
INT. Skyler's Garden – Morning

Skyler stands in the vibrant, well-tended garden outside his childhood home. The warm sun casts a golden glow on the flowers, creating a movie-making scene

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (smiling) Look at these roses Skyler they're in full bloom

Skyler Arakawa: (excited) They're beautiful, Mom!

Skyler and Emily kneel down together, tending to the flowers Emily's hands gentle and carefully, guide Skyler's small fingers as he learns to care for the garden

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (whispering) You know, each rose tells a story just like every person. So what story do you think this one has?

Skyler Arakawa: (thinking) I think it's a story of love

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (teary-eyed) You're right Skyler it has the story of our love

As they are sharing a heartwarming moment the flower that Emily is holding opens up with a sharp knife and launches itself towards Emily's neck she dies as Skyler watches covered in blood something pulls Skyler back and the time stops

INT. Kitchen

Skyler and Emily are standing at the kitchen counter engaged in a delightful mess of flour and cookie

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (laughing) Skyler, remember the secret ingredient is love!

They continue to bake, sharing laughter and stories while flour dusts their hands and cookie cutters create delightful shapes suddenly a mysterious shadow man stabs a knife at Emily's four - head and something pulls Skyler back again

EXT. Skyler's Backyard – Evening

Skyler and Emily sit on a blanket in the backyard under their house the weather is worm it's a beautiful day

Skyler Arakawa: Mom do you think we're alone in the universe

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Skyler you are too young to know the secrets of the universe

Skyler Arakawa: Mom come on please tell me I wanna know

A couple of boys are playing baseball the pitcher throws the ball to the batsman and he hits a long high home run short

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Alright Skyler but first promise me that you won't tell anyone about this

Skyler Arakawa: OK! I promise mom

Emily Inochi Tarinai: OK so there is a celestial being who created the entire universe, because he was alone, he created 3 beings the angels, the godly beings, and the demonic beings and we belong to the go…

The baseball hits Emily in the head and she dies, Skyler is in shock and Skyler gets pulled out again

INT. Living Room – Morning

Ethan and Emily are fighting for some reason Skyler tries to stop them

Skyler Arakawa: Mom Dad stop fighting!

Ethan Arakawa: Go back to your room Skyler you won't understand this!

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Why can't you understand Ethan that's dangerous.

Ethan Arakawa: Dangers, the hell with your opinion

Emily Inochi Tarinai: What do you mean the hell with your opinion?

Ethan Arakawa: You heard me I don't care about your opinion cause all you do is play the safe card

Emily shoots a light beam towards Ethan and he gets angry Ethan does the same thing but he hits her, Skyler's powers activate and he jumps and gives an uppercut to Ethan but before Skyler could even punch Ethan holds Skyler's hand and gives him one punch and the Skyler gets his ass beaten Ethan goes towards Emily beats the crap out of her from left to right as Ethan punches Emily the sound of punching matches the sound of Skyler's alarm ringing…

Shot of alarm ringing…

Cut to

Skyler Arakawa: Stop it!!!

Skyler gets up in shock because of his dreams, he gets off his bed and goes to the washroom [Sign on door: "don't come in I only allow mature and experienced 40 years old female beauties"], before Skyler goes to the washroom, he takes a sticky note and writes something on it and goes the washroom

Ethan Arakawa: Yo Skyler my boy wakei wakei get up it's time for school

Ethan pulls the blanket it's empty

Skyler Arakawa: I'm here Dad! (Voice coming from washing)

Ethan Arakawa: Oh, ok ok

But before Ethan leaves the room, he sees a sticky note near Skyler's bed so he picks it up, the note says day 34 of getting nightmares of mom dyeing, Ethan suspects that something is going on

Cut to

Skyler's mom is training Skyler's best friend Ben

Emily Inochi Tarinai: You know Ben you're getting better at this

Benjamin Grim lock: Really?

Emily Inochi Tarinai: Yeah, at this point, you are stronger and smarter than my son Ben, and at the rate you're training you will be 10x times stronger than my son

Benjamin Grim lock: It's all because of your training sensei

Skyler Arakawa: So, Ben it's time for our jogging

Benjamin Grim lock: Oh, wait let me get my jacket tho

Emily Inochi Tarinai: I don't understand why you boys go out jogging very early

Benjamin Grim lock: For better eyes

Emily Inochi Tarinai: How do your eyes get better just by jogging?

Skyler Arakawa: That's a secret mom

Skyler and Ben leave Skyler's house and they start jogging…far away there is a small shop-like thing that Skyler and Ben made they go inside it

Benjamin Grim lock: I'm going to make some coffee

Skyler Arakawa: You do that while I monitor things here

They both get up in the morning not just to jog in the morning but also to see some girls jogging, this is the secrete to make their eyes better

Benjamin Grim lock: Here's your coffee

A young beautiful girl is jogging and she waves at Ben, ben puts his glasses down

Benjamin Grim lock: Yeah baby

After that girl, another girl comes jogging but the cache is the other girl is fat as hell, and round chubby looking girl waves at Ben so Ben puts his glasses up

Benjamin Grim lock: Hell nah!

Now it was Skyler's turn to see girls jogging with Ben

Skyler Arakawa: Woh brother 3o clock hot chick jogging

Benjamin Grim lock: Damn she looks nice but her ass is small

As Skyler and Ben are talking about who has big things and who has small things time passes on

INT. Cafeteria School – Morning Breakfast

The school cafeteria buzzes with activity as students chat and enjoy their meal, Skyler and Ben sit at their usual table, unaware of what's gonna happen next

Skyler Arakawa: (disturbed) Ben these nightmares…they're tearing me apart

Benjamin Grim lock: (supportive) We'll find a way to stop them brother just hang in there

Across the cafeteria a group of students led by the bullying leader

Jason Miller: (mocking) Well well well look who we have here, Lucas the loser!

Lucas Gray: Just leave me alone

Skyler Arakawa: (Exchanging a glance with Ben) This isn't right

Benjamin Grim lock: Well maybe we should just mind our own business considering how many fights go on every day

Jason Miller: Hey ugly, hey

Lucas Gray: No one cares

Jason Miller:(laughs) clearly your mom did last night

Lucas Gray: (bored) Oh wow was that supposed to be funny

Jason Miller: You wanna die Lucas(anger)

Jason gets up and is about to hit Lucas but someone comes and holds his hand

Jason Miller: What the fuck are you doing

Moon Chaeyoung: Didn't anyone teach you how to treat others

Jason pulls his hand from Moon

Jason Miller: Ah check out this chick, bitch thinks she can stop me

Moon Chaeyoung: Did you just call me a bitch?

Jason Miller: Yep, and the conversation is over

Jason is about to hit Moon but at that time Skyler pushes his chair back and starts going towards the confrontation, ben is following close behind

Skyler Arakawa: (Holds Jason's hands) It's not a good thing to hit a woman back off

The bullies turn to face Skyler, momentarily taken aback by his courage

Jason Miller: (smirking) What's this? Skyler wants to play the hero?

Skyler steps closer to Moon shielding her from the bullies

Skyler Arakawa: (determined) Just walk away Jason it's not worth it

Jason Miller: (angry) You're asking for it, Skyler

The fight starts with 5 members in the group Skyler kicks two people and other two by hand and the last one Jason they are about to fight when a teacher comes and stops them

Mr. Anderson: Stop it both of you, Mr. Miller you are in my office right now (looks at his watch)

Jason looks at Skyler in anger and as the teacher is taking Jason and his friends, Skyler is going back to his table but Moon approaches him

Moon Chaeyoung: Hey (taps on Skyler's shoulder) there hi

Skyler Arakawa: (Shocked and happy as well) Oh hi

Moon Chaeyoung: Yeah, hi myself moon Chaeyoung (lays hands out for a Shakehand)

Skyler Arakawa: Well, that's a beautiful name for a queen like you

Moon Chaeyoung: Stop(smiling) I'm no queen

Skyler Arakawa: Very well I'm Skyler, Skyler Arakawa

Both shake each other's hand smiling

Moon Chaeyoung: Well Skyler thanks for helping me, the last time I got into a fight nobody helped me hence I got suspended

Skyler Arakawa: Oh, shit don't tell me you are the girl who got suspended for 2 months

Moon Chaeyoung: Yeah, that's me but how the hell does everyone know this?

Benjamin Grim lock: Oh, Jason just kept on telling everyone for the whole 2 months

Moon Chaeyoung: Marry is that how you got to know

Mary Raven: Well yeah how else am I going to know, you do know that I am a transferred student right

Moon Chaeyoung: No, I didn't know

Mary Raven: Sorry (shy laughing) I forgot to say

Skyler and Ben are walking to their class but as they enter their class moon stops them

Moon Chaeyoung: Wait you both are in the same class as us

Skyler Arakawa: Oh wow (naughty) (smiling) what a coincidence

Moon Chaeyoung: Yeah(smile) yesterday afternoon I introduced myself in the class again and I don't remember you both being there

Skyler Arakawa: That's because I and ben don't like to attend afternoon classes frequently

INT. Classroom – About to Turn Evening

Skyler, Ben, and everyone is packing their bag filled with clothes because the class that they are attending is swimming class they all leave the class boys go to the boy's locker room and the girls go to the girls' locker room to change their clothes, while everyone is swimming Skyler and ben are relaxing on a chair sleeping

Skyler Arakawa: This is life Ben this is the best life

Benjamin Grim lock: Man instead of laying here like a strip of cooked bacon let's swim

Skyler and Ben are hiding near the swimming pool in a big tall bush after some time they go swimming and while they are swimming Skyler's face contorts in pain as he is underwater suddenly a wave of nausea washes over Skyler, and he clutches his head reality spins

Skyler Arakawa: (dazed) No, not now…

He stumbles out of the swimming pool leaving Ben concerned

INT. School Washroom – continues

Skyler rushes into an empty school washroom out of breath he barges into a stall locks the door and sits on the toilet his back against the wall the nightmares begin to consume him visions of his mother Emily, flash before his eyes, each one more gruesome than the last

Emily Inochi Tarinai: (In anguish) Skyler help me!

His breathing quickens and he clutches his head trying to escape the tormenting images

EXT. School – continues

Jason and his gang now aware of Skyler's vulnerability approach the washroom

Jason Miller: So, this is his weakness

Gang Members: I have seen him go to the washroom every time holding his head

They gather outside, banging on the door

Jason Miller: (laughing) Come on, Skyler we're not done with you!

Skyler Arakawa: (irate) not now… not now

Filled with anger and desperation Skyler taps into a latent power deep within him a supernatural force pulses through his veins

INT. School washroom – continues

Skyler's eyes flash with an eerie otherworldly glow his hands tremble as he struggles to control the powers surging through him as Jason and the others are banging on the door

Skyler Arakawa: (threatening) Leave me alone!

With a deafening roar, the newfound abilities unleashing a telekinetic force the washroom door shatters into pieces, and the bullies are thrown back screaming in terror Jason and his gang are flung across the washroom like a dear that got hit by a bus crashing into walls and tumbling to the ground

Jason Miller: (horrified)what… what just happened?

Skyler emerges from the destroyed washroom his face contorted with fury he advances on the bullies who scramble to their feet

Skyler Arakawa: (furious) You wanted to fight didn't you?

In a moment of unrestrained rage, Skyler lets loose his telekinetic powers hurting the bullies through the air and smashing them against the mirror and walls Ben and a group of teachers finally arrive at the scene about to witness the chaos they rush to restrain Skyler who is now on the brink of losing control

Benjamin Grim lock: (shocked) Oh no this aura I feel, Skyler

Ben reaches first to Skyler and holds his shoulder

Benjamin Grim lock: (desperate) Skyler stop

Skyler's eyes return to their normal state as he regains his composure, he collapses to his knees drained and disoriented surrounded by a scene of destruction

INT. School principal's office – later

Skyler sits in the principal office his face haunted ben Ethan and principal Mr. Anderson discuss the incident

Mr. Anderson: (concerned) Skyler you're lucky one was seriously hurt but what happened out there

Skyler Arakawa: (confused) I don't know Mr. Anderson I just lost control

Ethan Arakawa: (supportive) We need to figure out what's happening to him Principal Anderson

Mr. Anderson looks at Skyler with a mixture of concern and curiosity realizing that there's something more mysterious

EXT. Near School gates – After the School Had Ended

All the classes are over as well as school Mary and Moon are going together out of school

Mary Raven: Hey why did you stand agents Jason

Moon Chaeyoung: I just wanted to see how strong he is

Mary Raven: But still you could have taken him down you are that thing you know

Moon Chaeyoung: Yeah, I could have

Mary Raven: And who's the boy that comes to rescue you?

Moon Chaeyoung: I don't know but he was a real gentleman

Mary Raven: Mm – mm a gentleman, huh I saw the way you stared at him

Moon Chaeyoung: I wasn't staring I was just feeling his aura?

The End Of Chapter 04...

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