Nice to meet you 2

 When we were guided to our seats by the staff, there was a tablet placed on the table, which allowed us to order from it. Despite the noise level being so high that it was slightly hard to hear each other, along with the heavy air and smell, I surprisingly got used to it quickly.

 "What should I order? Do you think I may drink?" asked Miwako, looking at the alcohol displayed on the touchscreen, to Yua.

 "It's Friday, so why not?"

 "Alright! Oh, by the way, I'm underage, but Touka, do you mind if I drink?"

 I was surprised because I had never encountered someone who was underage trying to drink alcohol or smoke. Of course, I knew such people existed in the world, but I hadn't expected to actually meet someone like that, and I had thought that only bad people did those things.

 "Well, I'm not the one drinking, so it's fine."

 However, neither Miwako nor Yua seemed like the type to do bad deeds, so I didn't feel the need to scold Miwako for wanting to drink alcohol. I quickly reconsidered, thinking that maybe such things happen in the city, and I was able to accept it. The fact that it wasn't my concern played a big part.

 "Really? That's good."

 "But, what about ID?"

 "It’s fine. Normally, they don't ask."

 "Oh, is that so? Hmm."

 Just as Miwako said, a while after ordering drinks through the touchscreen, the staff brought over glasses filled with alcohol without asking anything.

 I ordered oolong tea, while Miwako and Yua ordered cocktails.

 "Do you want to try?" Yua offered her cocktail to me.

 "No, I'm good."

 Honestly, I didn't feel like drinking. Although I know there are people who drink out of curiosity, I didn't feel that urge at all.

 Once, at a funeral banquet, when everyone grabbed their sake cups to drink, I, still a child, was confused about what to do and ended up drinking sake. I also had alcohol-infused chocolate before. The taste of the alcohol was honestly unpleasant, and I didn't like the smell of alcohol escaping through my nose. Moreover, the scary image of alcoholic further deterred me from wanting to drink.

 "Really? It's like juice and not a big deal?"

 "Yua, let's not."

 "Okay then."

 "We won't force anyone to drink. We drink on our own responsibility, so don't worry."

 Yua seemed naturally cheerful or maybe just in a good mood, without any bad intentions, so I wasn't particularly on guard and declined, saying, "Nah, I've had alcohol at funerals before, but it didn't taste good at all."

 Soon after, our food arrived, and we talked about assignments, complaints about teachers, and why we came to the language school. Exchange student are common, but aiming to be a full-time student at a foreign university is rare, and I was interested in their motivations.

 Miwako said she didn't want to go to university yet when she was introduced to this language school by a senior, and learning that classes at overseas universities were different from those in Japan, she decided to come here. After hearing about the school's reputation and realizing she wasn't bad at English, she decided to attend the language school.

 Yua shared a similar story, saying she didn't want to attend a Japanese university, so she chose to go to the language school she heard about from a senior.

 As the two began to get tipsy, Miwako started to ask Yua something.

 "Do you think is it okay for Touka to hear this topic?"

 Yua nodded.

 "You think so?"

 "What topic?" I asked, and Miwako turned towards me, prompting me to sit up straight.

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