Dream on

Jay - ペンギン博士


“I have a dream…”

That’s how Martin Luther King Jr started his speech. That’s also why I like him and his speech. He had a lot of Dreams. Well, I do too. I’m Ava Miles. Yep, no middle name. Just plain old Ava Miles. Since I don’t like writing so much, and my English skills are at level zero, you’ll need to read short, plain sentences over and over again. I’m in 5th grade. I go to Clover Elementary. I’m an only child - no brothers, no sisters. Yeah, you get the idea. I’m lonely most of the time. (See? Told you! Bunch of short sentences!) Also I hate math. Over and out!

Sorry, to end on that sad note on my last entry. Well, I can’t help but hate math! Since I’m a Daydreamer, teachers, you know, target me for trouble, if you get the gist. And the Dreaded Miss. Klare! She always goes out of her way to punish me! Actually, tons of people despise her - hence the name “Dreaded Miss. Klare”! As a result, sad story;

“Stop that, Ava!”

“Cut it out now, Ava. Second time!”


And so on. The class sniggered. The embarrassment is exhausting!


Fianaly! I’m free! Lunch break! I always meet up with my only friend, Evlen Charlotte Keran. I’m her only friend too. That automatically makes us best buddies!

“Hi, Ev.”

“Why the gloom?”

“You know why, more like who.”

I reply.

“The bossy body Miss. Klare?”


Everyday stuff. Me and Evlen have a lot in common, but a lot of differences too. First of all, we’re Dreamers. We once started the Dream club, but we didn’t have the heart and guts to continue all that stuff. We both like blue-ish colors, too. But even more sad stuff, we’re in different classes. Oh how much we wanted to be together!!! Sorry, ending on another sad note. Adios!




Another day, another humiliating school. I trudged down the road, dreading the Dreaded Miss. Klare. Suddenly, I edged to the left of the sidewalk. Why? The class bully Edna Jane Gren and her gang is why. Ohhhhh no. Nonononono! Too late! She spotted me!

“Who do we have here? Hmm… I seriously have no idea.”

She said. She looks smug, too.

“What are you talking about?! I’m Ava! Ava Miles! We’re in the same class!”

I answer. My palms were getting sweaty.

“Oh! NOW I remember! You’re little Miss. Dreamy! Your favorite teacher is Klare, isn’t it?”

Edna runs away laughing her butt off. Now my temper’s rising. I can feel it. This was still one of her better days. I’ve had worse. Her gang was now laughing too. I hate being called “Dreamy” ! I makes no sence! Just because I Daydream a lot doesn't mean I need to be “Dreamy”, right? What?! Come on, you gotta understand! Think it in my shoes! Sad entry again, sorry, Whoeverisreadingmydiary! (That’s YOU!!)


“AVA!! AVA~~!!”

“Wha… What?...”

I mumble.

“AVA MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”




Up goes the laughter. Today was a really good Dream, but a nightmarish reality. The better the Dream, the worse the reality…

Little did Ava know, her Dreaming life will soon change in the second…

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