How is this possible

It was late at night when I arrived in the Ala Empire.

Fan Hexin has been waiting for a long time. When he saw Chen Mu's plane, he hurried forward to pick him up.

"Brother Fan, what is so anxious?" Chen Mu was a little curious, and he didn't see him for a few days. Why was the other party so embarrassed.

Fan Hexin said silently: "Brother Chen, remember the vampire Gurras I told you. Recently, the empire has frequently occurred in the event, and I touched their old nest with the clues and led the magic team to go to go to go to go. Sneak attack, unexpectedly ambush, heavy losses "

"All signs show that Gulas is about to wake up, and maybe it has been awakened. If he recovers his strength, it will be the disaster of the entire human beings.

"You killed each other's blood slave, and did not take advantage of Gurras's weakest time to kill him. When he recovered his strength, he would definitely find you revenge with his personality."

"Brother Fan, you are too far -fetched. Even if Gulas wakes up, how can you know that I did it? I asked me to desperately take the danger of life. For me, it seems that it is not cost -effective."

Chen Mu took advantage of the stalls to spread his hands. Who told your ancestors to occupy the cheapness of Daxia, so he should take the interest.

"Seeing me anxious, forget this matter." Fan Hexin drove the car into an old castle.

When he got out of the car, he pulled Chen Mu into a dark room, and he spread his hands:

"My home is all here, you can choose it yourself"

"No, so poor." Chen Mu looked at the objects placed in the house, all of which were worthless things.

"Oh, we have always been like this, and we have already put the degree of life and death, so why care about money." Fan Hexin ignored it.

Suddenly, Chen Mu was stunned by a black object on the wall. It was half a meter. This was Zhenjin, haha, this time he made a lot of hair.

"Then how do you send him to me?" Chen Mu pointed at Zhen Jin, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, my brother, it's really a good vision, but this is what the ancestors left, which has been collected for hundreds of years, and it is valuable."

Fan Hexin pretended that he was happy in his heart. This boy didn't know the goods. There were so many good things without taking it. It was useless to see how I flickered him.

But this thing is really strange and hard.

Chen Mu glanced at each other, huh, he wanted to lie to me. If it was a baby, he would throw it here like a garbage. This kid really didn't know the goods.

"Really, if this is the case, you give it to me, and I promise your request." Chen Mu pretended to be fond.

"Okay, the gentleman said, and the horse is difficult to chase." Fan He Xin Shuang agreed quickly, for fear of the other party regretted it.

"It's not too early today, rest early." Fan Hexin arranged.

Chen Mu moved out of the warehouse calmly, and took it into Hong Mengzhu while no one around him.

"This kid is really not a human, a monster!" Fan Hexin was surprised. At first he weighed the weight of this thing. It is estimated that there were thousands of pounds. gone.

Is this really a baby, and I looked at it myself. Fan Hexin had some doubts.

Hey, care about him, let's talk about this difficulty first.

In the room, Chen Mu had already smiled his stomach pain.

This old fan is really a boy from the wealthy, huh, this trip is right.

Chen Mu made a sword that Zhenjin obtained last time to deal with the unknown crisis.

The sword in front of me is dark and sharp, with a sharp sharp weapon. This time I come to the magic, so I will ask you to have a magic sword.


In the early morning of the next day, Fan Hexin sorted out the equipment and then took Chen Mu into the palace. It turned out to take action today.

King Arthur was sitting on the throne, standing two rows of elite guards below, about hundreds of people. Seeing the two of them came, King Arthur got up to receive, briefly made the arrangement, and then solemnly announced:

"This operation is related to the glory of the royal family, and the existence of the Daohe is more related to the existence of the Daohe. Please be sure to go forward."

The neat sound of "kill, kill, kill, kill" sounded like a rainbow.

"This king wishes you all the triumphants." King Arthur took a glass of wine and drank it.

Everyone raised the wine glass, drank it, and threw it to the ground to vote.

"Departure." Fan Hexin issued an order.


A few hours later, they arrived at the destination.

Deep in the depths of the endless virgin forest, there is a huge ancient castle, which is shining outside, but here is a yin -winding.

At this time, it was noon, which was the weakest time when the vampire was the weakest.

Seeing that he was weird, Chen Mu took out a bottle of detoxification Dan and gave each person a service in case.

I saw Fan Hexin beckoning, and a group of well -equipped guards groped forward.

Looking at the progress of progress, Fan Hexin couldn't help but feel relieved. It seems that the other party relaxes his vigilance. Who would expect that he would come back to the carbine.

After a while, I entered the sleeping hall of Gulas, and everyone immediately played a full spirit.

I saw hundreds of vampires in the hall, and they were lethargic, and Gulas's coffin was nearly.

"Killing" Fan Hexin's order, the crowd lost hundreds of grenades, and the strong explosion sounded one after another, and there were fragments everywhere.

After the smoke, everyone took out a slight rush, and the bullets fell towards each other like rain.

What shocked Chen Mu was that some vampires had obviously been beaten as sieves, and blue blood flowed down the ground, but still rushed towards everyone.

"Pulling a sword"

Fan He Xin died, and immediately pulled out the sword forward, cut off a vampire head, and fell down.

It turned out that these vampires were afraid of beheading, Chen Mu picked up the magic sword and joined it.

Soon, the vampire in the hall was swept away.

Looking at the coffin in front of him, Fan Hexin always felt something wrong. How could the other party be so vulnerable, and the elite of Gulas?

"Not good, there are fraud, preparation." Fan Hexin shouted.

The crowd quickly reacted, but it was still late, and thirty or forty guards were absorbed in an instant.

I saw countless vampires around the hall continued to influx, and there were thousands of them, and they surrounded them. In particular, hundreds of powerful vampires, especially, hit them from the air, causing great threats and harm to them.

Everyone raised the sharp sword and fought against each other.

Chen Mu held the magic sword, which eliminated thousands of vampires, but the situation of others was not optimistic, and he was constantly reducing staff. Fan Hexin was also scarred, and the sword was chopped.

"Brother Chen, you blame me to make mistakes and hurt everyone. You have a strong martial arts and break through with the remaining brothers. After I come to break it." Fan Hexin said very sadly.

"Don't give up. With me, I will lead everyone to rush out. Everyone listens to my order and gates a circle to protect my back." Chen Mu made a loud order.

The crowd quickly gathered in a circle, and the casualties were greatly reduced. Chen Mu had a sigh of relief, pulled out a healing medicine, and gave everyone one. Suddenly, everyone's injuries improved greatly, and morale also rose.

Then after eating a bottle of spiritual fluid and a few qi and blood, he was resurrected with blood.

He showed no trace of the snow, holding the magic sword, where he passed, and his head landed.

A good guy, he killed most of the vampires alone, and Fan Hexin and others have looked at each other. Is this fucking still?


The dull and dull voice sounded, and a terrible momentum spread, and a tall man slowly walked out of the coffin, the ancestor of the vampire Gullas.

In fact, he has already woke up, but his strength has not been restored. At this moment, he absorbed a lot of blood and restored some strength. Seeing that Chen Mu Da killed the Quartet, he couldn't sit still.

A lot of vampires stopped attacking and worshiped to the ground.

"You are very strong, you can be a worldly king, control the world for me, you day and night, you and I divide this world." Gulas looked at each other appreciated, as if he was the largest king in heaven and earth.

"What conditions?" Chen Mu looked at the other party with a smile. He knew that the other party's slow soldiers had to restore his strength. Why not.

"Leave my brand, and since then, you have been under the world, above 10,000 people, rights, beauty, wealth ..." Gulas sounded.

"But I am a human, you are a demon, and the man of the man is virtual. Since ancient times, the evil is not the same." Chen Mu raised the sword in his hand.

"It's stubborn, it seems that you want to burn all about jade." Gulas hated, waved his hand, and suddenly the vampire army rushed over again.

The little swing is consumed. As long as he does not die, he can re -create a army at any time, but it takes some time, and his vampire family is the most time.

"It depends on your ability." Chen Mu handed the magic sword and waved with a wave, and several heads dropped.

I don't know how long, and the four weeks gradually became quiet, and Chen Mu looked around and felt tired.

"How are you ready to die! You should be proud. After you die, I will make you the most powerful puppet." Gulas sneered, and his strength just recovered a lot, but the other party was already At the end of the crossbow.

"You should also be proud, you are the first blood family who died in my hands." Chen Mu smiled.

"Who are you and how do you know the existence of the blood race?" Gulas was shocked. Since the other party knows the existence of the blood race, it must not be an ordinary person. Is it like him, from the distant universe.

"Good boy, since you know my existence, there is no need to exist."

After that, Gulas came quickly with a sharp sword, and the vampires on both sides were shocked by its momentum.

"Be careful!" Fan Hexin exclaimed. This Gulas is indeed the ancestor of the vampire. It is so strong that he may not be able to get three moves.

"Come well, let you see how much you have." Chen Mu laughed, flew up, and blocked it out of everyone.

The two instantly faced dozens of tricks, and they saw that Han Mang shone, and the vampires around were twisted into fragments by sword air.

"So strong"

The two sides stopped fighting and looked at the duels nervously, and the victory and defeat of the two basically determined the victory and defeat of both sides.

"Isn't it relying on Bao Jianfeng, I really look at you, if this is your limit, then die!"

Gulas's long scree: Blood demon Dafa, suddenly his body expanded several times, his body muscles skyrocketed, extremely appalling, and rushed towards Chen Mu.

Then I let you lose your heart, Chen Mu raises the magic sword, 'broken stars', he condenses all the strength, blasting a horrible punch. His head.

The loud noise, Gulas was comparable to the skull of the stone, and his huge body fell. After exhausting the last trace of the aura, Chen Mu was extremely tired, but still standing with a sword.

"How is this possible, Lord Gulas died." Countless vampires stayed like wooden chickens.

"Killing" Fan Hexin entered the crowd, and everyone went forward, and the vampires around him fell down.

"Victory!" Fan Hexin cheered with a group of guards, and Chen Mu sat down and sat down, so tired.

Seeing this, everyone surrounded him and sat down to rest.

Consume the number of people, and the elite guards have been damaged for more than half, which is tragic.

After a while, everyone recovered a lot of physical strength, converged the guardian guards, and got up to search around. This is the base camp of the vampire. There should be a lot of valuable things.

In a secret room, Chen Mu found a large number of valuable items such as gold and countless antiques calligraphy and painting, and he collected in the pocket.

Others also harvested a lot, and everyone carried a marijuana bag, and it seemed that they had a lot of gains.

In addition, everyone also rescued thousands of ordinary people caught by vampires, and suddenly the empty hall was cheered for a while.

At this time, King Arthur led the Forbidden Guard to clean up the battlefield.


In the palace, in the magnificent palace, King Arthur held a grand celebration banquet for everyone.

Chen Mu was named Marquis, Fan Hexin was named the general of the demon. The other guards were promoted to the third level. Various gold and silver treasures were not even words.

"Chen Mu, this Wang Jing, you, you calm the crisis of the empire, it is the hero of the time." King Arthur held a wine glass to respect.

"His Royal Highness, this is the common credit for everyone." Chen Mu replied, and smiled with Fan Hexin.

"Chen Mu, thank you for saving me." Princess Maria said embarrassed, and Chen Mu was lost for a moment.

"It is my honor to be able to serve princess." Chen Mu smiled.

Maria smiled happily, and she felt that the other party's compliment was so sincere.

Also, he is really handsome, very mysterious, extremely powerful.


What everyone didn't know was that at this time, a dark abyss was dormant with a strong breath, and an extremely dull sound sounded:

"Who, dare to kill my son, wait for the old man to awaken, and make him better to die."

"Hurry up, this day is coming, my tribe will be able to dominate this source of the origin."


Chen Mu couldn't help sneezing, who remembered Xiao Ye, wouldn't it be Chu Yun's kid.

At this time, the ball began, and I saw a dozen women wearing tulle floating in, jumping for exotic dance, sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes lingering, it was really pleasing.

Chen Mu couldn't help but glanced more, and looked back, and saw Fan Hexin's eyes widened.

"Chen Mu, can I invite you to dance?" Maria invited generously.

"But I can't." Chen Mu smiled, a little embarrassed, he really couldn't dance.

"What are you standing stupid? The princess invites you, dear princess, why don't you invite me, I will." Fan Hexin joked.

"Pull down, I'm disgusted with the appearance of your five major and three rough." Captain Wei rolled his eyes.

"Who can look down? I think I was also a dance king of the street. I was so beautiful. I do n’t know how many women dumped me for me." Fan Hexin shook his long hair and showed a contempt. "It doesn't matter, I teach you." Maria looked at the other person with a big blue eyes.

"Then I can say, don't laugh at me." Chen Mu was a little stunned, stood up from the seat, turned back to the people, and then held the other person's tender hand into the dance floor.

Chen Mu's awkward dancing posture can make everyone back and back, and the air is filled with a happy atmosphere.

At this time, the dancers danced around the two. Gradually, he touched some doors and let go.

The two are sometimes dancing closely, and if they are from leaving, since they are dancing, some limbs are inevitable. Chen Muchen really feels the enthusiasm of the other party and the bones.

At the end of the song, everyone applauded and admired. The two returned to their seats. Chen Mu was still aftertaste. This exotic woman really had a taste and fascinating.

"Dear Princess Maria, how did you know, where did he come from ..." Several beautiful women asked around Maria.

"You won't ask yourself." Maria clamored.

"Then you are not afraid that I will take your little lover away." A beautiful woman stood up.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are clear and innocent, but it's not that you want that."

Maria blushed her face and looked at each other, and suddenly a Yingying Yingyan, making a group, because of the position, made Chen Mu's eyes full of eyes.


At the airport, Fan Hexin and Maria came to say goodbye.

"Remember when you have time, don't forget me." Maria waved farewell, and she felt hazy about this handsome man.

"I will, you can come to me if you have time. My hometown is beautiful, you must like it." Chen Mu wielded his hands and tried it. This trip was very happy. He was very happy.

"I will go to your hometown when I have time." Fan Hexin nodded, the world is so big, I want to see it.


When Chen Mu returned to Yunzhai, the night was dark. He patrolled around, and everything was orderly.

The dead dog was not lazy and patrolled at the village entrance, and he was very prestigious; Ye Aotian was also practicing diligently.

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