Godlike Man


第1話 "If he runs away, you'll all be dead!"

Tianhuang Divine Territory.

Lin Clan.


A crisp and loud slapping sounded.


The temple was brightly lit and mottled with light and shadow. At the front of the temple, three large chairs were arranged in a Chinese character "品", and the backs of the seats were embroidered with lifelike floral patterns, like stars surrounding the moon, which was particularly eye-catching.

However, the floral patterns on the left and right sides showed the meaning of withering and falling, only the flowers on the middle seat had blooming buds, and each petal was full of vitality, stretching freely, and extremely charming.

There were rows of people sitting on the seats, most of them were old people, all wearing dark blue clothes. Their faces were different, some were surprised, some were indifferent, some were mocking, and some were sympathetic, and their eyes were focused on a young figure.

The young man knelt on the ground, with blood stains all over his white robe, his fists clenched, his knuckles turned white due to the force, and drops of blood slid down. He kept pursing his lips, and a huge red palm print was clearly visible on his right handsome cheek.

"The resources of the entire clan are tilted towards you, just to let you win the first place in the five clans competition and gain the favor of the upper sect. Even if you become an outer disciple, the status and voice of our Lin clan can be greatly improved."

"The whole clan hopes on you, but you tell me that you were beaten by others in one game?"

In front of the young man, an old man wearing a straw raincoat could not hide his anger, and pointed his dry fingers at the young man.

"Master, I was sure to win in the first fight, but who knew that the Xuanqi suddenly lost control, which led to..."

The young man's body was shaking constantly. The next moment, he suddenly raised his neck, looked around with burning eyes, and said with murderous intent.

"I suspect that there must be a traitor in my clan!"

A stone startled a thousand waves!

The faces of the old men present changed slightly, and they looked around with a little doubt in their eyes. Anyone who is not a fool knows that Xuanqi is the essence of heaven and earth absorbed by oneself and gathered into one, and used for oneself.

How can it be so easy to lose control? Not to mention the genius who has been selected through layers of competition!

Of course, genius is probably a thing of the past.

Responsibility always has to be borne by someone, and so does the price.

The chest of the old man in the straw raincoat rose and fell rapidly, and a dangerous light flashed in the corner of his eyes.

The next second, he quickly moved forward, clenched his hands with his backhand, and threw him hard against the pillar like picking up a chicken. The voice was like thunder, rolling in, as if every word was mixed with endless anger.

"You unfilial disciple, evil beast! One month before the big competition, you stayed at home and could not contact any outsiders. There were deadpools around, patrolling in turns. The entire place where you practiced was like a copper wall and iron wall, as solid as a rock!"

"It's obvious that you were lazy and neglected your practice, and you are still quibbling and trying to destroy the relationship between the clans, which is even more sinful."

"Even if you are my direct disciple, you cannot be forgiven!"

The old man in the straw raincoat seemed to have made up his mind, and a hesitation flashed across his eyes, which was immediately replaced by solemnity. He took a deep breath, opened his mouth slowly, and said solemnly:

"Lin Clan - Lin Yi, because of his own selfishness, he indulged in fun and neglected his cultivation. This clan competition has brought shame to the clan members! According to clan rules, he should be stripped of the position of young clan leader, demoted to a commoner, and never step into the house for the rest of his life!"

Hearing this, an old man with silver eyebrows and white hair on the flower totem chair on the right raised his eyebrows, and the fat-faced middle-aged man on the left also showed a surprised expression.

The whole audience was silent.

After a moment, a laugh broke the silence.


The young man supported himself with trembling hands and slowly stood up. He looked indifferent, kept silent, bowed deeply to the old man in front of him, and then walked towards the door. Feeling the mocking and ridiculing eyes around him, he ignored them and continued to move forward.

Bright red footprints emerged, one step after another...

Outside the temple, it was autumn and winter, the moonlight was bleak, with a chill, sprinkled on this lonely land. The cold wind blew in the distance, and occasionally there seemed to be the rustling of leaves and the roar of wild beasts.

Lin Yi's eyes were dull, his white robe had long been stained red, tattered, and shocking scars covered his body like thorns.

But he ignored it, his thoughts drifted, and he returned to that rainy night.

A little boy as thin as a bamboo pole, with dull and yellow hair, curled up in a broken brick house, the house was crumbling under the heavy rain, as if it was as fragile as thin paper.

When the child was worried, a kind-looking old man walked in, gently picked him up, and took him away. The warmth brought by the ruddy and broad palms made the child remember it for life.

From then on, the old man became his master, taking care of his food, clothing, housing and transportation, and guiding his practice.

After another night of warming the meridians, the old man's eyes revealed a trace of fatigue. He rubbed the child's black hair and said in a gentle tone: "Since you don't have a name, I will name you Lin Yi. I don't ask you to become a dragon among men, but I hope you can grow up comfortably and worry-free in this life..." But the child showed outstanding talent since he was a child. He also understood that he couldn't let his teacher down. Later, the child gradually grew up, overcame many hardships, and slowly became a genius in people's mouths... "Hey, isn't this the first genius in the Lin family's mouth, so miserable like this?" A hoarse and gloomy laugh broke Murong's thoughts. Lin Yi came back to his senses, the confusion in his empty eyes dissipated, and he began to examine everything around him. Five masked men in black appeared around him at some point, surrounded him, holding swords in their hands, and slowly walked towards him. Lin Yi's heart trembled, as expected. Reputation not only brings admiration and love, but also jealousy and hatred.

"I don't know which camp you belong to, can you let me know?" The young man smiled and said lightly

"He is stalling for time, don't let him have time to recover his Xuan Qi!"

The leading man in black snorted coldly and directly replaced the answer with action! The sharp blade was unsheathed, flashing cold light under the moonlight, and stabbed towards the young man.

Seeing that his intention was discovered, Lin Yi sighed. A green wooden stick appeared in his hand, glowing light green in the night, and swung forward.

The wooden stick and the sword blade intersected, making a crisp collision sound. The man in black tilted the sharp blade slightly, turned his body, bent his knees and pounced forward, swung his arms, and a little cold light swept towards Lin Yi's chest from the side.

Seeing this, Lin Yi grinned, and did not defend himself. The wooden stick pointed directly at the head of the man in black, and he actually wanted to exchange his injury for his life!


The man in black cursed in his heart, but he had to give up the offensive, bent his knees and leaned back, and changed the horizontal stab into an upward stab, turning the attack into defense.

Another collision, the airflow spread around like a huge wave, rolling up the fallen leaves on the ground.

The two couldn't help but retreat, and the leading man in black stepped on the ground, as light as a swallow, and retreated steadily, quickly dissolving the momentum.

Lin Yi stabbed the wooden stick into the soil with force. With a muffled "dong", he finally stabilized his body. There was a stream of sweetness in his throat that went up the stream, and finally it could no longer be stopped and sprayed out.

Feeling the increasingly serious injuries in his body, facing the black-clothed man who was slowly approaching and holding a sharp blade that could take his life at any time, Lin Yi not only did not retreat, but grinned, and his blood-red teeth and scattered hair looked so creepy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that dogs also cherish their lives!"

"I want to see how many of you can still stand when I fall?" Lin Yi sneered, the wooden stick in his hand glowing. He squeezed it hard, and the wooden stick burst directly, forming a cyclone in front of him, and the energy spread out, and the sound of breaking wind came whistling.

He made a fist with his palm and hit his chest mercilessly, spurting out a mouthful of blood, staggering a few steps, and his face became even paler.

After contacting the blood, the cyclone suddenly intensified, the sound of the wind was like a sharp blade, and the vortex became more and more intense. When the momentum reached the peak, it solidified slightly, and the next moment, it shot out again, like an angry beast, rushing straight at the man in black.

"Quick, defend together!"

"He is already at the end of his strength! As long as he survives this wave, he will definitely die!"

A hoarse voice roared in the throat of the leading black-clothed man. He originally thought that he could easily capture the prey, but Lin Yi's ruthlessness and decisiveness greatly exceeded his expectations.

The five black-clothed men were surrounded by green mysterious light, and they were alert and made a defensive posture with all their strength.

Just when the black-clothed men were ready to resist the cyclone attack, the cyclone suddenly exploded in the middle of the way, rolling up the yellow soil and fallen leaves, and the yellow waves rolled in the air, and the scene was immediately in chaos.

When the surrounding scenery was clearly visible, five figures were seen standing back to back in a circle, their eyes were alert, their center of gravity was slightly tilted down, their hands were clenched, and they looked like they were facing a great enemy.

Where is Lin Yi?

He has disappeared long ago!

When he understood everything, the leading black-clothed man's face immediately turned ashen, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"What are you standing there for? Why don't you use your dog noses to chase him?!"

"If he runs away, you'll all be dead!"

The leading black-clad man kicked down a teammate next to him and cursed.

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