The Doll Princess Rose


第1話 Awakening

"Rose! The train has arrived! Hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, I'm coming!"

Oh, whose bag is that? Rose noticed that there was a bag under the chair next to her. Did someone forget something? Oh, is that the belonging of the man who sat there? , she thought and tried to call out to the man.

"Hey! You forgot something..."

The next moment, everything went dark with a loud explosion.

---That day, news broke that a terrorist explosion had killed many people in the country. ---

Time has passed. She felt like she was floating, and after a long time, she finally came to a resting place.

"Oh! She's awake!"

She heard a man's voice. But her head feels heavy, she thought as she began to move. However, when she opens her eyes, she sees an unknown ceiling. Nearby, a woman and a young man stared at her.

"Good morning, Bara."

She sees a young man speaking to her in a gentle voice.

But Bara? She has no clue who Bara is. She stares at the man, blinking.

He looks strange. He has sparkling green eyes, his skin is oat brown, his long hair is tied back, and he wears a white shirt. Some mysterious green lights scatter around his head and shoulders.

"Where am I?"

She asked in a worried voice.

"Here is your home, Bara."

The man answered with a smile.


She asked again, unable to comprehend the situation.

"It is your name. Your name is Bara, my young sister. My name is Yanagi. Do you understand?"

The man answered while looking at her.

"No, I'm not Bara, I'm Rose..."

What was the family name? , she suddenly realized that she could remember nothing more than her name.

She doesn't understand the situation. Why was she here and being called Bara? In the first place, she was at the station, planning to take a train to go shopping with her friend in the town next to hers. However, it was the only thing she remembered.

"Mother, Bara seems confused."

The man introduced himself as Yanagi called out to the woman behind him. Then a woman called Mother approached her.

She is a beautiful woman. But something is different, she thought. She looks so soft. Moreover, like Yanagi, her eyes are green. She is blonde, has white skin, and has green glowing lights around her head and shoulders. Her hair is long, beautiful, and sparkling.

"Are you okay? Does your head hurt?"

The woman spoke softly.

"No. But, are you Mother?"

"Yes, I'm your mother, Bara."

"But it strange... And I'm not Bara. My name is Rose. First of all, where is this place? A hospital? Was I caught in an explosion? What about my friend? Is she okay?"

For some reason, she became desperate and asked the person who was supposed to be her mother. The woman closed her eyes and caught her breath. Then she opened her eyes and smiled.

"Well, it would be best for your father to explain those to you."

Then, Mother took her hands and lifted her from her bed. But she had just woken up from a long sleep, and her body was too weak.

"It looks like she hasn't recovered yet. Yanagi, please carry your sister to her father."

"Yes, mother."

Yanagi looked at her happily. Then he lifted her by both of her hands. Just like a princess, she thought.


"Relax, Bara. Your thorns are prickly."

Yanagi is holding her as she complains.

Thorns? What did it mean?

Yanagi left her room and went outside. In front of the room is a hallway that looks like a porch, and she can see each room around it. After a few minutes walk, they come to a beautiful garden that looks like a courtyard. After walking for a while, she saw a garden surrounded by flowers. In the garden, there is a small pond surrounded by several dolls. Each doll had a flower on its head, and they seemed very cute. There is a tall tree near the pond, and its leaves are red. She wondered if it was autumn, but she realized it was not.

It was winter, she remembered when she went out to catch the train. Even so, the grass was lush and green, and the flowers and trees looked like a midsummer landscape. She tilted her head again, unable to understand this situation.

She cradled in Yanagi's hands and entered the mansion, led by someone called her mother. After walking down a long hallway for a few minutes, they stopped in front of a large door. Two men were standing in the front of the door, holding something like long sticks and guarding the door.

"Do you mind if I come in?"

"Come in."

When Mother called out to the door, someone replied from inside. It is a heavy male voice. Then, the two men opened the door, politely bowed their heads, and extended their hands to signal for them to come inside.

When they entered, she saw a man sitting behind a large desk. As Mother bowed her head, the man rose from his chair.

The man looks dignified. Big, and his mouth and chin are hidden by a beard. His skin is dark brown, and he has a muscular and well-built physique. She felt that he seemed like a strong man.

"Oh, you are awake!"

He exclaimed with great joy. She saw the white teeth hidden behind her beard, and for a moment, her breath stopped. Because.., his eyes are red.

"Bara, he is your father. Please say hello."

Mother spoke to her kindly, but she didn't know what to do. Because that person was not someone she knew.

To begin with, she doesn't know where this place is. This is the scariest thing in her life. If it was a dream, she wanted to wake up soon, and she couldn't help but cry because she was so scared and anxious.

"What's wrong, Bara? Suddenly started crying..."

Yanagi looked at her with a troubled look on his face. Then, the big man approached Yanagi, laughing.

"Okay, okay. Come on."

The man called Father gently stroked her, took her from Yanagi, and held her in his arms.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore. It's okay. Are you surprised? Hahaha."

She suddenly stopped crying and felt embarrassed, perhaps because she had heard a line that sounded like something he would say to a small child. The big man sat on the big sofa in the room. Mother ordered Yanagi to leave the room. Yanagi bowed his head and left the room. After he left, the door was closed again.

Mother was sitting next to the man, smiling and looking at her. These two looked like a couple, she thought. So, does this strong-looking man is her father?

"May I ask something?"


The person called Father answered. He took her off his arm and sat her in the chair.

"Where am I now? Is this a hospital?"

"This is your home."

"Um, what do you mean? I was at the station a little while ago, planning to go out with my friend. But then I heard an explosion, and the next thing I knew, I was here..."

She thought to herself, making sure to say what she remembered.

"Is that so? That was what you remember from before you came here."

After sighing, the man adjusted her seat and spoke to her in that heavy voice.

"Wait, did I die?"

"It looks like, yes, you died once."

He answered immediately.

"Bara, it is your name now. My name is Dalgodas, the owner of this mansion. I am also your father. Next to me is Frey, my wife who created your body, and she is your mother. Do you understand?”

"I'm not sure."

She thought in anxiety again.

"Well, to tell you the truth, a year ago, the light of your soul was floating in this garden. I found it and captured it. I had no clue where it came from."

He said as he tried to remember a little.

"But I think you came here because of Dragon God's guidance."


"Your soul was small, weak, and on the verge of breaking. I thought that if I did not put it in a container soon, it would just disappear. However, the only container I had was a doll that Frey had made. I put your soul in it, purified it with the divine water I received from the Dragon God, and the soul and vessel mixed, and you were reborn as a living creature.''

He said, patting her head gently.

"Therefore, you are now our third daughter, whom I have named Bara."

It was hard to believe, she thought.

"So, I did... die?"

"If you consider that you have become a soul, you must have died at least once."


"However, if I think you have been born here again, I think it is Dragon God's guidance."

I see, she thought. She was caught in the explosion at that station and died. She became a soul and somehow drifted here.

But where exactly is this place?

"Um, what country is this? Is this Earth?"

"Earth? Is that the country you were from? Then the answer is no."

Not Earth!, she said, surprised.

"This world is called Gaia. The country is Alhatross, the land of the Dragon God. This village is called Aotake and lies north of Alhatross. I am the lord of this place."

"Oh God," she blinked. This place isn't even Earth. She was reborn in a completely different world.

"I understand. Lord Dalgodas..."

She said in a nervous voice.

"Call me father. You are my daughter. My sweet little girl. Do you understand, Bara?"

"My name is Rose, not Bara..."

"Is that your old name?"

He asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe it was. I do not remember anything else."

She shook her head and insisted on the name Rose.

"Fine. You can usually use the name Rose. However, your official name is Bara Dalgodas. Just remember that."

"Yes, father. Thank you."

"Hahaha, cute girl. Hey, Frey."

He said to her mother. Her mother is also smiling and looking at her.

"I'm looking forward to seeing her future, darling."

"Indeed, hahaha."

However, she just blinked. She was not able to accept this situation. She has to deal with them as her father and mother.

"Well then..."

He stood up, took her, and hugged her again.

“..tonight is a party!”

Those were the last words she heard. She was again overcome with an overwhelming sense of drowsiness and fell asleep.

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