第4話 Don’t leave this room, and don’t open the door at midnight!

“Did you enjoy the steak last time?”

“Yes, Grandma, I want to eat more.”

“Good, Grandma will get some more. How about having steak every day from now on?”

“Grandma, hug!”

Voices came from the door.

“I hope that Qin Yu brought back steak last night, so my darling grandson can have some.”

“I heard that the protein content in beef is several times higher than that in pork. Xiao Bao is at the age of growth, so he should eat more beef.”

An old woman in a dark green dress, holding a little boy's hand, walked in from outside. The first thing she saw was Qin Yu, who looked angry.

“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

The old woman was slightly surprised.

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He had feared that the midnight visitor was at the door, but it wasn’t. However, when he saw who it was, his anger surged. “Landlady, why are you in my room?”

The old woman ignored the anger on Qin Yu's face, put her hands on her hips, and walked toward the fridge as if nobody else was there. “What do you mean by 'in your room?' Isn’t this house mine?”

“But you rented it to me.”

“So what if I did? Whose name is on the property deed? Yours or mine?”

Ignoring Qin Yu completely, the old woman opened the fridge and rummaged through it.

Qin Yu suppressed his anger. “You rented it to me. From a legal standpoint...”

Before he could finish, the old woman impatiently interrupted, “Don’t talk to this old lady about legal this and legal that. I don’t understand the law, nor do I need to. This is my house. I’ll come in whenever I want. What can you do about it? Don’t want to rent it anymore? Get out. This city doesn’t welcome beggars from the countryside. Oh, and you won't get your deposit back.”


“Little brat, where’s the steak? Why didn’t you bring steak back last night? My grandson is growing and needs steak for nutrition. Are you going to take responsibility if he’s malnourished?”

Qin Yu laughed in anger. “You old hag, not only did you break into my room, but you also steal. The missing steaks and fish before, was it you?”

“Steal? What do you mean? Aren’t those steaks leftovers from the supermarket that they would throw away? I can’t stand you young people wasting food, so I help you by taking some. Besides, you didn’t even have to pay for those things. Why not eat them if they’re free?”

The old woman’s eyes lit up as she grabbed the cola chicken wings from the fridge.

“Xiao Bao, we’ll have cola chicken wings today. How about that?”

The little boy, drooling at the sight of the red wings, nodded eagerly. “Grandma, Xiao Bao wants cola chicken wings.”

“Grandma will cook them right away.”

Watching the old woman walk away with a smile, taking the little boy with her, Qin Yu’s anger turned into a cold, cruel glint. The chicken wings that the old woman took were not ordinary; they were ultra-spicy ones that Qin Yu had specially prepared.

After discovering that his fridge’s contents and money had been frequently stolen, he had his colleague prepare these super spicy wings, which looked like sweet cola chicken wings on the outside but were actually soaked in extreme spiciness for three days. Even people who loved spicy food would find it unbearable.

“Didn’t expect the thief to be the old hag herself.”

Qin Yu looked forward to seeing the old woman’s reaction when her precious grandson would be too spicy to handle.

“Probably means she won't rent this place anymore. I need to find a new apartment in a place with less greenery.”

With a plan in mind, Qin Yu’s phone suddenly beeped.

Don’t leave this room, and don’t open the door at midnight!

A chilling message popped up.

Qin Yu’s hair stood on end as he broke into a cold sweat. He threw his phone far away, terrified.

This had to be a ghost!

His head went numb, and he ran outside.

Just as he bolted out, he was blocked by three men at the door.

The leader, a short, bald man with a dragon tattoo on his chest, held his phone up to Qin Yu’s face.

“Are you Qin Yu?”

The two men beside him flanked Qin Yu, blocking his escape.

The bald man looked like the husband of the heavily made-up woman, the construction worker. Why was he here?

Despite making sure no one saw him reporting to the police, Qin Yu was now confronted. There was no escape.

The bald man patted his head. “You’re the one who reported to the police this morning and sent videos to the authorities, right? You’re brave.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I went to work early this morning,” Qin Yu said, trying to stay calm.

“Still trying to lie? Do you think I’d come here without solid evidence?”

The bald man smirked and reached for Qin Yu’s collar.


Qin Yu noticed the bald man’s movements slowing down, his punch trajectory becoming clear in his enhanced vision. Even the yellowed teeth and food stuck between them were visible. The two goons’ movements were also in slow motion.

“So this is the power of the ability? Dynamic vision… amazing.”

At the last second before being grabbed, Qin Yu stepped back and swung a perfect Thai boxing high kick to the bald man’s chin.

The bald man collapsed instantly.

Seeing their leader knocked out, the two goons attacked.

Their movements were slow to Qin Yu. He could predict their trajectories and adjust his movements with precision.

One goon’s punch missed as Qin Yu tilted his head. He kicked the goon’s groin, dropping him to the ground in pain.

The other goon rushed at him, but Qin Yu got close, clinched his neck, and kneed him twice in the stomach, leaving him gasping for air.

The mysterious message had warned him not to leave his room and not to open the door at midnight. If he incapacitated these men, he might get arrested. If the message was true, he’d be in serious trouble.

The social order hadn’t collapsed yet. He couldn’t disable them permanently.

“Get lost!”

In frustration, Qin Yu kicked them hard on their thighs and buttocks, venting his anger.

“Let’s go! Right now! Please, boss, stop hitting us…”

The two goons, bruised and beaten, fled with their unconscious leader.

Once again, Qin Yu was left alone in the hallway.

His familiar room now felt menacing.

Gritting his teeth, he closed the door and ran upstairs…

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