第10話 Master? Which master...

"However, after every period of time, I will come to see you! I want to see if you have really changed!"

Xing Mo had not seen Gu Yu's repentant ways like his four obedient disciples had. Thus, hearing his words and observing his current actions, she believed in his change and agreed to provide cultivation resources.

There was no other way. Gu Yu's four obedient disciples had such excellent talents. If they developed well, they would definitely become top-level strong figures in the future!

As for the matter of strength, she found it even more amusing. Ever since reaching the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, there had been no one in the entire Eastern Region whom she couldn't defeat. Even if Gu Yu was at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, she didn't believe he could beat her. That peak Nascent Soul stage cultivator she had killed before had also thought the same way.

Hearing Xing Mo's words, Gu Yu wasn't fazed. After all, his purpose here was to ask for cultivation resources for his obedient disciples, not to argue or fight with Xing Mo. Only if she refused to give the resources would he need to use some strong methods.

"Good, as long as you're willing to give them," Gu Yu replied simply without saying much more.

Hearing Gu Yu's lack of argument, Xing Mo was momentarily taken aback. She had expected a bit of a debate. She didn't expect that this handsome young man wouldn't argue at all.

Was this really the same person who had previously tormented his four obedient disciples? Could there have been some misunderstanding, with his four disciples exaggerating a bit? No, she remembered clearly the severe injuries on those four disciples' bodies, which she had treated herself.

So... it must be true; Gu Yu must have somehow changed.

"Hmph... wait here. I'll have someone bring over the cultivation resources," Xing Mo said, taking out a communication jade from her storage ring. In the world of immortal cultivation, such communication jades functioned like landline phones from the previous world, but without the wires.

After making contact, Xing Mo put away the jade and then met Gu Yu's gaze.

Honestly, she found Gu Yu quite impressive. Handsome, with an extraordinary aura, and very calm. If not for his past behavior towards his four disciples, he would undoubtedly be a top-quality male in the world of immortal cultivation.

Apart from this, she was also puzzled as to why a peak Nascent Soul stage cultivator like Gu Yu would appear here. Currently, there were ten peak Nascent Soul stage cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation—one in each of the four regions and the remaining six in Central State. So why had Gu Yu appeared here? When had he come from Central State? And most importantly, she hadn't heard any news about Gu Yu.

By rights, he should be one of the top ten peak Nascent Soul cultivators and quite famous. How could she have no impression of him at all? And his four female disciples, if they grew, would surely stir up the world of immortal cultivation with their extraordinary talents. Xing Mo was very clear about the talents of Gu Yu's four female disciples.

But Xing Mo didn't ask much more, merely watching Gu Yu. It was their first meeting, after all; she couldn't ask such private questions. If she didn't know this, she wouldn't have remained Empress for so long. Now, at nearly three hundred years old, Xing Mo had ruled the Xinghe Empire for nearly two hundred years.

In these two hundred years, she had developed the Xinghe Empire from a small, remote country into the number one power in the Eastern Region, commanding respect even from those in Central State. This wasn't achieved through force alone. In the world of immortal cultivation, a cultivator's strength has its limits, peaking at the Nascent Soul stage. Thus, she had devoted efforts to learning in other areas, particularly in communication and negotiation.

Gu Yu, however, didn't have such concerns. His strength was such that, forget Xing Mo, even the combined strength of other peak Nascent Soul stage cultivators wouldn't be enough to challenge him. Noticing Xing Mo watching him, Gu Yu remained composed, continuing to drink tea elegantly.

He did hold some gratitude towards Xing Mo. If not for Xing Mo providing a sanctuary for his four obedient disciples to have a half-month of pleasant life, they might have truly broken down. And Xing Mo was indeed admirable. Despite being called the Iron-Blooded Empress by outsiders, having killed many and destroyed numerous forces, she had only done what was necessary. Those she didn't need to kill, she spared, and even granted power and cultivation resources to surrendered forces.

But this kind nature was also what led to her tragic fate in the original story. In the original tale, Xing Mo wasn't a protagonist but an antagonist. After the demon master (Gu Yu) was killed by his four obedient disciples, they sought Xing Mo's protection again, which she granted, starting their true cultivation.

A year later, the female protagonist, while searching for an item, arrived in the Eastern Region from Central State. Discovering that the four protected by the Empress were demon cultivators, the protagonist confronted the Xinghe Empire. With the power of the protagonist's plot armor, she rallied those previously subdued or destroyed by the Xinghe Empire and overthrew it. Xing Mo, ambushed and gravely injured by the protagonist, fought but was ultimately killed, dying with lingering resentment. She never understood why this happened, unaware that Gu Yu's four disciples were demon cultivators.

Gu Yu had a bit of affection for Xing Mo and naturally wanted to change her fate.


While Gu Yu and Xing Mo waited for the cultivation resources, in another place, within the Qingyang Sect, Qing Ying walked along the path to the pavilion where her third junior sister lived. Thinking of her third junior sister, Qing Ying felt a pang of sadness. She was the most severely injured, not physically, but psychologically. Once, she had been tortured to the point of silence for three months and had attempted suicide several times. Although somewhat better now, she remained silent and expressionless, merely ceasing her suicide attempts.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Qing Ying knocked gently on the pavilion door and spoke, "Shi'er, Senior Sister is here to see you."

Moments later, the door opened, revealing a young woman. With long, light blue hair and a delicate, beautiful face, her figure was well-proportioned, and she wore a white dress with white boots peeking out from underneath. This blue-haired girl was Su Nuan Shi, Gu Yu's third disciple and Qing Ying's third junior sister. Currently, Su Nuan Shi looked very disheveled. Her light blue hair was messy, like an exploded puff, and her exquisite face showed no emotion, though her light blue eyes held a trace of joy.

Seeing Su Nuan Shi's state, Qing Ying gently said, "Shi'er, I've brought you some elixirs. Take these healing pills quickly." Qing Ying handed a fourth-grade healing pill to Su Nuan Shi.

Staring at the pill in disbelief, Su Nuan Shi's eyes widened, her mouth slightly agape, but she made no sound. It seemed she was truly shocked. After a dozen seconds, she looked up at Qing Ying, her mouth moving as if to speak, "Senior... Senior Sister, where did you get this... pill..."

Having not spoken for a long time, Su Nuan Shi's speech was halting and slow. Hearing this, Qing Ying felt a pang of guilt. She had initially planned to lie about finding the pill somewhere, but her conscience wouldn't allow it. Qing Ying, who had never lied before, could only tell the truth, especially since she came to change her junior sisters' view of their master. She couldn't hide anything.

"It's from our master," Qing Ying said. Like Luo Si Xue, Su Nuan Shi showed a puzzled expression upon hearing "master."

"Master? Which master..." But halfway through, Su Nuan Shi realized. Her eyes widened again, looking at Qing Ying in disbelief. The only one Senior Sister would call "master" was that demon! Su Nuan Shi couldn't believe it. Senior Sister called that demon "master"! And this precious pill, full of life energy and fragrance, came from that demon!

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