Hero, here


第1話 your words are baseless

In the carriage, the air conditioning was blowing cold, and a man in a black tracksuit was listening to the latest popular song through his earphones: "I sing sincerely, but I can't enter your heart..."

"Ah! What are you doing!" A scream caught the attention of a young man. Following the sound, he saw a woman in white pulling out her phone from her bag, aiming it at a middle-aged man sitting on the train.

The crowd immediately gathered to see what was happening. The middle-aged man looked bewildered, staring at the furious woman approaching him. She pointed at him angrily and shouted, "It's him, he's the one who took pictures of me!"

The man hurriedly waved his hands and in a pure Sichuan dialect said haltingly, "I, I didn't take her picture. I didn't, didn't take any pictures of this girl!"

Facing the accusations from everyone, the man tried to explain himself but couldn't make himself understood. He was merely browsing videos and had accidentally pressed the record button, but now he was accused of something he hadn't done.

"Enough of the noise, I'm a lawyer!" A handsome, muscular man removed his earphones and raised his lawyer's license. The crowd immediately stopped arguing and insulting each other, respecting the presence of the lawyer.

An older lady with a spiky hairstyle looked approvingly at the man. "Young man, since you're a lawyer, can you explain the law? What exactly did this old man do wrong?"

Before the lady could finish, the lawyer stepped forward and firmly said, "According to our Public Security Administration Punishment Law, publicly insulting or fabricating facts to slander others, and publicly damaging someone's reputation in a public place, constitutes a violation of public security management and can be punished with up to five days of detention or a fine of up to 500 yuan. In more severe cases, it can lead to detention of five to ten days and a fine."

The crowd was astonished. The lawyer seemed to be on the old man's side. The situation escalated quickly.

"Everyone, uncles, aunties, brothers, sisters, since I boarded the train, I've been standing next to this old man. I can testify that he was indeed watching videos and just accidentally pressed the record button. There was no intention of taking any improper photos of this lady." The lawyer glared at the woman in white and turned to address the crowd loudly.

"Young man, your words are baseless. How can you prove he didn't take pictures?" The stern older lady interjected, pointing accusingly at the man.

"I saw him pointing his phone towards me to take pictures!" The woman in white sobbed, tears streaming down her face. Her demeanor seemed fragile and pitiful.

At the mention of "taking pictures," everyone in the crowd immediately raised their phones to record, as if they were the saviors of justice at that moment.

The lawyer patted the old man on the shoulder and said softly, "Sir, can I borrow your phone for a moment?"

The old man nodded blankly and handed his phone to the lawyer.

The lawyer took the phone, which had a screen covered in fingerprints and dust, and held it up. "As you can all see, this phone has been on the camera interface since the beginning. Now, let me open the gallery, and please adjust your focus because you are the most important witnesses right now!"

The crowd raised their phones and nodded at the lawyer. The previous accusations and arguments dissipated.

The lawyer opened the gallery, and the first photo in the top left corner was a picture of the old man with a woman. As he scrolled down, there were more pictures of the woman wearing a graduation cap and gown, posing with the old man, and so on.

"This is a father who came from afar just to see his beloved daughter! It was merely an accidental button press. Yet, he has been accused and condemned by everyone here because of this young girl's unfounded accusations!"

The lawyer then grabbed the hand of the woman in white and raised it, showing her phone with the video she had posted titled, "I picked up the legal weapon that was taken from me."

"Even though you had no evidence, you still wanted to expose a father to public criticism. Is this how your parents taught you to behave?" Public opinion instantly shifted against the woman.

Unexpectedly, the spiky-haired lady spoke up again, "Why would you accuse someone without evidence?"

Faced with ironclad evidence, the woman in white felt guilty. She knew that if the lawyer posted the video online, she would be the one subjected to public scrutiny. Her future as a journalism student depended heavily on her reputation.

With this thought, her lips turned pale, and she collapsed to the ground. Surprisingly, no one came forward to help this poor girl, not even the justice-seeking men present.

As the train stopped, several law enforcement officers in blue uniforms boarded. One of them flashed a dazzling police badge, "We received reports from the public that someone was taking photos on the train, disturbing public order. Please come with us."

The spiky-haired lady seized the opportunity to grab the limelight, "Officer, it's a misunderstanding. It was this girl in white who falsely accused this country bumpkin. There was no incident of taking photos."

The police officer, looking helpless, nodded, "Whether there was photography or not, we will investigate and inform everyone once we have clarified the situation."

"Officer, here's evidence I recorded with my phone. I hope it can be of some help." The lawyer handed his phone to the police officer, smiling.

The police officer nodded, "As an important witness, I hope you will cooperate with us actively and come to the station with us to make a statement."

"Of course, as a young person contributing to the country's development, this is what I should do." The lawyer nodded, easing the officer's worries.

As the train stopped again, the three of them followed the police officer off the train and went to the station to make statements. Thanks to the lawyer's iPhone fourteen's three powerful cameras, combined with the subway's surveillance, the main facts of the matter were immediately clear. The implicated woman, Li Wei, also received the punishment she deserved. Unfortunately, public services dealt with the case of innocent fathers.

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