第5話 Houmuwu Ding

"Boss, is it dead?" Zhang Qiang slowly stretched his head to look into the pit. What he saw was the bottom filled with the blood of the tiger and its mutilated body.

"Yes, it's dead. Being pierced through like this, if it doesn't die, no one in this world could kill it," Chen Hu replied, looking at the dead tiger at the bottom of the pit. He then untied a thick rope from his waist, planning to drag the dead tiger back to the village. After all, this was a demon beast, and consuming its meat could improve their physical strength.

"Boss, let us help you," Zhang Qiang said as he saw Chen Hu trying to pull the tiger demon up. He called the others to help drag the tiger demon's body out of the pit.

Before long, Chen Hu and his team managed to pull the massive body of the tiger demon out of the pit. They all felt astonished at the sight of its enormous size, thinking to themselves that this was indeed a demon beast, much stronger than any tiger they had hunted before. Even after its death, the tiger's fur still radiated the heat from the flames it had emitted earlier.

"Boss, this tiger demon is at least as powerful as three ordinary tigers," Zhang Qiang said, crouching down to inspect the tiger demon's body. The others also gathered around, touching the fiery red fur in awe.

"Wow! What a huge tiger!" Qin Sa's voice came from the bushes. Li Shuhe walked out with Qin Sa, holding his hand. Qin Sa, seeing the massive tiger, excitedly ran to it and began to stroke its fur.

"Chief, this is..." Chen Hu looked at Li Shuhe and Qin Sa, then noticed the small white tiger in Qin Sa's arms and the three cubs in the rough cloth Li Shuhe was carrying.

"Yes, these are the tiger demon's cubs. After you lured the tiger demon out, I entered the cave with Qin Sa and brought the cubs out. I plan to raise them in the village. Once they grow up, they can help with hunting in the deep mountains," Li Shuhe explained, handing the cloth with the three tiger cubs to Chen Hu. He then examined the dead tiger demon's body. Despite being a mortal, he could sense the faint spiritual energy emanating from the tiger demon and confirmed it had just become a demon beast.

"I understand. We'll take care of these three cubs. What about the one in Qin Sa's arms?" Chen Hu asked, looking at the three tiger cubs and then at the white tiger in Qin Sa's arms. The white tiger seemed different from the other three red cubs.

"That one will be Qin Sa's companion. In the future, it can accompany Qin Sa on hunting trips," Li Shuhe said gently. The white tiger, though smaller than the red cubs, exuded an aura that made the other three fearful. It was best to raise them separately.

"Understood," Chen Hu nodded, handing the three cubs to Zhang Qiang to take care of. He then began to construct a wooden raft to drag the tiger demon back to the village.

On the way back, Qin Sa lay on the tiger demon's body, stroking its warm fur, reluctant to leave. Even the little white tiger in his arms quietly lay on its deceased mother.

After a long trek, they finally returned to Shucun. The villagers were shocked to see Chen Hu dragging the huge tiger demon's body.

"Mom, come out and see! Uncle Chen and the others have brought back a huge tiger!" The children ran home, pulling their parents out to see the tiger demon. It was the first time they had seen such a large tiger since moving here.

"Chief, you're back!" A group of four or five children ran to Li Shuhe, hugging him with smiles on their faces. They were full of innocence and curiosity about the massive tiger. A timid little girl hid behind Li Shuhe, cautiously peeking at the tiger.

"Look, Qin Sa fell asleep on top of it," one child pointed out, seeing Qin Sa lying on the tiger's back. The other children also climbed onto the tiger's back, trying to wake Qin Sa while petting its warm fur.

"Qin Sa, wake up. We're back at the village," said Liu Jingyu, an older child, shaking Qin Sa awake. The other kids also touched the tiger's fur, smiling playfully. He noticed a small white tiger sleeping next to Qin Sa.

"Hmm~! We're already back?" Qin Sa lazily propped himself up, rubbing his eyes. He looked around, confirming they were back in Shucun.

"Yes, and why is there a little white tiger next to you?" Liu Jingyu asked, pointing at the small white tiger.

"Hehe, this little white tiger is the child of that big tiger. There are three more with Uncle Zhang Qiang," Qin Sa replied, hugging the little white tiger and smiling. He pointed to the three tiger cubs Zhang Qiang was holding.

"Alright, since you're awake, let's get down. Uncle Chen and the others need to handle this tiger," Liu Jingyu said, glancing at the three tiger cubs in Zhang Qiang's hands. He then helped Qin Sa down from the tiger demon's back, telling the other children to get off as well.

Time quickly passed, and evening arrived.

Shucun was illuminated by bright fires, contrasting with the pitch-black darkness around it. The village was bustling, especially since they had hunted a huge tiger. Children played and adults worked busily.

"Qin Sa, don't run! Let us hold the little white tiger too!" Three children, about five or six years old, chased after Qin Sa, eager to hold the little white tiger. Its uniqueness had piqued everyone's curiosity.

"No, wait until Little White grows a bit," Qin Sa said as he ran. He glanced towards Li Shuhe, who was tending the fire under a large bronze cauldron, and quickly ran towards him.

"Grandpa, save me!" Qin Sa cried, clutching the little white tiger as he reached Li Shuhe's side. His eyes widened in curiosity at the huge bronze cauldron, seeing it for the first time.

The cauldron had intricate designs of dragons and taotie, giving it a majestic appearance.

"Qin Sa, you're cheating! You said no hiding behind adults!" Liu Yiyi, a girl with twin ponytails, protested angrily. But in front of adults, they knew they couldn't win and were soon called back by their families.

"Neener neener, come catch me if you can!" Qin Sa made a face at Liu Yiyi, teasingly hiding behind Li Shuhe.

"Hahaha, alright, alright. Go play somewhere else. It's dangerous here," Li Shuhe laughed, telling the children to play elsewhere as he continued to stoke the fire under the cauldron.

Liu Yiyi, frustrated, left while Qin Sa remained, his curiosity fixed on the bronze cauldron.

"Grandpa, what is this? I've never seen you use it before," Qin Sa asked, holding the little white tiger and looking at the cauldron.

"Hahaha, this bronze cauldron is called the Houmuwu Ding. It's been passed down through our family for generations. It's said to have mysterious powers, but I haven't figured out what they are yet," Li Shuhe explained, reminiscing about his past life in the county, tears welling up in his eyes.

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