第36話 I feel very good, you are so great

As soon as Chen Mu got home, he received an invitation from Zou Lili, so he rushed over.

Pushing the door and entering, the courtyard was simple, but it was decorated very warmly. It can be seen that the owner is a person who likes to be particular.

At this time, Zou Lili trotted out: "Hey, Xiaomu is here."

After that, she enthusiastically took Chen Mu's arm and walked in.

Zou Lili changed into a light green silk pleated short skirt, which complemented her perfect figure and was really beautiful.

Especially the soft protrusion, which was tightly pressed against Chen Mu's arm at this moment, and a strange feeling came.

"That sister-in-law Lili, can you let go of your hand first." Chen Mu was a little shy.

"Oh, Xiaomu, I'm sorry, you see how excited I am." Zou Lili was a little embarrassed and even let go of her hand.

"Where is Er Niang." Chen Mu asked, Er Niang was Chen Mu's name for Zou Lili's mother.

"She went out to play cards and won't be back until midnight." Entering the living room, Chen Mu asked, "Sister-in-law Lili, where are you feeling uncomfortable?" "That, that..." At this time, Zou Lili became shy. "Sister-in-law Lili, what's the situation? Tell me. I will do my best to help." Chen Mu said seriously. "It's just that every time it comes, there is a dull pain here. It's really uncomfortable." Zou Lili pointed to her abdomen and was a little embarrassed to speak. "That should be caused by the cold air entering the body and invading the meridians. Is it that it starts to attack every time it reaches the hour of the twelfth month, and the pain is even more unbearable at the hour of the twelfth month?" Chen Mu has been studying medicine hard recently and has a deep understanding of all aspects. "Yes, yes, that's right." Zou Lili nodded repeatedly. "It just so happens that I have recently learned a set of techniques that are very effective for this kind of symptoms. Do you want to try it?" "Yes." "Then go change your clothes. It's not convenient to treat in a skirt." "Okay, wait a moment." Zou Lili turned and went back to the room. A moment later, Zou Lili came out in a silk chiffon pajamas, exuding a mature charm, like a ripe peach, delicate and delicious.

Chen Mu swallowed his saliva and calmed his mind: "Sister-in-law Lili, let's start."

Suddenly, Zou Lili's face was full of sunset glow, 'What are you thinking about? Don't think about it, I'm seeing a doctor. '

"We have to find a place to lie down." Chen Mu glanced around, it seemed not very convenient.

"Please follow me." Zou Lili led Chen Mu into the room, and then lay down with a nervous face.

After so many years, she was the first man other than her husband to enter this room, so it was inevitable that she was a little nervous.

"Sister-in-law Lili, relax and breathe naturally." Chen Mu comforted.

Rolling up the silk top, revealing a piece of white, Zou Lili shyly covered her head with a pillow.

Then he gently rubbed the Guanyuan, Shuifen and other acupuncture points, input a little spiritual energy through his fingertips, and practiced the Changsheng Jue to guide the spiritual energy to impact the congestion and dredge the meridians.

Zou Lili felt the dull pain slowly disappear, and then there was a warm current flowing through her body, and a faint numbness came...

Half an hour later, Chen Mu retracted his palm: "That sister-in-law Lili, it's fine."

Alas, it costs money to treat others, but it's simply deadly to treat you.

The seductive posture and soul-stirring voice just now were too torturous.

If it weren't for Chen Mu's extremely powerful soul, he almost couldn't control it.

"Well, thank you!" Zou Lili was very shy.

For the performance just now, Zou Lili wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it. It was too embarrassing. If it was like that, would he look down on her and think that she was a dissolute person?

"Sister-in-law Lili, it shouldn't be a big deal. You have a good rest. I'll go back first." Chen Mu hurriedly got up and said goodbye. He was afraid that he couldn't control himself if he stayed here any longer. Seeing Chen Mu walking away, Zou Lili got up quickly and went into the bathroom.

It was so embarrassing, but that feeling was really fascinating.

After Chen Mu went out, he sighed and went to the back mountain to practice.

Time flies, and soon a month has passed. Today is a good day for the completion of the road.

During this period, thanks to Mr. Huang, he led Huang Feifei to make tea for everyone every day to prevent heatstroke and cool down, refresh and relieve stress, which greatly inspired everyone's fighting spirit.

Chen Mu also discussed a lot of knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine with Mr. Huang and Huang Feifei. Some unique insights attracted Mr. Huang's admiration, and many of Mr. Huang's experiences also benefited Chen Mu a lot.

Chen Mu's image in Huang Feifei's mind gradually became taller.

In the square in front of the village, a high platform was set up, and lights and firecrackers were set off everywhere. Everyone sat down in turn, and Mr. Huang, Huang Feifei and some people who supported the construction were also invited.

Then a solemn completion ceremony was held. The village chief made an impassioned speech on stage. Everyone applauded enthusiastically, and a group of elderly people cried with joy.

Everyone unanimously and strongly requested Chen Mu to come on stage to say a few words.

Chen Mu could not refuse, so he had to go on stage: "First of all, I want to thank the village chief for everything he has done. Next, I want to thank Mr. Huang, Huang Feifei and the elders of Caojiazhai for their support. Finally, I want to thank the construction workers and all the villagers. Without your efforts, there would be no future for our Chuyunzhai..."

Thunderous applause rang out from the audience.

Especially the unmarried women, their eyes were full of stars.

Then the banquet began, and everyone was toasting and full of laughter.

Because the road into the village was connected, the travel time between Chuyunzhai and the outside world was shortened from one or two hours to more than ten minutes. The key is to open the transportation channel, which greatly communicated the connection between the village and the outside world.

It used to take Chen Mu almost six hours to go to Longcheng City, but now it only takes one hour to drive directly there.

The road was open, and everyone was looking forward to a bright future.

Then a village meeting was held, and Chen Mu signed a contract with the village, obtaining the 50-year contract rights for the wasteland and swamps on the west and south sides. The contract fee was one million yuan per year, and the villagers were given a 10% dividend, and the villagers were given priority to hire.

Everyone was happy.

The villagers were very happy.

First of all, they were very willing to use the abandoned land in exchange for 10,000 yuan per year, and there were dividends;

In addition, the villagers watched Chen Mu grow up, and believed in Chen Mu's character. His contribution to the construction of the village road was obvious to all.

Chen Mu was also very happy.

In fact, he had already calculated that there were nearly 50,000 acres of wasteland on the southwest side, and there were also large swamps.

The 50-year rent plus the estimated 10 million infrastructure investment required a total investment of 60 million, which sounded like a huge expense. All in all, the average annual cost per acre was less than 30 yuan, which was a good deal.

If the swamp is developed into a fish pond, the pond mud is fertile, and the land is planted with excellent fruit trees and rare medicinal herbs, and chickens are raised under the trees, wouldn't it be a fortune?

In order to solve the funding problem, he came up with another way and established a mutual aid cooperative: to speed up the development, he borrowed money from the villagers with an annual interest rate of 12%.

Seeing that it was profitable, most of the villagers agreed to lend him money, so that the rent basically returned to his hands, and even millions more.

In fact, Chen Mu did not lack the money, he could catch fish and sell them, but he wanted to mobilize the enthusiasm of the villagers and lead the whole village to get rich together.

Some people also wanted to say, why bother so much, just catch more fish and sell them, and directly distribute the money to the villagers, why bother so much.

But think about it, what should I do after the fish are caught? He will be gone in the future, oh, I am going to travel around the universe, who will catch fish? Once the habit of domestication is formed, is there still a future?

Therefore, Chen Mu wants to lay a solid foundation for the younger generation in his hometown.

Having made up his mind, Chen Mu went to the site for several careful surveys. He also used the knowledge he had learned to make detailed plans and draw maps. In order to save manpower and material resources and summarize experience and lessons, Chen Mu planned to develop in stages.

In the early stage, 5,000 acres near the swamp will be developed as a test base.

And relevant personnel were organized to hold an important meeting.

The village chief was announced as the manager, in charge of the overall situation and the overall arrangement of manpower and material resources;

Chen Peng was the on-site supervisor, responsible for specific operations;

Accountant Xiao was the financial supervisor, responsible for account management;

Zou Lili was the logistics director and cashier, in charge of daily expenses;

The villagers were not idle either. Some drove excavators, some engaged in transportation, and there were plumbers, carpenters, and plasterers... Because the village was poor, most of them had little education, and basically engaged in this line.

He retreated behind the scenes, guided the general direction, and occasionally went to the site to guide and solve problems.

The development work was carried out in an orderly manner. Everyone was busy, but Chen Mu, the founder, was idle, and he was happy to be free.

It is now approaching mid-September, and it will take nearly half a month to prepare the land.

Chen Mu plans to plant a batch of cabbage this year, and then plant fruit trees and medicinal herbs after the spring of next year.

By then, the swamp should be almost prepared, and then fish fry will be purchased for breeding.

In order to solve the funding gap, he specially arranged for the village chief to go to Longcheng to purchase tens of thousands of chicken fry and asked people to raise them in the wasteland.

Chen Mu occasionally went out for a walk, and most of the time he practiced on the top of the mountain. Recently, he learned a boxing technique: "Star-Breaking Fist".

This fist is called "Star-Breaking", which can stimulate the energy of the whole body at one point, and it is extremely powerful. When practiced to the extreme, you can smash the stars with one punch.

Because he has a premonition that some danger is approaching, he needs to have enough strength to defend his dignity.

Now he has entered the late stage of Kaiyuan Realm, only one step away from Zhenyuan Realm.

That day, Chen Mu just came back from outside and passed through a forest.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came from behind him, and Chen Mu easily dodged it with his head turned.

Seeing that his first move failed, the man continued to attack with more powerful moves, but Chen Mu easily dealt with them.

"I have practiced for a long time and wanted to defeat you, but I didn't expect the gap between us to get bigger and bigger." The man was Wei Wanfang.

She wore a black tights today, and she looked heroic and had a special temperament.

"You are too impatient. As the saying goes, haste makes waste."

"Why didn't you contact me for so long? I had to come here in person." Wei Wanfang said a little resentfully.

"It's not that I don't want to contact you either, I'm just too busy." Chen Mu pointed at the people in the distance and apologized.

"Well, not bad, I didn't expect you to have this ability. It's only been a short time, and you have changed a lot!" Wei Wanfang exclaimed.

"I was once disliked and looked down upon by others, so I swore that I must make a career." Chen Mu looked into the distance and said.

"I believe you will succeed." Wei Wanfang felt that once this man got serious, he looked quite pleasing to the eye.

"Thank you! You must have something to ask me today. It's not just to fight." Chen Mu looked at the other party.

"You can't hide anything from you." Wei Wanfang hesitated: "Actually, it's nothing big, just a small request."

"You don't want me to be your boyfriend, do you?" Chen Mu laughed.

"Pfft, you're dreaming." Wei Wanfang said disdainfully: "My crush is a hero. One day he will come to marry me on a colorful cloud. Although you are good, you are not my type."

"What is that? We are friends. I will help you if I can." Chen Mu said seriously. "Actually, I want you to 'pretend' to be my boyfriend." Wei Wanfang was afraid that the other party would misunderstand, so she said these two words very seriously.

"Also, if you agree, I will invest one million in you and pay you two hundred thousand in advance. How about that?"

"Let me think about it. Why did the pie in the sky fall on me? Is it because I am handsome!" Chen Mu asked doubtfully.

"With your wisdom, can I deceive you? Also, with such a large development, don't you need funds urgently? Maybe I can introduce you to some friends." Wei Wanfang coaxed her. If she hadn't seen that the other party was good-looking and had good fighting skills, she would not bother to pay attention. "That's right. Since you are willing to help me, I can't let you down." Chen Mu nodded. He seemed to see a bunch of money and felt happy. "Then I will take it as your agreement. See you at Youlanxuan at 6 o'clock on Sunday night." Wei Wanfang smiled slyly and instructed after transferring the money: "I have something else to do, so I will go back first. Remember not to be late." "Okay." Chen Mu agreed and watched the other party leave. Well, the wasp waist and thin hips are pretty good. Today is Friday, and there are still two days. ... After bidding farewell to the beauty, Chen Mu went home to see the progress of the renovation of the courtyard. A few days ago, his mother complained that the old house was inconvenient to live in, so he asked the engineering team to renovate it. Now it has been roughly completed and is being finished.

Then he went to the west of the village to supervise the progress of the transformation of the swamp and wasteland.

Chen Peng was carefully directing on the spot, strictly following Chen Mu's planning and construction, not afraid of difficulties and not making compromises.

I saw that the gravel road had been repaired to various wastelands, several excavators were leveling the wastelands one by one, and then more than a dozen mud pumps were pumping the sludge in the swamp to the prepared plots...

Well, not bad, according to this progress, it is estimated that the villagers can be arranged to plant cabbage in a few days.

At this time, he saw Chen Mu coming over, and hurried over to report the construction progress and the next arrangement. Recently, he has been full of admiration for this brother and gradually regarded him as the backbone.

"Good brother, you have worked hard." Chen Mu patted the other party on the shoulder to encourage.

"It is an honor to be able to create a business with you." Chen Peng looked admiring.

"Brother, let's work hard together and create a foundation for eternity." Chen Mu pointed to the continuous earthwork with great enthusiasm.

After bidding farewell to Chen Peng, Chen Mu came to the chicken farm.

The situation of the chicks was not optimistic. Because the villagers lacked experience and the weather on the mountain was changeable, a quarter of the chicks died.

Chen Mu quickly asked a veterinarian to treat the chicks.

According to the veterinarian's advice, the sick chicks were isolated and a series of measures were taken, and the situation improved slightly.

Chen Mu was relieved immediately.

It seems that his career has a long way to go. In the future, if he wants to make his career bigger and stronger, he must vigorously absorb outstanding talents.

Chen Mu then rushed to the largest library in Longcheng City and read a large number of books on breeding, planting and management. Fortunately, Chen Mu now has a photographic memory and a strong ability to understand. In less than half a day, he has roughly mastered it.

Just as he was about to go home, he happened to meet Chen Xiaowei who came to buy books. Chen Mu stepped forward to greet him, and the two talked about the construction and learning situation in the village together.

The heavy study tasks in high school made Chen Xiaowei lose a lot of weight and look a little haggard.

Chen Mu felt a little distressed: "Sister Xiaowei, I recently learned a set of massage techniques that are very effective in eliminating fatigue. Do you want to try it?"

"Okay, Brother Muzhi, thank you."

Chen Mu gestured to Chen Xiaowei to sit down next to him. After Chen Xiaowei sat down, Chen Mu came forward and seemed to massage her head, but in fact he used the Changsheng Jue to open the blocked acupuncture points all over her body and stimulate her potential.

Chen Xiaowei suddenly felt clear-headed and clear-minded, and some problems that had troubled her for a long time were solved.

"Brother Muzhi, I feel very good, you are so great, thank you so much." Chen Xiaowei looked at him excitedly, with little stars in her eyes.

"Sister Xiaowei, come on." Chen Mu encouraged.

"Brother Muzhi, I will definitely work hard."

"I have something else to do, so I'll go back first."

After bidding farewell to Chen Xiaowei, Chen Mu went home and rushed to the back mountain to practice.

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