035力の主 全 ぜん Lord of Power all


For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

035力の主 全 ぜん Lord of Power all

 「今回の力の主は前の力の主 意 い の効果を文字通り全身に広げる奥義力の主 全 ぜん について



前の力の主 意 い で振れたように意識を通すことはそれだけで防御する筋肉の少ない頭部でも防御力を上げられると説明した




そして今回の力の主 全 ぜん はそれを全身に広める技だ






























しかし力の主 全 ぜん で全身の骨と筋肉の中に意思のルートを通しその接合部にイメージ上の穴をあけれは本来つながることのない骨と筋肉がイメージ上でつながり循環が可能となる






それにこの力の主 全 ぜん 習得後と前では本来あり得ない力の循環の存在から鍛錬の効果も大きく違ってくることだろう

力の主 全 ぜん により体全体の本来ありえない力の循環が成立すればどこを鍛えても全身に力が循環する




この力の主 全 ぜん はその道の大半でいわれる数の努力ではなく質の努力を強制的に実現する技に相当する


この力の主 全 ぜん を幼いころより習得できれば体を使うどの道でも華々しい成果を上げられるかもしれないが幼いころから大して苦労せずラッキーでこんなチート体質になって成長した人間の大半はろくな人間性には育たないだろう



それにそんなこの技の味を占めた人間が自身の子供にこの力の主 全 ぜん を継がせたくない人間はいるわけもない































035 Lord of Power all

"This time, the Lord of Power is a secret technique that literally spreads the effect of the previous Lord of Power's Will to the entire body. However, the detailed method is dangerous, so I will only give an overview. Now, let's start talking. I explained that by passing your consciousness through as you did with the previous Lord of Power's Will, you can increase your defensive power even in the head, which has few muscles to defend. For those who have never seen it before or have forgotten, imagine that power is being released in all directions from the entire head, then lightly tap one side of the head. Then stop imagining that and try tapping the other side with the same force. You will feel a slight difference in pain. This is done by imagining pressure in an outward direction to the head with your will, that is, with your image, and the damage is reduced by the pressure being released to the head. And this time, the Lord of Power's Will is a technique that spreads it to the entire body. The expected effect is an improvement in defensive power, offensive power, and physical ability. Well, it doesn't improve much, but it's an incredible deal if you can get it without training for a while. It can be said that. Now I will explain how to do it. First, imagine that power flows through the bones. However, this is impossible to do by imagining it normally. Therefore, you need to make an imaginary hole in the bone, enter it, and use the power of your imagination to pass the route through the bones. Moreover, you need to do this to the whole body. Coccyx, pelvis, heel, ribs, skull, spine, literally all the bones. This technique is a technique for advancing to a higher level on that path. Originally, it was a technique to create a route in the spine and pass the body's power that does not normally flow to the brain, and to achieve further improvement. However, there is a big problem. If you make a route in the spine randomly, it will damage the spine and cause back pain that even a doctor cannot cure. Even if you pass a route through the head, if there is no hole through which power can come out of the head, the excess body power will attack the brain. If the chakras are awakened there, it could even lead to Kundalini syndrome. Oops, sorry, that word was taboo. The Lord of Power series is a technique that exists in reality, so as much as possible The explanation excludes occult elements.

It is true that spiritual things, gods and spirits, do exist, although not all of them are conveyed in religion. However, if someone who does not believe in it hears it, it may be treated as a lie at that point, so it is excluded as much as possible.

Now, if you can send your will to all of the bones, what can be expected? If it is easy to understand, it is an increase in durability.

The impact of sending your will is dispersed within the bones.

It is the same as the previous story about the head.

If you always send your will to the bones, pressure will be applied just by that. If the bones of an ordinary person are air, this technique is like putting water into the bones.

It goes without saying which is harder, a water balloon or an air balloon.

And please do not do anything strange. If you imaginarily make a hole in a bone, it will not heal for the rest of your life.

If you do that and fail, there is no fundamental solution.

I strongly assert that it is not a technique to do casually.

But it is only bones. It is not complete by itself.

What we do there is to send our will to each muscle of the body.

However, this only results in a partial state and there is no harmony.

So while sending our will through the muscles, we also make imaginary holes in parts of the bones where the muscles are connected to the bones.

What happens then? Even though the muscles and bones are connected, it is only indirect, so each part can only play its own role and does not circulate. Each part is independent.

However, if we send our will through the bones and muscles of the whole body as the master of power and make imaginary holes at the junctions, the bones and muscles that are not originally connected will be connected in the image and circulation will be possible.

When this happens, the power of the body will be able to exchange and circulate between the bones and muscles, which should not be possible, according to the laws guided by the image.

In other words, the durability of the whole body will be improved by passing the doctor's route through the bones and muscles. By being aware of the power of riding, the physical ability of the whole body will be improved and attack power will be improved. Expected

As I have said many times, the increase in strength is not dramatic

But it is meaningful that it can be achieved without long-term training

And it is well-known that for top athletes, even slight differences can make a big difference in performance

And the effect of training will be greatly different before and after learning this power master, due to the existence of a circulation of power that would not be possible before

If the power master creates a circulation of power throughout the body that would not be possible before, then no matter where you train, power will circulate throughout the whole body

In other words, no matter where you train, it is expected that the effect will be widespread

It reduces the large time loss caused by training the arms and legs individually as in normal training, and you can efficiently train the whole body, and you can practice techniques with the time saved

It is guaranteed that you will be able to set yourself apart from your rivals in physical competitions and fighting

This power master corresponds to a technique that forcibly realizes quality effort, not quantity effort, as is said in most fields

Most top athletes It is a technique that allows boxers to acquire the strength that they have trained for a long time and prepared for a fight in a short time, and may lead them to even greater heights. If you can learn this power from an early age, you may be able to achieve brilliant results in any field that uses your body, but most people who grow up to have such a cheat constitution without much effort from an early age will not grow up to be good people. Therefore, even if I had a child, I would not teach it to them. In exchange for success, a cheat constitution that was acquired by luck and a scandal due to a twisted mind will almost certainly occur. Also, there is no way that a person who has tasted this technique would not want their child to inherit this power. If you teach this technique to someone without knowledge and experience, you will not be able to deal with anything that happens. It is a technique that definitely works in combination with me. If an amateur does it, it will be impossible to deal with anything that happens. Even if I taught it to them without hiding anything, It is impossible to understand everything better than I do. This is a dangerous technique that can easily ruin your life if you make one mistake. If you teach this to someone and they teach it to others, most people will go crazy and be helpless. If it spreads from there, it will only mass-produce victims. Anyone who has read this far will understand the value of this. It would be extremely unnatural if there was no one who wanted to hear such a story and didn't try it. If this technique exists anywhere else, it would probably be a secret technique that is passed down to only one child. Even if such a thing does exist, it would definitely be the top technique that would never be revealed to the world and would never be spoken of. I made it public so that I could deeply understand the technique and mechanism and make it easier to use. And even if I knew, there would be no way to imitate it. So if you imitate it and something strange happens, I cannot take any responsibility. This is a technique that easily casts a shadow over your life if you fail. Here If you read that far, you'll probably feel it's worth risking your life for, but it's a technique that is the ultimate opposite of a person who doesn't think about the consequences.

This technique is not something that can be taught to others, nor can it be taught to others; only those who have mastered it are allowed to touch it.

It can truly be said to be the top of real cheats.

It's a technique that is hidden and never spoken about, so it's unpretentious, but in the long run, it has the power to match.

Well, I'm not interested in that path, but even if you don't train it, it will be of great benefit to your daily life.

Even if you say it's a waste, not everyone wants to expose their face and become famous.

Being famous just makes it harder to live your daily life.

Between the danger of becoming famous and living a peaceful daily life, I would definitely choose the latter.

No matter how you look at it, daily life lasts much longer than showing your face and being noticed."

He closed the documents spread out on the podium with a bang.

"That's about it for now."

The content was quite satisfying◎

And now there are only four left, and our final parting is near

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