Part IV Return to Japan and Damage Suit (1) Letters from Brazil (Letter 1: flight , funeral )

 1. Letters from Brazil

 Letter 1  The flight; The funeral in Brazil

 The letter from Hisako was written in hiragana (a cursive letter) except for a few kanji (Chinese letter) such as 'I', 'Kazuo' and 'wife'. She had spent much time in writing it. Here I will introduce you two of them.

 Letter 1( January 1994) ___________________________________________________________________________

【The flight】

 I have safely arrived at Sao Paolo. I had been determined to board the plane whatever might Occur. To forget various worries, I had to take sleeping pills every six hours. The air girls seemed to have kindly watched me all the way.

 My blood pressure and pulse had been checked twice during the flight. I did not eat the meal.

 Maybe the air girls seem to have been told not to disturb me. When the plane neared Sao Paolo I began to weep, but I did not know if it was the joy of returning home or the sadness of going home only on my own. An air girl came by my side and eased my emotions chatting to me.

(Author's note: at the year end the plane was full to its capacity. But thanks to JAL's thoughtful consideration Hisako had traveled occupying three seats.)

 At Sao Paolo many people were awaiting. I thought that I was in a dream and Jiro and Mayumi repeatedly assured me that it was really happening. They said that they had been waiting since eight o'clock and hugged me. At my house my feeble brother Jiro had been waiting and welcomed me crying.

 To the airport they came in five cars. In Brazil, if a person were known to have returned from Japan, he would be a good prey for burglars. A single car is dangerous. We came home from the airport with five cars of friends surrounding mine. In Brazil one must be careful anyway.

【The funeral in Brazil】

I had a cold for four days. I have a sore throat and cannot speak, but I am writing to Japan little by little every morning so that I can let you know without further delay. Yesterday I have finished Kazuo's funeral. Many moaners came to say farewell to him. It was tiresome for me to repeat the same thing every time I was asked. The funeral was conducted by the bishop of Maua. All expenses of funeral were paid by the town. I was thankful for that matter. It was a good funeral indeed. Dozens of cars had sent him to the graveyard.

 In Brazil funerals are extremely expensive, but fortunately everything finished without trouble. His ashes have been laid to rest with our parents in the grave in Mogi district.

 Kazuo's wife whose name is Simone has been crying all the while with his ashes tightly pressed to her bosom. It was hard for me to see the two children looking at their mother in surprise.

(Letter goes on further)

 The last Christmas and New Year's Day was nothing to do with myself. I still cannot feel cheerful. I have anyhow been shocked when I see someone with whom I am acquainted. I know it was rude and tired to correct, but in vain.


(To be continued)

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