第2話 a more advanced awakening ceremony

How long will it take to save this money!

At this time, Qin Yi was still delivering takeout to save money to buy an LV diamond ring for his girlfriend. He was only three thousand yuan away from buying the diamond ring.

As a result, the sky was suddenly shrouded in darkness, like a huge black disc buckled down.

Qin Yi was in the darkness, and suddenly there were voices around him, "You are about to cross to the world of immortal cultivation. Because the population of the crossing is too large, this crossing will reduce half of the population of this world, and those who are not selected will be directly wiped out."

Half of the population! Doesn't that mean there is only a 50% chance of crossing? Qin Yi thought to himself.

Just after this sentence, he felt his consciousness slowly blurred and fainted.

After an unknown period of time, Qin Yi slowly woke up and found that the surrounding environment was not the earth he was familiar with, nor was it the so-called illusory world of immortal cultivation.

He slowly opened his eyes and felt very painful in his eyes.

When he opened his eyes completely, he was completely shocked.

He was surrounded by a dark green halo, and there were fully armed soldiers standing next to him, but their clothes were a little special. They were all wearing heavy armor, like knights in the dark night, sacred and majestic.

Suddenly, they looked at Qin Yi in surprise as if they had discovered something incredible, "This... This is impossible! I didn't expect you to be completely compatible with X30! You must take him back to the base and study him carefully. There is no one who can be completely compatible with X30!"

Qin Yi was very confused at this time. He was tied to the bed and couldn't move. He was very anxious but helpless.

At this moment, a deep voice sounded in his mind. Obviously, it was a mature male with a strong voice. Although it was a mechanical sound, it was full of spiritual energy.

"Hello, my name is X30. To be more precise, you can call me system." Qin Yi was slightly shocked and tried to ask, "Are you the system?" But before he asked the question, the system answered first, "Yes, and I can hear your voice." Qin Yi was completely shocked. He could even hear what I was thinking. Isn't this more magical than the plot in the novel? Before Qin Yi recovered from the shock, the soldiers in heavy armor pulled him up from the bed. At this critical moment, Qin Yi suddenly felt that his body was out of control. Qin Yi quickly rushed to a circular platform similar to a wormhole and jumped down. After an unknown period of time, Qin Yi woke up from a dilapidated thatched house. The sparse sunlight shone on Qin Yi's face through the gap. The system also popped up at this time, "I have transmitted a memory to you. I only know this much for the time being. I can't do anything about the rest." It turns out that the Earth where Qin Yi lives is just a tiny planet. There are many more planets above it. Among them, the dominant planet Telang has a civilization that is superior to most civilizations. Despite this, they still have a planet that cannot be occupied, that is, the Xiuxian World. This time, Telang invaded the Earth and transferred the people here to the Xiuxian World in order to cause chaos there. When the Earthlings also learn to cultivate immortals, a war can break out, and the people of Telang can take advantage of the situation and occupy the Xiuxian World. Qin Yi had another doubt at this time, "Why don't the people of Telang learn to cultivate immortals themselves, but let us learn?" "Haha, that's because the people of Telang are all robots, and their bodies are very ugly, so they all transmit their souls to the machines. As for why the Earthlings can learn to cultivate immortals, it's because tens of thousands of years ago, some cultivators went to your so-called Earth, and for some reason, their power was exhausted and there was no spiritual energy, so they had to develop other means to return to the Xiuxian World." "So the means chosen by that group of cultivators is technology?" Qin Yi asked. "Right"

"Then I have two more questions. First, why did the Telang people say that only half of the people can go to the Xiuxian world? Second, who are you and why are they called X30?"

"Let me answer the first one first. It's not true that they said half of the people. They took you to do experiments and found the people with the highest matching degree to stay. Some of them were used for training to become loyal subordinates of Telang. The higher the matching degree, the more power they can bear. As for why he didn't tell the truth, it was to make you more motivated in the Xiuxian world. He thought that you were lucky to survive, so that you could work hard in the Xiuxian world to fight against the power of the original Xiuxian world. As for the second question, I am a fragment of this universe. There are three fragments in this universe, each with its own ability. My ability has been transformed by the Telang people into a reputation system. As for the abilities of the other two fragments, I don't know either."

After listening to the system's words, Qin Yi pondered. Originally, he just wanted to work hard to make money and save enough money to marry his girlfriend. As a result, he was accidentally involved in a universe-level event, but fortunately, he also has a system like the protagonist of the novel.

This time, he wants to be his own protagonist.

Walking out of the lonely thatched house, a surging scene suddenly appeared before his eyes.

This place is not as prosperous as a big city. To be precise, it feels more like a farmyard. Although it is a world of immortal cultivation, the technology here is still at a relatively backward stage. People with the ability to cultivate immortals will naturally be admired and worshipped by thousands of people, while mortals without any power can only farm for a lifetime, and can't even marry a good wife.

This time Qin Yi felt it again. No matter which world he is in, there will be discrimination. Only by making himself stronger can others look at you with new eyes.

Qin Yi checked the functions of the system while walking. The source of reputation is that others need to have awe, worship, love and other emotions for you, and then you can generate reputation. Of course, the more awe or love you have, the higher the reputation value will be.

The system currently only unlocks three functions.

The first is the mall, where you can buy everything with reputation points, but Qin Yi's level is too low at present, so he can only buy a small part of the goods.

The second is the lottery. Different turntables correspond to different rewards. The higher the reputation value, the higher the probability of winning good things.

The third is strengthening. You can use reputation to strengthen your physical attributes. You can strengthen your understanding, strength, agility, defense, and endurance. One strengthening point is equal to ten reputation points.

After understanding the current functions of the system, Qin Yi walked on the street with nothing to do. He just crossed over and didn't even know where he was.

Qin Yi walked aimlessly, thinking about how to have a reputation. In this world, Qin Yi lost both his parents when he was young. He had a sister who had always taken care of him meticulously, but she was now snatched away by a big sect, leaving him alone. Yuncheng Second High School

The crowd lined up in an orderly manner on the lively playground, and the annual spiritual root awakening ceremony was in progress

Hundreds of years ago, the spiritual energy revived, and the animals first sensed this invisible "power" in the air. They began to evolve, and most of them became monsters and formed a force. By the time humans reacted, it was too late.

Later, the monsters in the mountains and deep seas began to attack humans. The armed forces could not resist these monsters at all. At this critical moment, the immortal cultivators hidden in the world appeared. They repelled the monsters' attack and made a treaty with the monsters. Humans retreated to the city, and the monsters took their territory. So far, humans and monsters have lived in peace for hundreds of years.

After this battle, the ancient immortal cultivation sect reached a cooperation with the country, spreading the cultivation method in the world so that people can practice it to strengthen their strength and basic self-protection.

‘Yellow-level water attribute spiritual root’ With a notice, Chen Chen came back to his senses, looking at the rostrum not far from him, and couldn't help but feel excited.

“Next” Following the director’s call, Chen Chen stepped onto the rostrum. Next to the awakening stone was a young teacher. He looked at me and said to me: “Hold your breath and put your hand on it. The spiritual energy in the awakening stone will guide you.”

As I put my hand on the awakening stone, the light in the stone began to bloom slowly, and suddenly, the stone cracked!

This scene startled the young teacher. He said to let me wait first and then hurried to the teaching building. Not long after, he brought a middle-aged man. The man looked at me with a little fiery eyes. He took out a more advanced awakening stone from the backpack he brought and asked me to try it.

As I put my hand on the awakening stone again, "click." The man's eyes widened, and his excitement at this time was beyond words.

The rostrum was also surrounded by classmates, and they were all curious about who could shatter the awakening stone.

"What level of talent does this require to shatter the awakening stone"

"This is amazing!"

"That seems to be Chen Chen from Class 6, he is so handsome!"

Some girls were already blushing, thinking about getting to know the classmate who shattered the awakening stone

Listening to the discussions around him, the man coughed lightly

"Everyone disperse first, continue to line up, don't mistake the awakening ceremony for the progress"

"This classmate, you may have to go with me later, your spiritual roots can no longer be measured with high-level awakening stones, come with me to the bureau later, I have sent someone to get the highest-level awakening stone, and then we will know what level you are"

The man's eyes seemed to be shining

Seeing the man's eyes almost wanting to eat me, I felt a little embarrassed and hurriedly I agreed, followed him to the side, and continued to watch the awakening ceremony.

"Heaven-level fire attribute spiritual root" With this announcement, the playground seemed to be set on fire, and the students turned their eyes to the rostrum.

I saw a girl with a slender figure and a delicate face walking down from the rostrum.

"Wow, it's Li Yingying"

"It turned out to be her. She is worthy of being the school beauty and has such a good talent."

"Of course, she is the eldest daughter of the Li family. What level is the Li family!"

As the discussion continued, Li Yingying also walked down from the rostrum. People around her cast envious glances at her, but her eyes did move to me. It seems that my previous behavior aroused the curiosity of the eldest daughter of the Li family. I nodded slightly.

But with another announcement, the students' attention was drawn again

The one who awakened the "Heaven-level Gold Spiritual Root" was Wang Ling. He walked quickly to Li Yingying and was about to say something, but he saw the "interaction" between me and Li Yingying, and then he stared at me with a bit of coldness.

I didn't want to explain anything about this, but just let him stare at me. Li Yingying saw this and didn't say anything, turned around and left, and Wang Ling followed her like a pug.

I just felt speechless about this, "This licking dog is pure brainless." I was too lazy to bother with such people

As the ceremony slowly progressed, the man around me also communicated with me a lot, asking me about my family conditions and whether I was sent down by a young master to practice. I also answered truthfully that my family is just an ordinary family, my parents are low-level practitioners, and my family has no background.

Hearing this, the man's expression became more excited, but he still suppressed his emotions and waited patiently.

With the end of the principal's speech, this awakening ceremony also ended smoothly. I was also taken back to the Training Bureau by the man to prepare for a more advanced awakening ceremony.

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