第4話 hook the fence and listen to the music.

Apart from witnessing the stunning beauty of Liu Ruyan earlier and a generous gift from a viewer, the rest were just spectators.

Talking without practice.

It's understandable, though. If it were me, I wouldn't easily believe it either.

Right now, Lu Han urgently needs the audience's rewards to purchase cultivation resources, but he still has a long way to go.

The immediate priority is to make these people believe that everything happening right now is real, not some staged act.

But explaining this is really difficult.

Flying in the air, someone said you were pretending to be a wire walker.

Even if you use magic, they'd probably think it's a trick, an illusion.

Even if you really took a Foundation Building Pill and successfully built your foundation, these people wouldn't believe it.

"Unless, I can fly by myself, but damn, I can't do that right now!"

Lu Han sighed inwardly and decided to go outside for a walk.

The world outside is so vast. Surely not all of it is staged? Someone will believe that this is really the world of cultivating immortals.

Liu Ruyan just felt that Lu Han was acting strange today, but didn't think much of it. Anyway, the purpose of her visit today was achieved with the annulment of the marriage.

From now on, the two of them have no further involvement.

Liu Ruyan turned around, pinched a spell, and flew directly out.

The live audience actually saw this scene, causing a stir.

"See that? This girl can really fly, not on a wire!"

Lu Han's live broadcast focused on the departing Liu Ruyan, until she disappeared, then turned around and looked around, silently introducing.

Live broadcasts require interaction with the audience. It's not fun to talk to oneself.

"This is the main hall of the Lu family. You see, sitting in the first place is the head of the Lu family, and I'm just using this identity as a shortcut. You see how angry this old man is."

"Those next to him are the elders of the Lu family, and they have the strength of Foundation Building or above. There's a chance for you to see the methods of these immortal cultivators."

"Look at this little girl. Do you see her? I'm the young master of the Lu family. Although the marriage has been annulled, to be honest, this initial stage isn't bad."

"Well, I know you guys don't believe it yet, but just wait and see. This live broadcast will continue twenty-four hours a day, and sooner or later you'll believe it."

After saying this, Lu Han's live barrage rushed up, but most of them were still discussing why they suddenly switched from outdoor tomb exploration to shooting ancient costumes, apparently unable to believe the scene they saw.

At this point, one netizen put forward an idea.

Downstairs loved to die: "Anchor, it's not that we don't believe it, it's just that this is too unbelievable. Unless you can prove it to us."

Lu Han's heart moved and said, "Okay! How do I prove it?"

Downstairs loves to die: "It's simple, if you've traveled to ancient times, what's the first thing you want to do?"

Immediately, netizens used their unparalleled imagination.

"Of course it's three wives and four concubines, regardless of whether you can carry the waistboard, first marry and then say."

"Of course it's to visit the Qinglou."

"No problem, hook the fence and listen to the music."

Lu Han's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Okay, I'll let you guys see what the ancient brothel looks like later."

At this moment, the crowd saw Lu Han standing in the hall, staring blankly, and thought he had suffered a major blow and could not accept it for a while.

The Lu family showed a worried look.

The head of the Lu family, Lu Tianyun, got up and patted Lu Han on the shoulder, asking, "Are you okay?"

"No." Lu Han shrugged and said, "What can I do? Isn't it just breaking off the marriage? It's just a woman. By the way, since the patriarch and all the elders are here, I will also withdraw from the position of young master of the Lu family."

Lu Han had already integrated the memories of the original owner, knowing that his position as the young master in the family was not so stable. Many people in this young master, and not so respectful.

After all, the original master was too useless.

Lu Han said so, all the Lu family members present were stunned.

But no one opposed Lu Han's withdrawal from the position of young master.

So, Lu Han walked to the side of a young man, and said with a heavy heart, "Little brother, from now on, this position of the young master will be yours! You have to be smart."

With that, Lu Han walked away from the door.

At this moment, Lu Han's figure seemed particularly lonely.

"Where are you going?"

Lu Yuntian couldn't help asking.

"No official light, no power, no business, I went out for a walk."

Lu Han said, "What can I do? Just break up, and just a woman, by the way, since the family and the elders are present, I also don't think so."

Lu Han already had integrated memories of the original owner, knowing his position as young master of family members.

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