- b) The librarian

- c) Her friend

- d) Her teacher

7. **What** did Emily realize about the book after talking to the librarian?

- a) It was a collection of fairy tales

- b) It was a map to real places

- c) It was written by a famous author

- d) It was a gift from the librarian

8. **Where** was the first destination Emily visited on her journey?

- a) An enchanted castle

- b) A mystical lake

- c) An ancient ruin

- d) A hidden forest

9. **Who** did Emily meet at the small cottage in the hidden forest?

- a) The author

- b) The author's sister

- c) The librarian

- d) Another reader

10. **Why** was the book so special according to Emily's understanding?

- a) It was very old and rare

- b) It was a bridge between reality and imagination

- c) It was written in a unique style

- d) It was a gift from a famous author


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