スノーウーマン vs 南瓜野郎 @Copilot+プロンプト
画像生成:Image Creator from Designer(マイクロソフト)
Snow Woman, the Japanese superheroine, in the superheroine's white costume with a letter of "A".
She has her curly hair in a short bob with a white hairband.
She has brown eyes and pink lips.
She is slim and cheerful.
She is running along a street covered with heavy snow.
(Photo, dramatic, close-up shot)
A mad Jack-o'-lantern with limbs.
The Jack-o'-lantern is howling and is jumping in front of a cake shop in the bustling area covered with heavy snow.
A broken showcase is lying on its side on the road.
Crushed strawberry cakes and chocolate cakes are scattered over the road.
People are fleeing in all directions.
(Photo, dramatic)
Snow Woman, the Japanese superheroine, in the superheroine's white costume with a letter of "A".
She has her curly hair in a short bob with a white hairband.
She has brown eyes and pink lips.
She is slim and cheerful.
She looks angry and is standing in the bustling area covered with heavy snow.
(Photo, dramatic, extreme close-up shot)
The Jack-o'-lantern is lying on his back on the ground of the bustling area covered with heavy snow.
The Jack-o'-lantern is crushed.
(Photo, dramatic)
Snow Woman, the Japanese superheroine, in the superheroine's white costume with a letter of "A".
She has her curly hair in a short bob with a white hairband.
She has brown eyes and pink lips.
She is slim and cheerful.
She is stretching her right arm forward and is making a V-sign with her right hand.
She is smiling in the bustling area covered with heavy snow.
(Photo, dramatic, close-up shot)
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