Curb Demon


第1話 we'll get beaten up again

Cultivation World, Eastern Domain, Qingyang Sect.

In the main hall of the sect leader's room.

Looking at the ancient, classic-styled room in front of him, Gu Yu, soaked from the rain, was utterly baffled.

Where the heck is this place? Wasn't he running too fast on a rainy day and fell into an open manhole?

Why did he end up here?

Just then, Gu Yu suddenly heard soft, delicate voices coming from a nearby room.

"Woo woo... Shimei, don't cry... When you cry, Shijie wants to cry too..."

"If that demon outside hears us again, we'll get beaten up again... woo woo..."

Hearing these voices, Gu Yu was taken aback. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his brain. Soon after, a flood of memories surged into his mind. After organizing these memories, Gu Yu instantly understood what had happened.

Damn! There was a portal inside the manhole that transported him to this world!

This is a vast and magnificent, yet terrifying world of cultivation! It is divided into four major regions and the Central State!

In the world of cultivation, the strong can move mountains and fill seas, their words become laws, while the weak struggle to obtain even the most basic cultivation resources!

And this cultivation world isn't just any cultivation world. It's the world from a female-oriented novel about a powerful female protagonist!

But that's not the main point.

The most unacceptable thing for Gu Yu was that he had crossed into this novel world as a villain! And not just any villain, but a background character type of villain!

What is a background character type of villain? It’s the kind that doesn't have much storyline but has plenty of descriptions!

For example, the strongest ancient powerhouse, the top master of the martial world... those kinds of characters.

And Gu Yu, as one of the top ten peak Nascent Soul stage powerhouses of his time, has four female disciples. These four female disciples would all become enemies of the powerful female protagonist in the future! They are renowned throughout the cultivation world and extremely formidable. Terrifyingly so! They are involved throughout the entire book until the original story ends abruptly!

Logically, with such disciples, Gu Yu, as their master, should be able to ascend to the peak of success and become invincible. But for some reason, the author went crazy and gave these four female disciples tragic backstories. Because only then could they be shaped into terrifying villains who had no choice but to become the way they are!

As if by coincidence, the tragic experiences of these four female disciples all stemmed from their master—Gu Yu!!

Gu Yu, this villainous master, although extremely powerful with a peak Nascent Soul stage cultivation, shouldn't be underestimated. The cultivation stages in the cultivation world, from lowest to highest, are: Qi Refinement, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Soul Transformation, Integration, and Tribulation. Each stage also has four sub-stages: Early, Mid, Late, and Peak.

In this book, due to the incomplete Heavenly Dao, all cultivators can only reach the peak Nascent Soul stage at most! Only in the future, after the protagonist completes the Heavenly Dao, will the cultivators be able to break through to higher stages.

But the powerful Gu Yu is a super perverted existence! He is the only demonic cultivator among the ten peak Nascent Soul stage powerhouses!

Demonic cultivators are despised and hunted by both righteous and demonic cultivators!

As a demonic cultivator, Gu Yu was overly eager to progress. So twelve years ago, he founded the Qingyang Sect, which consisted of only himself, and started by adopting his first female disciple, planting a demonic seed in her, intending to make her a furnace.

At that time, apart from planting the demonic seed, Gu Yu did nothing else. Instead, he took good care of his first adopted female disciple. Because back then, he thought that as long as he took care of her, the demonic seed would grow as she matured and would provide him with power to absorb.

Then, two years later, ten years ago, Gu Yu took in three more female disciples and similarly planted demonic seeds in them. But it was then that he discovered that the demonic seed he had planted in his first female disciple had not grown but instead weakened and diminished significantly!

Thus, Gu Yu started searching for the cause, and finally found in an ancient demonic cultivation text that to make the demonic seeds grow, those implanted with the seeds couldn't live a good life. It was best for them to live in constant pain, fear, and unbearable sadness...

Ironically, that ancient demonic text was written by a righteous cultivator who had fallen into demonic cultivation. From that day onwards, the once-caring demonic master transformed into a terrifying master, tormenting his four obedient disciples physically and mentally. On a daily basis, he either beat or scolded them, making their lives filled with fear, pain, and despair.

Initially, Gu Yu was hesitant because he was not yet a demonic cultivator, merely a devil cultivator. But soon, after seeing the demonic seeds beginning to grow, something inside him seemed to awaken, and he began tormenting his four disciples without any guilt. Gradually, his mindset was affected, and he fully became a demonic cultivator!

Demonic cultivators are prone to losing their sanity. Once sanity is lost, there is no way to regain it. If not for Gu Yu’s immense power, he would have lost his sanity long ago and wouldn't have lasted until now.

After all, in the original work, he was portrayed as the peak of villainy. Others could reach the peak Nascent Soul stage because that was their limit. But Gu Yu reached the peak Nascent Soul stage because it was currently the highest possible stage!

Otherwise, how could he have trained four disciples who pushed the powerful female protagonist into several desperate situations?

In the original story, two years later, the demonic seeds in his four disciples matured completely, becoming the demonic furnaces he had always wanted to create. Then, he planned to extract the demonic seeds from his disciples to advance further!

He had waited for fourteen years for that day in the original story!

But just as he was about to extract the demonic seeds, his disciples suddenly awakened their innate talents and absorbed the demonic seeds, cutting off his power and turning him into a powerless cripple!

As a cripple, he was overpowered by his four disciples, who devoured his power! Who would have thought that the master who treated his disciples as furnaces would end up being treated as a furnace by them!

After losing his power, he was slowly burned by a flame that could incinerate the soul, used by his disciples, but not killed outright! Thus, he was tormented daily! Apart from soul burning, his body was dismembered and sewn back together repeatedly by his disciples!

After this cycle of dismemberment and sewing was repeated ten thousand times, he was refined into a puppet with consciousness, thoughts, and a soul but unable to control his body!

His disciples made sure he could never turn the tables!

If not for the female protagonist defeating his four disciples, who had become villains, and then killing the puppet he had become, he would have continued to suffer endlessly.

Although he was conscious, he couldn't move his body autonomously, like a vegetative state. Terrifying.

Ah! I don't want to end up like that!

Gu Yu shouted in his mind and then made a decision. He must start today to make up for his four disciples!!

Otherwise, his future self would definitely be ruthlessly killed by them!

As for why the current Gu Yu doesn't kill his four disciples, it’s because he can't bring himself to do it. He has tormented them for so many years; killing them now would be too heartless. As a transmigrator, Gu Yu wouldn't do such a thing.

Most importantly, these four disciples are the powerful female protagonist’s rivals! Without them, he would definitely be killed by the female protagonist!

Gu Yu, the small villain, doesn’t want to be killed by the female protagonist. The original novel had a terrible ending, so even until the end, his four disciples were still fighting against the powerful female protagonist, with neither side able to kill the other.

If he doesn’t cling to his four disciples, who else can he cling to?

So Gu Yu quickly turned around and headed towards the nearby room where his two disciples were.

But glancing at his modern clothes soaked in rain, he quickly went to his loft to change.

Since he wanted to change, he had to make a good impression on his disciples.

Gu Yu hoped he could become a true master, one who could genuinely save these obedient disciples!

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