第3話 will I always be a waste

What's more, there is still a woman who wants to kill her.

In terms of beauty, Ye Qingmei could not even be lined up in the woman that Chen Mu had seen.

As the ultimate villain, Chen Mu can be said to be beautiful in the last life.

Even the woman of the protagonist had been taken down by him for the first night. He was still the emperor of the individual. He borrowed her and put on a green hat for the protagonist.

Compared with the emperor, Ye Qingmei's face can only be considered beautiful, and it is not possible.

Until now I think of that night, Chen Mu still feels that it is very moist ...

Especially the original female emperor, who was originally cold, gradually sinking her face, as long as she saw it, she was unforgettable for life.

Comparison back and forth, very strong!

However, since that night, the relationship between the protagonist and the emperor seems to have a crack, intentionally or unintentionally to keep the distance.

But in the end, this was the fuse, so that the protagonist desperately cultivated, looking for opportunities, and cutting the villains played by Chen Mu under the sword.

After thinking about it, after using the practice package, the entire spirit stone is exchanged to the number of spikes.

As for the heroine and the protagonist, and the body of Wei Ziqing, Chen Mu turned the flames in hand and turned into a fire, together with the entire bamboo forest, burned together.

Right now, improving strength is the top priority, and there is no time to waste these dead people.

He also had to find the road to the past life as soon as possible, and he personally cut the protagonist who beheaded him.

To remove the magic!

On the way, Chen Mu was suddenly confused. "Then, the protagonist has died in my hands. Isn't the original plot of this world? "" "

In this regard, the system said: [Please rest assured that the host will not disappear, and there will always be someone inheriting this identity! .

"Sure enough, it is Xiaoqiang who can't die, but this is also good, it is equivalent to infinite experience." Chen Mu said with emotion.

I just hope that the golden fingers can become a trick, always the old grandfather, even if the price is low, the speed of return always feels slower.

After leaving the bamboo forest, Chen Mu was thinking about looking for a good residence in the Zongmen.

Before the winter was cool in summer, he would definitely not be interested in living in the cottage of huts in the cold summer.

The ancestral gate, named Qingcheng, was located in the Dawu Dynasty, Tianfu City, which belongs to the downstream gate.

Among all the ancestors of the downstream, the strength can be ranked in the top ten.

And Chen Mu's identity today is just a disciple who is no longer ordinary.

Looking at the gate of the inner courtyard, Chen Mu didn't need to think about it. With his own outdoor dress, he really wanted to go in. The next second would definitely be attacked by disciples in the inner courtyard and rushed out.

There has always been a deep gap between the inner and outer courtyards. In short, the foreign courtyard feels that the disciples of the inner hospital are too proud and look down on people. identity.

Considering this, Chen Mu didn't mind his identity.

To look at the entire Qingcheng sect, who has the most identity, can be free to enter and leave all places in Zongmen, and mobilize all resources ... that is undoubtedly a master of azure.

After firmness, he said in his heart: ‘System, kill the identity of the prince in seconds! ‘

Now that the system has said that it is possible to kill all things in the world by one yuan. Chen Mu's private person thinks that there should be no difficulty at all, right?

[In one yuan spike ...]

[One yuan spike success! Congratulations to the host for getting a new identity: the Lord of Qingcheng! ] First use the two cultivation as an experience package.

Following, Chen Mu focused on the grandfather belonging to Ye Hao.

Chen Mu had originally thought that Yiyuan's loyalty to his grandfather had to himself to 100 %, and became a slave to play for himself for a lifetime.

But if you think about it, why bother, the strength still belongs to themselves, the most secure. Even if the outsiders are loyal, they can't believe it.

So he made up his mind to say, "System, and to cultivate all his cultivation knowledge, and one yuan spike!"

[In a spike ...]

[One yuan spike success! Congratulations to the host for getting a strong cultivation memory +1! .

[One yuan spike success! Congratulations to the host for getting the third floor of Jindanjing as an experience package +1! .

In the next second of the system prompts, in the mind of Chen Mu, there was an extra huge and strange memory immediately, which was derived from the grandfather.

There are not only various advanced exercises, but also Dan Fang, alchemy method and the like.

It can be said that the old grandfather has accumulated a lifetime of cultivation experience. All Chen Muzhan has been used as his own, but he can use it flexibly.

This memory seems to be inherent.

[Do you use the three -layer repair of Jindanjing as an experience package? .

Don't hesitate to confirm the use.

Chen Mu now needs to improve her strength.

[Successful use! .

In the next second, Chen Mu's Xiu was successfully came to the fourth floor of Jindan.

He is difficult to love such an increase.

"Unfortunately, the growth golden fingers such as the old grandfather can bring a short -term improvement, which is still too small."

Just when Chen Mu was thinking, should you go to a strong emperor and kill him as one yuan.

Football came behind.

"Who is there!" Chen Mu turned around, frowned slightly, his eyes were full of vigilance.

I saw that the people were wearing a plain clothes, even so, she still couldn't cover her good figure and Hua Rongyue.

It is about to say that there are any bad places, and there are probably only about it. At this time, she looked at Chen Mu's eyes, which was extremely cold.

Although Chen Mu is not familiar with this person, he is not absolutely unfamiliar.

It is Ye Hao's destiny heroine, Ye Qingmei.

Earlier, "himself" gave Wei Ziqing as a fighting player. When he was troubled by Ye Hao, Ye Qing eyebrows were almost heard by the news.

Ye Qingmei stopped, looked at Chen Mu, lowered his eyes, and looked at his feet. Ye Hao had long been cold.

"Brother Hao !!" Suddenly, anger, despair, at the same time appeared on Ye Qingmei's face.

"Despicable villain, I want to kill you, revenge for Brother Hao!" Ye Qing eyebrow held the hilt around his waist, and he pulled out the long sword of cold light.

Immediately, without a word, he took a light lotus step and rushed towards Chen Mu.

‘Spike! ‘

[In one yuan spike ...]

[Successful spike! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the nine -layer repair of the foundation as an experience package +1! .

[Successful spike! Congratulations to the host for getting Shangpin Lingshi +50, Zhongpin Lingshi +20, Xiapin Lingshi +3000! .


[Successful spike! Congratulations to the host for getting Shouyuan +167! .

Pingxiang Xiangyu?

Don't be kidding, in Chen Mu's dictionary, there are no four words. "This system is really convenient."

After Chen Mu successfully passed the one -dollar spike and became the master of the Qingcheng sect, the original prince of the Qingcheng sect was automatically downgraded as the deputy master, and he did not say that the world evaporated.

"Meet the Lord of the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord of the Lord!"

Chen Mu Gang closed the system panel, and his disciple's voice sounded in the ear.

Looking at it, in the past, the internal disciples who were unable to live in the past are now respectful and awesome in front of him.

Chen Mu "um" and strode into the inner courtyard.

After that, he came to the Master Mansion all the way.

Enter the door, look around, and sigh, "It is indeed the Master's Mansion, even if it is the place where the first day of the inner courtyard lives, it is not a quarter of the house?"

What surprises Chen Mu is that in the backyard of the prince's house, there is also an independent Lingquan Pond.

In addition to being able to purify the Lingquanchi, in addition to being able to purify and happy body and mind, it also has the effect of improving cultivation.

There is also a Lingquan pond in the Qingcheng Zong. Usually, only Tianjiao in the inner courtyard is qualified to use it.

Chen Mu took off his clothes, stepped into Lingquan Pond, and cleaned the dirt on his body.

Now that the identity has changed, the clothing naturally has to keep up with it. It is not necessary for anyone to look low and rush to ridicule.

"Yes, it's quite fit." Chen Mu shook his sleeves and walked a few steps in the courtyard, leisurely.

When Chen Muzi is, how to quickly improve his strength.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

The knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Chen Mu went to the stone table a few steps, sat down, poured a cup of hot tea for himself, slowly spoke, "enter."

"Meet the prince." The coming person was a young disciple.

"What happened?" Chen Mu looked at the young disciples and asked.

"The Lord of the Zongzong, the elder brother colluded and let go of the demon girl without permission. He has been detained in the temple of the Zongmen. The elders invite you to settle it." The young disciples arched and said truthfully.

‘Brother, collusion the demon lady ...’

President Chen Mu feels that the plot is a bit familiar with these elements.

If you don't think about it, get up: "Take me to see."

"Yes, the princes are invited." The young disciples raised their hands sideways and made a posture.

Subsequently, followed by Chen Mu and came all the way to the Tongmen Hall.

At this time, the elders of the inside and outside of the hall gathered together, and the atmosphere was particularly depressed.

In the middle of the main hall, a young man was kneeling with a beautiful look, wearing a disciple of Tianjiao, and a young man in his early twenties.

The members of the two law enforcement pavilions used a long gun in their hands to stop their neck tightly and pressed on the ground.

"See the prince!"

Seeing that Chen Mu came, the elders sitting in the chair stood up and stood up at the same time.

Chen Mu waved his hand and motioned them to sit down.

He was a few moments, boarded the steps, and sat on the throne of the Lord.

"..." Looking at the Tianjiao disciple under the audience, Chen Mu was in trouble, and the next second was unreasonable.

The system actively pops up a window that can only be seen by him, showing the identity information of the Tianjiao disciple clearly.

【Name: Xiao Huo】

【Age: 20】 【Gender: Male】

[Remaining Shouyuan: 134 (Can one yuan spike)]

[Identity: Disciple of Tianjiao, Qingcheng Zong Inner Courtyard, Brother Qingcheng Zongzong (can kill one yuan spike)]

[Life script: Destiny protagonist (can be one yuan spike)]


'oh? Intersection ‘

Seeing the four characters of the destiny protagonist in the column of the life script, Chen Mu immediately shined.

What really want and what come.

Continue to look down, and the sight is fixed in the golden finger column.

[Gold Finger: Not activated (Note: Golden fingers are at the right time, the right scene will trigger activation conditions!)]]]]]

‘Suitable time, scene? ‘

Chen Mu was wondering, so he heard that the elder grew out and said, "The master, this son is bold and dare to put the demon woman privately, I suggest to punish him, especially the effect!"

"No!" At this time, the second elder got up quickly and stopped: "After all, Xiao Huo is a brother of the Zongmen Hospital. This way of handling is too harsh. For Qingcheng Zong, he is able to open up

Don't wait for Chen Mu to open his mouth, and listen to the gross yin and yang of the elder.

"Still saying that it is related to you?"

Hearing this, where the second elder can endure, he immediately refuted, "Elder, don't spray people at this blood! I can do it right, sit straight, and never do such violations of door rules and rebellion! "

"Who knows?" The elder snorted.

Regarding the quarrel between the two, Chen Mu should have a blind eye, and thought in his mind, ‘How do you trigger the golden finger and the protagonist? ‘

"Elder Elder, Elder Elder, tolerate me, it is better to abolish this son for repairs and put it into the cliff to be closed to death. How about the five elders who saw the two arguing, so he made his own suggestion.

Then, continued to add, "In this way, it can not only play a role of alert punishment, but also reflects the humanity of our Qingcheng sect."

"Okay, just do what you say." Chen Mu felt that the probability was the correct answer.

Thinking for the word of the cliff, this sense of vision is not only more and more intense for old books such as Chen Mu!

After that, Chen Mu personally took the shot and abolished Xiao Huo's Xiu, and and Ling Gen made him become abandoned.

It is not how bad Chen Mu is, and likes to abandon people, mainly because everyone proposes, so that it can consolidate the prestige of the Lord.

When it comes to this kind of part, Chen Mu knows it. However, this bad guy can't do it.

The world will clearly wants to make himself revenge with the protagonist, and then use the protagonist's hand to remove the existence of this bug ...

Chen Mu does not matter if he would offend the protagonist. Anyway, at the moment he determined the identity of Xiao Huo's protagonist, he was already a dead person in Chen Mu's heart.


"Bold! Who made you look at the Lord with this look, do you still want to give me revenge?"

"Remember, if it wasn't for the sovereign heart, you are already a dead person at this moment!" Seeing that Xiao Huo glanced at Chen Mu with hatred, three steps and two steps, stepped up, slapped directly on his face with a slap, Essence

Then wave it, saying to the law enforcement court, "Throw to the thoughts of the cliff, strictly take care of it, no order of the prince, do not leave half a step!"

"Yes!" After the Law Enforcement Pavilion came to the command, he forcibly took Xiao Huo to leave the Temple of Zongmen and went to the cliff.

As the second elder of the Master, he is distressed and helpless.

In the blink of an eye, think about the cliff.

"Could it be like this in my life, will I always be a waste?" Looking at my fist slightly, my fist was unable to pinch, Xiao Huo was unwilling in his heart.

At this moment, in the ear, to be precise, in the mind, a strange voice sounded.

[Name: Xiao Huo, age: 20, gender: male ... identity information is being verified ...]

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