第7話 "Let go of me first..."

"Let go of me first..." Mo Ying was almost unable to speak, struggling to pry Lin Yi's hand off and trying to break free.

Realizing he had gone too far, Lin Yi awkwardly let go, smiling sheepishly. "Hehe, just joking around, don't take it so seriously."

Mo Ying shot him a fierce glare and turned to leave. Seeing this, Lin Yi quickly chased after him, "Hey, don't be mad! I'm sorry, alright?"

Night fell quickly, and the two of them playfully made their way to the school gate, where Wang Jingyi was already waiting. Seeing Mo Ying and Lin Yi, she smiled and greeted them, "You're here."

Mo Ying nodded, while Lin Yi excitedly ran over and grabbed Wang Jingyi's hand, "Jingyi, why did you come so early? Did you miss me?"

Wang Jingyi blushed slightly, gently pulling her hand away and clearing her throat, "Stop messing around. The captain is waiting inside."

Realizing his mistake, Lin Yi smiled awkwardly, and the three of them headed to the villa.

Inside the villa, Hu Tong was already sitting on the sofa waiting for them. Seeing them enter, he nodded slightly, "You're here, have a seat."

After they sat down on the sofa, Hu Tong glanced at them and then slowly spoke, "I called you here today because I have a task for you."

"A task?" The three of them perked up at the mention.

Hu Tong nodded, "Recently, we've noticed some unusual activities. There are some unidentified individuals acting covertly. We don't know their purpose, but we suspect they are linked to the wild boar incident."

"The wild boar incident?" Mo Ying frowned, "Are you saying those wild boars were released on purpose?"

Hu Tong nodded, "It's possible. Our task is to investigate these people's identities and their motives to see what they're up to."

"But how are we supposed to investigate?" Lin Yi asked.

Hu Tong smiled, "Don't worry about that. I already have a plan. You just need to follow my instructions."

With that, Hu Tong took out three photos from his pocket and handed them to the three, "These are some leads we've gathered. Take a look."

Mo Ying took the photo and examined it carefully. It showed three people: a man, a woman, and an elderly man. Their faces were somewhat blurred, making it hard to see their exact features.

"Who are these people?" Mo Ying asked.

Hu Tong shook his head, "We don't know either. But we have found that these three frequently appear in remote areas and behave suspiciously. We suspect they might be members of an organization related to the wild boar incident."

"So, what do we do?" Lin Yi asked.

Hu Tong smiled, "It's simple. You just need to follow these people and see where they go and what they do. If you notice anything unusual, report to me immediately."

"But how do we follow them?" Wang Jingyi asked.

Hu Tong pointed to the elderly man in the photo, "This old man is easier to follow. He goes for a walk in the park every day. You just need to wait nearby, and when he shows up, follow him discreetly. Make sure he doesn't notice you."

"What about the other two?" Mo Ying asked.

Hu Tong smiled, "The other two are more difficult. They often go to crowded places and are quite vigilant. You need to find a way to approach them and then follow them."

"But how do we approach them?" Lin Yi asked.

Hu Tong thought for a moment, then said, "You'll have to figure that out yourselves. I'm confident you can complete this task."

The three of them looked troubled. They were new recruits with no experience in tracking. This task wasn't going to be easy.

But they knew it was their duty. They had to complete this task to protect the world.

"Alright, we'll give it a try," Mo Ying said.

Hu Tong nodded, "Good. Remember to be cautious and not let them notice you. If you encounter any danger, report to me immediately."

The three nodded, then stood up, ready to set off.

"Wait," Hu Tong suddenly called out, "You’ll need some equipment."

He took out three backpacks from under the sofa and handed them to the three, "These contain tracking tools and some weapons. Take them, just in case."

The three opened the backpacks and found binoculars, cameras, knives, and other items. They looked surprised, "Where did these come from?"

Hu Tong smiled, "These are from our equipment stash. You'll be using them often in the future."

The three nodded, then put on their backpacks and prepared to leave.

"Good luck," Hu Tong said.

The three left the villa and went their separate ways. Mo Ying and Lin Yi were assigned to follow the old man, while Wang Jingyi was tasked with getting close to the other two.

Mo Ying and Lin Yi arrived near the park and found a hidden spot. They took out their binoculars and started observing the park.

After a while, they saw the old man appear. He was wearing a gray robe and holding a cane, walking slowly.

Mo Ying and Lin Yi followed him discreetly, keeping their distance. They didn't dare get too close, fearing he would notice.

The old man walked around the park and then sat on a bench to rest. Mo Ying and Lin Yi hid in some bushes, continuing to watch him.

After a while, the old man suddenly stood up and headed towards the park exit. Mo Ying and Lin Yi quickly followed.

The old man walked out of the park and onto a deserted path. Mo Ying and Lin Yi kept their distance, not wanting to be seen.

Suddenly, the old man stopped and turned around, looking in their direction. Mo Ying and Lin Yi were startled and quickly hid in a corner.

The old man watched for a moment, then continued walking. Mo Ying and Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief and continued following.

The old man entered an alley and disappeared. Mo Ying and Lin Yi hurried over but found the alley empty.

"Where did he go?" Lin Yi asked.

Mo Ying frowned, "I don't know. Let's look around."

They searched the alley but found no sign of the old man. They felt something was strange.

"Did he find us?" Lin Yi asked.

Mo Ying shook his head, "Impossible. We were very careful. He couldn't have noticed us."

"Then how did he disappear?" Lin Yi asked.

Mo Ying thought for a moment, then said, "Maybe he has a secret passage. Let's keep looking."

They searched the alley again and finally found a hidden door in a corner. The door was ajar, and strange noises were coming from inside. Mo Ying and Lin Yi exchanged a look, then quietly pushed the door open and entered.

Inside was a basement filled with various clutter. Mo Ying and Lin Yi carefully walked in, looking for the old man.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching. The sound grew closer, and Mo Ying and Lin Yi tensed up.

They hid behind some clutter, holding their breath and waiting quietly.

The footsteps stopped in front of them, and a voice said, "Come out, I’ve found you."

Mo Ying and Lin Yi were shocked. They knew they had been discovered.

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