On the other hand, from the point of view of individual local researchers, they might not have needed to respect each other's projects of the same kind in other places and to take advantage of their achievements. Our folklore is not always evenly distributed. The forms that have not been altered by the influence of the next generation of culture are found in remote villages far away, and from which the key to interpretation is often derived, but many collectors do not pay any attention to them, instead repeating their first labors, and repeatedly exposing themselves to the dangers of immediate judgment. If the problem is important, it may sometimes be better to try to achieve such an inconsonant result like a blind man's bluff on purpose, but in many cases, it will not only increase the tangled record in vain but on the other hand their will always be an inaccessible part. The biased duplication of this material is now somewhat difficult to bear.


blind man's bluff......目隠し鬼




For this reason, it seems necessary to create a convenient index covering the whole country and to quickly define the categories associated with it. Individual folkways or legends, as some have imagined, can never by themselves tell of any past.



It is rather usual to understand the action of human emotions only when our three kinds of materials, what we see with our eyes, what we hear with our ears, and what we mind with our hearts, come together. If one part of the study is missing, the study will still not be complete, no matter how the other data are more than satisfactory. I have always been mindful of trends in academia, so even if it is a subject that someone likes to start researching, even if it is something that I am obsessed with, I will drop out of it and move on to research the next unexplored field. Still, the public did not always approve of this split of tasks. If someone is doing any work, they will follow noisily and make it flourish, neglecting the studies of adjacent items that are closely related to it. To the current fashion of local studies to be worthy of the toil of busy volunteers and not to be ascribed to a mere accumulation of half-baked knowledge, each individual must position each region appropriately, at least without this choosiness of imitation of others.











Among the current so-called folk materials, legends are the most popular, and among them, songs have been studied almost enough. Perhaps because literature is a conclusion in its own right, and the recipient can be moved without being presented with the more fundamental questions that lie deep in it, but instead, no amount of this can now explain anything more than just that we love songs unexpectedly. Next, the proverbs are mentioned as if they were contested in recent history books of the county, which somewhat bored the readers, but this only made it clear that the proverbs in the Great Proverbs Dictionary compiled by Dr. Fujii* 20 years ago were also found in various regions, and the rest of the old-fashioned ones are gradually forgotten and appear even now. It is necessary to repeat the collection to know the expression of the painful social view of the Japanese in the previous period. Then, while it was already too late to collect folk tales, and we had no hope of collecting many more in our power, a surprising number came from the legends of the villages. Even in the Meiji period, many legends were remodeled or newly created, and people often talk about them without asking. The representative has now been found, and it seems unnecessary to search for more. Therefore, if there is any effort that has been expended for such work, it is better to divert it to a new direction in the future.




Although the field of study required will vary from person to person, and they will be good at it and bad at it, we hope to look to the local studies of individual local people for the work that has been the most difficult for us in general, the study of what people feel that we cannot possibly grasp satisfactorily as travelers (just external friends). What can be seen and sketched as a so-called tangible culture, which can be written and preserved, will be recorded wherever an enthusiastic gathering group goes. But principally the movements in the minds of the peasants, or those which women and reticent people have long held in the back of their minds, and which frequently guide their course of life, cannot be fully known, except by those who have long breathed the same air with them, though they need not live under the same roof with them.





*Dr. Fujii: Otoo Fujii (1868 - 1945) He studied early modern literature such as haikai (seventeen-syllable verse) and joruri. He compiled the Great Proverbs Dictionary in 1910.

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