027力の主 常循 じょうじゅん Lord of power: Normal circulation


For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

027力の主 常循 じょうじゅん Lord of power: Normal circulation



今回はさらに深い力の主 常循 じょうじゅん について





それを意図的に利用するのが今回の力の主 常循 じょうじゅん だ




出ると入るセットの力の循環を意図した時常時行えることが力の主 常循 じょうじゅん となる



そのため力の主 常循 じょうじゅん を病気の個所に重点的に行い全身で力の循環ができれば病気を引き起こしているエネルギーが強制的に循環し体外に出ていくのだ


力の主 常循 じょうじゅん とは体内の力を意図的に動かし循環させる





















この技は日常の多くに恩恵があるそこに力にの主 円 えん を加えれば戦いにも日常にも使える死ぬまで使い倒せる奥義といえるだろう




学生なら廊下を教室まで歩いていてるときや授業中のふとした瞬間何も長時間やる必要はない数で補えばなかなかの数力の主 常循 じょうじゅん を鍛錬できる








私は作家志望界の常識外の極地の勉強エジソン ダビンチ テスラと同じ勉強をして己を高めている










027 Lord of power: Normal circulation

"The basis of the Lord of power is the control of power through the circulation of power. However, circulation within the body alone is not complete. This time, we will go deeper into the Lord of power, normal circulation. Simply put, it is a technique for intentionally circulating all the power that goes out of the body and all the power that comes in. As long as a human is alive, power continues to flow in and out. For example, even when you are sleeping, gravity creates a force that makes you sink downwards, and the body maintains its shape by creating a repulsive force to prevent the body from breaking down. At that time, power almost always flows in and out. However, it is just going in and out, and most of it is scattered and wasted. Intentionally doing this The main power of this time is Jojun, which is a technique that effectively utilizes power that is almost completely unused in everyday life.The method is simple to explain: you just intentionally circulate the power that flows in and out of the body from the place where the power comes in and out, that is, the part of the body that is touching the ground.What you must not forget at this time is that the circulation of power is always both going out and coming in.The main power of Jojun is being able to circulate the power of the set of going out and coming in at any time when you intend it.So what kind of power does this technique have, especially The most important thing to mention is the healing of illnesses.

Most physical illnesses, other than physical defects, are caused by bad energy that continues to accumulate in the affected area.

Therefore, if you focus on the affected area and circulate the energy throughout the body, the energy that is causing the illness will be forced to circulate and be expelled from the body.

In the first place, many illnesses have an abnormality in the flow of energy that is blocked at the affected area.

The main force is to intentionally move and circulate the energy within the body.

In other words, it is possible to cure the illness by forcibly circulating the energy that is causing the illness within the body.

However, if the circulation is not complete, it can lead to the worst case scenario of spreading the energy of the illness to different parts of the body, so trying to cure the illness by suddenly circulating the energy of the affected area is almost like an act of suicide.

First, the correct method is to circulate it to the muscles, skin, and internal organs and then downwards.

However, this technique is not complete on its own.

The effect is further increased by circulating the energy that is going downwards.

If it is easy to imagine, it is good to circulate the force with the magma there.

If it is not shallow, If you circulate it in a certain place, there is a possibility that the power of the mysterious evil spirits lurking in the earth will circulate. If you want, all the power connected to your body. The advantage of doing this is that you can cure the abnormalities that are occurring by forcibly circulating them. However, of course, it is impossible. If your luck has been completely destroyed once like in my case, it is impossible to recover on your own. Well, it is unlikely unless you get into a fight with a rare, evil person with extraordinary malice and power like me. And of course, there are benefits to the body as well. It intentionally circulates some of the power that normally goes in and out and does not circulate well. It increases energy efficiency and increases the total amount of power that comes in from the outside and goes out. Both circulate and return to the body. If you continue doing this as much as possible, your vitality will increase. If you add it to your body, you can also improve your physical functions. However, of course, the effect will vary depending on your proficiency, and it is difficult to achieve super power like in the manga, but even if you increase your base a little, it can be said to be a considerable benefit. This would be very suitable for a life of endurance such as marathons. Every time you run, the power that goes in and out of your feet circulates inside your body and underground. It shouldn't be too difficult to improve your stamina by doing this.

Also, if you change the circulation of force a little, it is possible to reduce the burden on your legs.

The burden on your legs and the force are also part of the forces that go in and out of your body.

You can circulate the force in a way that reduces that.

This technique is beneficial in many aspects of daily life. If you add the word "en" to the force, it can be used in both battles and daily life, and it can be said to be a secret technique that you can use until you die.

Also, the fact that you can be sure to find time to practice makes it suitable for busy modern people.

This is the force and weight of the passengers pushing you from all sides while swaying on a crowded train. These forces circulate inside and outside the body.

However, I don't recommend circulating them in people. If the person has an illness or evil spirits, you may end up circulating the energy of the illness or even evil spirits.

If you're a student, you can train your circulation while walking down the hallway to class or during class. You don't need to do anything for a long time, but if you compensate with numbers, you can train your circulation quite a bit.

It goes without saying that training while commuting is dangerous.

He closed the documents he had spread out on the podium.

"Well, that's about it for now."

If you're an aspiring writer, submit your work. I am someone who learns better by thinking and understanding than by writing. Therefore, I have been able to learn the secrets of martial arts like this with almost no experience in martial arts and almost no basic knowledge. If I can learn this much by writing a work, I am doing so. I study the extremes of what is outside the common sense of the aspiring writer world, studying the same as Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla to improve myself. Therefore, I deviate from the common sense of the world's aspiring writers. It is nonsense to ask such a person to do the same as other aspiring writers. Of course, I will write a work after this series ends. And although many people will not believe it, all of these are theories of mystical techniques that actually exist and could exist. It is because they exist that I can talk about the details and explain them in detail. If this is all fiction, I would be at a level where I could be the world's greatest conman. Reality is full of unknown worlds that are no less than the world of fiction. I have merely given form to one of those hidden things.

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