第7話 The things he said were messy

Seeing this, the Taoist Changsheng waved his left hand, and the picture disappeared. When he clicked again, the picture was still blurry... In addition to the figure, the surging blood could barely be seen.

The Taoist Changsheng narrowed his eyes, as if he remembered something. He pondered for a moment and murmured: "Shura..."

After that, he also left with the wind.

The daily chores are complicated and trivial, carrying water to water the medicine, chopping wood and cooking... It's a headache. One-third of the day is occupied by chores, so you have to get up early.

Fortunately, Luo Li is very happy about this. After finishing the work, he sat down to rest, watching the disciples next to him chatting casually.

"Hey, have you heard that the sect has sent news that next month will be the annual sect competition."

The speaker is Li San, who has been in the sect for three years and is still in the middle stage of Qi Refining. Therefore, he is often ridiculed by others, saying that his surname contains "three", so his cultivation has not improved in three years.

"What does it have to do with us? With our cultivation level, we should stop daydreaming and work hard. Find a quiet place to practice."

This man is tall and strong. Li San usually calls him Wang Dali.

There is another person next to him, named Wang Erhu, who is skinny and honest.

These two people have decent qualifications and have reached the late stage of Qi Refining.

The three of them had a very good relationship with Luo Li. In addition to cultivation, they often played and joked, and talked about the new junior sisters and senior sisters in the sect from time to time... "Forget it, forget it, she has no talent, and I don't know how she entered the sect in the first place... Being a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect is also a glory for the family. When you go down the mountain in the future, you may even marry a beautiful wife..." "Don't daydream..." Wang Dali looked at Li San's silly look, with a disgusted expression on his face, and said: "It's not that you are stupid, look at you, you eat and sleep every day, I entered the sect half a year later than you, and now I have reached the late stage of Qi Refining. In my opinion, you are too lazy." Wang Erhu glanced at the two of them, put down the work in his hands, and walked to Luo Li to sit down. "The sect competition will be held next month. Do you want to go with me?"

Luo Li waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "No, no, it's boring."

Li San and Wang Dali were arguing fiercely. When they heard Luo Li's words, they all looked at him. Wang Erhu was also surprised!

The top five in the sect competition can enter the inner sect directly. In addition, there are generous rewards. The outer sect disciples are all looking forward to it, hoping to take this opportunity to show their skills and strive to enter the inner sect in the top five, and obtain superior skills and spiritual weapons as soon as possible. Luo Li's words really surprised them.

What happened to Luo Li yesterday has been spread to everyone in the outer sect.

The five wolves used their ultimate move "White Tiger Roaring Fist", but Luo Li easily resolved it.

More importantly, the five wolves used their fists again, but only hit Luo Li's afterimage.

"White Tiger Roaring Fist" is a fist that inner sect disciples must learn, which is not something that outer sect disciples can achieve.

What was even more shocking was that Luo Li disappeared without a trace in an instant. There was probably no one else in the outer sect who could do this except Luo Li...Except for Wu Lang, they firmly believed that Luo Li must be one of the top five.

Although Luo Li's body movements were very mysterious, the disciples were not too surprised. There were many children from aristocratic families among the outer sect disciples, and it was not uncommon to master some special skills.

"Luo Li, are you telling the truth?" Wang Erhu was a little unbelievable.

Luo Li did not answer Wang Erhu directly, but just said: "Let's go, if you go too late, there will be no food to eat."

After that, he got up and left, leaving Wang Erhu and the other two with a puzzled look. On this day, as usual, the disciples sat cross-legged at the steps, concentrating on listening to the old Taoist's preaching.

The old Taoist had a fairy-like demeanor, and a sense of illusory righteousness could be felt from afar.

The old Taoist closed his eyes and said sincerely: "... To become an immortal, you must not be greedy, lustful, and lewd. Greed: Don't be greedy; lust: Should be restrained; lewd: Don't do evil; lewd: Don't be obscene..."

In the crowd, Li San said impatiently: "Oh, what are you talking about? We are here to practice magic to exorcise demons, not to learn how to be a human being..."

Wang Dali gently touched Li San with his elbow and pouted: "You have a loud voice, and it's not just a loud voice, but it's also very annoying... Didn't you complain about the old man talking about cultivation techniques all day long a few days ago, and your ears are calloused from listening..."

Wang Dali suddenly remembered something interesting, and his mouth was grinning to his ears, and he laughed wildly: "Hahaha, remember one day, someone kowtowed three times and asked the old Taoist to talk about something else, and he fell asleep while listening, and his head almost hit the wall, hahaha..."

"The things he said were messy, I couldn't understand a word, it was so annoying! We are For those who cultivate immortality, what we want is powerful strength, peerless spiritual weapons, and beautiful fairies..." Li San was immersed in his own fantasy, his eyes blurred, "Anyway, before I came to the sect, I thought I could learn powerful immortal arts, have a world-shaking cultivation, travel all over the country, and taste all the beauties in the world..." Li San muttered impatiently: "Who knew that there would be endless chores to do every day, and the method of listening to the explanation at noon, it's really annoying..." Wang Dali couldn't bear it. He couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, this is the most daydreamy sentence I, Wang Dali, have ever heard. With your cultivation level, you should defeat me first, and you still want to travel around the country, bah..."

Wang Erhu felt very annoyed. He turned his head to look at Luo Li, and saw that Luo Li closed his eyes and listened attentively to the explanation of the old Taoist on the stage. So he calmed down his emotions, threw the troubles in his heart and the idiot next to him to the foot of the sect as if they were air, and calmed down to listen to the old Taoist's explanation.

Not far away, a pair of eyes stared at them for a long time.

Wu Lang still couldn't figure out how Luo Li did it that day.

In addition to explosive power, the main training of the White Tiger Roaring Fist is also speed. He naturally knows how fast it is. Several people in the late stage of Qi training were defeated by him before they could react.

There is another problem that has troubled him for a long time. When he made trouble for Luo Li before, he knew that Luo Li would say some glib words and then hand over what should be handed over.

Recalling the last time he fought with Luo Li, his fist still hurts. That terrifying body movement is rare in the outer sect.

He always felt that as long as Luo Li wanted to fight him, he would definitely lose. This time he lost face, and also made him understand a truth: some people and some things cannot always be self-righteous.

He has always felt that after learning the inner sect skills, he can do whatever he wants in the outer sect and exist like a god. This time Luo Li taught him a lesson: there are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens!

Wulang swore that he would never do these boring little things again.

However, one day he would trample Luo Li and everyone under his feet, including the god-like man, the brother who always called him a coward!

Wulang clenched his fists, his eyes gradually became fierce, and he snorted coldly and ignored them.

Thinking of the brother who had always urged him to practice well, this time, he lost with conviction!

"…So-called righteousness is not completely pure. It may be mixed with evil or demonic energy, but you must never fall into the path of either. What is righteousness? What is evil? Since ancient times, there has been no perfection, and there are shortcomings. Learn from the predecessors and watch from the sidelines. Righteousness and evil are like two yin and yang. When the two are balanced, they are both powerful and righteous. If one side is too powerful, it is evil and false righteousness..." The old man opened his eyes, glanced at the disciples, and then said: "You are still young, your cultivation is shallow, you have not set foot in the secular world, you have not experienced the trough of confusion, and you have not reached the peak. There are always some things that are difficult to experience and understand. Whether you understand or not, I am talking to you about these things today. You don't need to understand them now. I just hope that in the future, your cultivation will improve and you will go a long way. If you think of what I said today, you should take it as a warning. Don't pursue perfection in everything, just do your best..." The sun was high and the sky was cloudless. Suddenly, a faint red mist appeared out of thin air. Looking around, it was quite beautiful. A sense of oppression came over them. The disciples initially thought that it was a spell cast by the Taoist Fan Su. When they saw the Taoist Fan Su continue to explain with his eyes slightly closed, the disciples finally understood.

Someone shouted, "Look, the sky is so beautiful..."

Everyone looked over and saw that the originally cloudless sky was now covered by a layer of light red mist. Under the scorching sun, it was more beautiful.

This sense of oppression was brought by the red mist in the sky.

Looking at this strange sky, everyone was very confused. Could it be a spell cast by a powerful person in the sect? Suddenly, discussions broke out in the square.

"Look! Look! I said that this old man was not right today. What is he saying? It's okay if you don't understand..." Li San pointed to the sky, "Even the sky has changed."

After hearing this, Wang Dali nodded slightly to show his agreement, but then he frowned and seemed to be lost in thought. After a while, he said, "Well... what you said is not without some truth!"

While speaking, Wang Dali suddenly flashed the records in the ancient books he had read before, and he slowly said, "Whenever precious and strange things come, the sky often changes strangely."

After hearing what Wang Dali said, Li San couldn't help but widen his eyes, and secretly speculated in his heart: Could this be the omen before the legendary treasure appears in the world?

For a while, all kinds of strange ideas came to his mind, making him feel that this matter was more and more serious. So he decided to go and find out in person to see if it was really as he expected.

Li San was instantly excited, "That's great, when I find this treasure, my cultivation will break through, and then I, Li San, will be the best in the world, surrounded by beauties, and enjoy endless wealth, haha..." Then he pulled Wang Dali up, "Let's go, let's go find the treasure quickly, don't let others get there first." Wang Dali broke free from Li San's hand, "No." Li San asked, "Why?" Wang Dali looked at Li San with wide eyes and said in a deep voice, "You are stupid, but you are not stupid, but you are smart, but you did such a stupid thing. ! How can such a precious and rare treasure be found just by looking for it? Besides," He took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, and then said: "With our current cultivation strength, going to snatch treasures from those real strong men, isn't that courting death? Think about it, those big guys who have cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage and even started to cross the tribulation, how powerful and terrifying their methods are! Compared with them, we are simply vulnerable. Isn't this obviously going to die!" These words made Li San feel a chill on his back, and he was also scared at the moment. On the stage, the ordinary Taoist shook his head silently and said to himself: "Misfortune is coming, and it cannot be stopped." After saying that, he disappeared. In the crowd, Luo Li looked at the changes in the sky, and his eyes became deep. Strangely enough, this red fog came suddenly and went away quickly. In a short while, the sky changed, and the sky was clear and the sun was scorching. Since that day, there would always be red fog covering the sky at 3:30 noon every day, and the time when the red fog appeared was also getting longer. It was very puzzling, the spiritual energy seemed to have become more unstable than before, especially when it was closer to the wilderness. When the red fog appeared, it felt like the spiritual energy was drained. When the red fog dissipated, everything returned to normal.

Over time, everyone got used to it.

However, groups of strong people poured into Leizhou from all directions, as if something was about to come to the world in the direction of Leizhou.

The strange phenomenon, the disaster and blessing are unknown; the wilderness, the spiritual energy is declining; the various sects in the world, undercurrents are surging.

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Thread on the Tree @tylee




