第6話 There are a lot of babies

Compared to the believer of her baby's daughter Xu Weiyue, Xu Tianshi is more willing to be determined. It is a problem with the soul lamp.

Never happened before, it did not mean that there was no.

"Yes! The subordinates immediately sent someone to find His Royal Highness." The demon hurriedly agreed.

Looking up, seeing Xu Tianshishi put his hands on himself, the demon stood up and retreated.

I didn't dare to neglect at a moment, quickly assembled people, and went to find Xu Weiyue.

The words that Xu Tianshi was told to himself, and the whole wholeheartedly listened to his subordinates.

"Wei Yue, don't have anything to do with it." Xu Tianshishi stood in the courtyard, worried, and was completely interested in drinking.

Back to Qingcheng Sect.

Zongzhu Mansion.

Chen Mu spent a while, and has studied thoroughly on the Great Emperor's Treasure Mansion.

While closing the Great Emperor's Treasure Mansion, he threw an eight -Pin Hhan Dan medicine in the entrance as a jelly bean. It instantly refined and absorbed the dragon blood essence contained in it.

"There are a lot of babies." Chen Mu lamented.

However, the importance of these babies is obviously not as good as the god -level unlimited sign -in system.

After satisfying his curiosity, Chen Mu switched to the sign -in window and click to start the second sign -in in his life.

I look forward to what surprises will the system bring to myself this time.

【Sign in ...】

[Successful sign -in! Congratulations to the host to get the god -order weapon: meteorite sword +1! .

"God steps? It turns out that the legend is true!" Chen Mu was shocked.

According to the memory inherited from the predecessor, he always thought that the sacred order is the highest level of the weapon, and the divine steps, which only exist in the imagination of the human race.

Unexpectedly, I was slammed by the system in a blink of an eye.

However, such a face, even if a few more times, Chen Mu didn't mind.

"Continue!" Although the sign -in, the weapon that originally existed only in the legend, Chen Mu did not intend to stop it. After all, he had the cracked version of the sign -in system.

How can I satisfy their ambitions once or twice?

【Sign in ...】

[Successful sign -in! Congratulations to the host for getting the emperor's cultivation as an experience package +1! .

Chen Mu didn't want to think, and used it directly on himself.

[Successful use! Congratulations to the host for getting the great emperor's cultivation as +1! .

Close the prompt and click the sign -in button again.

【Sign in ...】

[Successful sign -in! Congratulations to the host for getting Jiupin Dan -grade Saint -Dragon Dan +10! .

"Jiupin, or a dan -grade!" In Chen Mu's cognition, there is no doubt that this is the highest quality elixir.

The grade of elixir is low to high, in turn to one product to nine grades, and each large level is divided into upper, middle, and lower three grades.

Whether the appear on the tattoo not only tests the level of the alchemist, but also tests the time and place of time. The higher the level of the elixir, the more difficult it is to refine the elixir.

"Looking at the entire Da Wu dynasty, I don't find two nine -pin Dan -graded elixir. I actually asked me to sign in ten."

Chen Mu was taken out, grabbed five fingers, one by one, like peanut beans, thrown into the mouth, and the entrance was melted.

If outsiders see this scene, it is estimated that dreaming will not have thought that the elixir that Chen Muzheng takes is actually a nine -character dan -grade.

After entering the abdomen one by one, Chen Mu only felt that her body was full of blood, her face was red, and she had a sense of vision that was about to explode.

"Taking too many senior elixir at one time, has side effects?"

After realizing this, Chen Mu ordered the system to "spike side effects! ‘Besides, there is that kung fu, it’ s better to sign in a few more times. 【Sign in ...】

[Successful sign -in! Congratulations to the host for getting 10,000 times the rebate card +10! .

Although it is repeated rewards, at least the number has increased significantly.

It was not too tangled, anyway, there were unlimited sign -in times, and I ordered the sign -in again.

【Sign in ...】

[Successful sign -in! Congratulations to the host for getting the gods of the gods: Tiansheng Kirin Treasure Armor +1! .

"It's the best of the gods! Still defense, good, offense and defense belong to it." Chen Mu nodded.

Open the system backpack and check the treasure armor.

"It looks a bit heavy, and I don't know if it will affect the motivation after wearing."

Chen Mu unexpectedly noticed that there was a one -button wear and taking off function, which was quite convenient.

After hearing his doubts, the system immediately jumped out and explained: [Please rest assured that the host will rest assured that after wearing Tian Sheng Kirin Treasure, it will perfectly fit your body and fight with the way of fighting. Unexpected, unable to perceive, but not affecting defense! .

"Oh! Can this be like this? It's good." Chen Mu private thought that wearing such a set of full protection, the brilliant brilliant treasures wandered outside, which was too eye -catching.

The invisibility provided by the system, but does not affect the function of wearable effects, which is satisfied with him.

It should not be late, immediately click [One -click to wear], and then select the stealth function.

Chen Mu tried to move the limbs, and before wearing, there was no different.

But in fact, Chen Mu's defense at this moment has long soared.

Facing the strong emperor's realm, you do not need to mobilize the aura, strengthen the flesh, and bones, and only rely on the Saint Kirin Treasure Armor on this day. Protecting Chen Mu internally.

Back to the sign -in system page, click [Sign in] again

【Sign in ...】

[Successful sign -in! Congratulations to the host for getting the best Wu Dao tea +1! .

[Wu Dao Tea: After taking it, take a bite and enlightenment! .

This explanation explains that it focuses on a simple and rude.

Chen Mugao gave himself a pot.

Pour up, twist the tea cup, and take a sip.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes were immediately bright, only because of clearly perception, Xiu was a lot of upward.

"This is the improvement brought about by epiphany!" Chen Mu liked this feeling.

Even if you do n’t say about it, the taste of Wu Dao tea itself is wonderful, far exceeding those treasure tea leaves that the former princes treasured in the prince's palace.

While clicking the sign -in, Chen Mu took another sip and realized again.

This time, Chen Mu's epiphany is not a promotion, but an exclusive method: swallowing the sky!

The quality is the best of the sky.

This method can allow Chen Mu to swallow the life of the weaker than himself.

"According to this, wouldn't no one resist in this world, all of them turned against me, all of them became my experience baby?"

In this regard, the system gives a positive reply: [Yes]

The corner of Chen Mu's mouth became extremely difficult to overwhelm again.

After forcing yourself to calm down, check the sign -in reward.

The attention only was on the magic merit of the sky, and I didn't have time to watch it.

[Successful sign -in! Congratulations to the host for getting the best method of Tianjie: Wan Jian returns to one! .

As a rebirth, Chen Mu is no stranger to this trick, describing a word, handsome.

Spending one yuan immediately, killing full level proficiency.

Think about the opportunity later, and try to see the effect.

Right now, continuing to sign in is more important to him. 【Sign in ...】

[Successful sign -in! Congratulations to the host for getting three thousand constitutions: immortal and immortal holy scholars! .

"No, never die?!" As a person who had died twice, when he saw these four words, Chen Mu sent the tea from his mouth and immediately put it down.

Stand up subconsciously from the stone bench.

It is confirmed again, and it is indeed an immortal, and I read it right.

As far as he knows, there are three thousand constitutions in this world, and those who have physical fitness, even the lowest -ranked cultivation constitution, can enter the ranks of Tianjiao, stronger than others.

The top 100 constitution is called the Euchak.

Undead or death is one of them.

Awakening this Eucharist is just like its name, and it will never die, no matter what strong, it cannot be eliminated.

Even if heaven collapses, he will coexist with chaos, not old! Never death! Non -immortal!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the most exciting time after Chen Mu's awakening system. After a one -dollar spike solving to the system, the most excited one.

"I did not expect that in the last life for many years, the immortal and immortal, it was in this life, so easy to realize it!"

Chen Mu seemed to be calm, but in fact, his heart had already set off a stormy wave.

After a slight breath, spit out a turbid air and sat back on the stone bench.

Drink and enlighten tea, go smoothly, improve a little repairs, and continue to sign in ...

At this moment, the demon world.

The demon king Xu Tianshi couldn't get up at all.

Get a positive answer, looking at himself in front of himself, it was already cold, Xu Weiyue's body.

The strong sadness made him blood red and almost fainted.

"Big king!" The servant on the side saw this, and quickly stepped forward, trying to help him.

However, Xu Tianshi raised his hand and opened his arms that he extended.

"No, I want the entire Da martial arts family to be buried!" In Xu Tianshishi's view, it was not enough to kill Chen Mu alone.

The demon king ordered that the rest did not dare to follow, and immediately set off, and began to assemble the Demon Army.

In a short period of time, the tens of thousands of demon ethnic groups gathered.

Xu Tianshi, who was wearing a war armor, was floating in the air. Looking at the Demon Army full of vision, he did not waste saliva.

"Kill into Dawu, one will not stay!"

"Kill into Dawu, one will not stay!"


The demon responded together, and the momentum was huge, as if it was about to lift the sky.

Subsequently, the monster family with a flight ability directly flowed off, and the monster who had no flight ability took a giant flying sky boat.

Wherever you pass, such as the black clouds, the visibility of the ground suddenly decreases a lot.

"Big king, we rashly went to the human territory to kill. The ancient Yuan Emperor, I am afraid that we would not sit down." The confidant was brave, and came to Xu Tianshishi, hoping that he could think twice.

"Three hundred years ago, he won me by conspiracy and magic weapon, and promoted the emperor. I could not care about him, but if he insisted on hindering me in this matter, even if he died, I would let him fall off the layer of skin!" Xu Tianshi's eyes were ruthless.

After hearing the words, I no longer say more, knowing that Xu Shishi was serious, and the ten cows could not be pulled back.

But what they don't know is that the position of the great emperor has long been easy.

I do n’t know how terrifying people who want to revenge.

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