第20話 Magraf Village

Eventually, Jean fell asleep again during the meal. His mouth murmured as his eyes closed and nod off on Sahim's chest, clutching the spoon. Sabadda tries to wake up Jean, but Jafar stops him. Jafar said that's common for children as he cleaned up the leftovers. Jean's horse was found safely, and several of the bandit's horses were also found. They returned to Magraf village, taking the bandit's weapons and horses. Seeing Jean still sleeping soundly, Zaid smiled and ordered him to sleep at home. Since Jahir isn't there, Jean doesn't have to go to his tent. Sabadda nodded and took him straight to Tareq's house.

"How was Jean, Sahim?"

Zaid asked as he walked alongside Sahim towards Jenal's tent.

"That kid is excellent, Father."

"Hahaha, yes? How excellent?"

"He killed a few of the Tux troops all by himself and rescued the villagers and me...Not only that, he fought 24 bandits on the way back and killed 10 of them by himself!''


Zaid looks at Sahim with interest.

"That kid is a poison user."

"I noticed that, but that's just not enough. I was surprised at how that little kid was so amazing in a horse fight. He cuts down the bandit on that horse, jumps to another horse, throws his weapon at the bandit on that horse, hits the opponent, jumps again, and so on. Very few people, even adults, can perform such techniques."

Sahim says excitedly, Zaid smiles and looks at Sahim.

"Don't talk about that in front of Jenal."


"That boy is a distant relative of Jenal."

"I don't understand..."

"Just follow that for now."


Zaid said, and Sahim replied, tilting his head. He sensed that there was some reason.

When they arrive at Jenal's tent, several people are already there. Even though it's early in the morning, Jenal is sitting drinking coffee, and talking to people. When they saw Zaid and Sahim, they joyfully spread their arms and embraced Sahim. Safid came later, saw his brother safe, and happily hugged him.

"Good and safe."

"Thank you for saving me."

Sahim said and Safid nodded and motioned for him to sit down. When Jenal's wife offered them drinks, they bowed politely. As Jenal's wife leaves the tent, Sahim details the Tux invasion. Jenar and the others nodded and listened with grim faces.

"I don't think the Tux will stop. The drought seems to be a serious problem for the Tux."

Sahim said, and Jenal thought about it.

"You must have noticed we were short-staffed here."

Jenal said and the men present nodded. That's right, they said.

"I have sent a request to the military, but I don't know when they will arrive."

"That's right. Let's think about what we should do from now on."

Sahim said and Safid nodded. They talked for a while and exchanged ideas.

Unlike those adults, Jean seemed to be sleeping comfortably. Sabadda washed and changed his clothes, and when he saw Jean still sleeping, he smiled. After leaving Jean in the care of the attendants who had come to help, Sabadda went outside.

"Uncle Sabadda."

Safid's son Samad called out to him in the courtyard.

"It’s been a while, Samad."

"Long time no see."

When Samad greeted him, Sabadda smiled.

"Um, can I ask you something?"


"Where is Uncle Jean?"

"He is sleeping now."

Sabadda said as he sat on the bench and received a cup of tea from the chamberlain.

"At this hour?"

"Jean is tired. He just finished fighting Tux's army and bandits before coming here."

"Still, he seems to be in good standing."

When Samad said this, Sabadda's face turned grim.

"I heard from my servant that Jean is yatim's son..."

Yatim's son is a child whose father has died. In Urda's culture, it means a poor child.

"That's true."

"A lowly position of yatim's son received the mercy of Grandfather and became a member of the Tareq family.''

"That's not right!"

Sabadda shook his head and answered quickly, his voice cracking.

"I don’t know who said it, but Jean didn’t become a member of the Tareq family due to such circumstances!"

When Sabadda loudly denied it, Samad was taken aback and blinked at him.

"Jean is the youngest child of a certain family, and he is a very talented child. I cannot tell you his family name, but that family is also very honorable. Therefore, Jean is not of a lowly status. Did you understand this far? "

"Yes, Uncle."

"However, Jean's real father died in a war before he was born."


"And I heard Jean's mother works very hard, supporting her family by herself.''


"Since Jean is still young, his grandfather brought him here, and he is a distant relative of the head chief of the village. Simply put, Jean is his grandson."

"Then, Jean is from Mr. Jenal's family, right? Why is he with the Tareq family? I've heard that his high status was a lie and that he was an illegitimate child, and that's why he was abandoned."


"Then why?"

"That because··."

Sabadda sighed and thought.

"Jean became part of the Tareq family because I made him my child. That's all."

Suddenly hearing Zaid's voice, Sabadda and Samad were startled and hurriedly stood up.

"Welcome back."

When Samad said Sabadda, Zaid sat on the bench without changing his face. Sahim, who came with him, stands quietly near Sabadda.

"What's wrong with Jean?"

Zaid asked, and Samad just shook his head, shaking.

"Samad asked me if Jean was a lowly son of yatim and became a member of the Tareq family because of Father's mercy, and I was just explaining to him that it was not true."

"Hmm, go on."

"I explained to him that Jean was neither of a lowly rank nor an illegitimate child.''

As Sabadda explained, Zaid looked at Samad and smiled.

"How old are you this year?"

"I'm 9 years old."

"9 years old. Can you ride a horse yet?"

"No, not yet."

Zaid looked at Samad and sighed.

"Who is your teacher?"

"Teacher Abu Jalal."

"What about swords? How long have you practiced? Have you mastered your throwing knife yet?"

"Not yet, but I've learned how to use a dagger. I haven't learned how to use a throwing knife yet..."

When Samad answered, Zaid thought and called for his attendant.

"Fire Abu Jalal, he didn't do his job properly. Leave Samad to Almayd Arif. There should be a slot, so I'll leave that to him. I'll watch him for about a year and see if he can train him. Also, ask Almayd to keep him until he is 17 years old. If Samad lacks the talent, I will give Samad away to the merchant group. Let Safid know this."

"Yes, Master."

When Zaid said this, Samad's face turned pale. He knows that Almayd Arif is a strict person. More than that, if his education fails, he will no longer be able to call himself a member of the Tareq family.

"...Teacher Abu Jalal is better, Grandfather."

"How many years has it been since you studied with Abu Jalal?''

"Two years."

"Even though you studied for two years, you can't even throw a knife. As things stand now, wouldn't it be strange for you to call yourself a member of the Tareq family? If you're a girl, it would be no problem if you can't use a sword. You will have to sew or do embroidery, and then you can marry into some family. But you're a boy. Do you realize you'll be in trouble if you stay like this?"


Samad looked down and could not say anything.

"Jean turned 4 years old this year. He has practiced since he was little and is better at swords, throwing knives, poison, cavalry, intelligence gathering, and language. He also seems to be able to speak several languages. When he doesn't understand something, he says he doesn't understand, politely asks those around him to teach him, and practices hard. I heard Jean practices the half-moon sword every time he has time, and becomes proficient with a weapon almost as big as himself. Isn't that right, Sabadda?"

When Sabadda answered yes, Zaid smiled.

"It's more than talent, it's that he works hard."

Zaid said and Samad started crying.

"Didn't your father tell you that you should be ashamed of yourself for not trying your best?"

"··He told me."

"Then I don't think you have time to listen to nonsense rumors from now on."

"Yes, Grandfather."

Zaid said and Samad nodded.

"I just wanted to talk to Uncle Jean. I just wanted to ask him why he did so well."

"Do you know the answer now?"

"Yes, Grandfather."

Zaid smiled with satisfaction as Samad answered tremblingly.

"Servant, tell everyone. Jean is my child, and if people spread rumors that insult him, they will pay with their lives. Tell the women that, too. This is not a threat, but the order of the Master of the family. Please keep this in mind."

"Yes, Master."

The chamberlain bowed his head politely.

"Sabadda, what is Jean doing now?"

"He is still sleeping."

"Leave it. He is probably tired."

"Yes, Father."

Sabadda nodded.

"When Jean wakes up, let's have dinner together."

"Yes, Father."

Zaid stood up and left the courtyard. Samad looked disappointed and went out with the servant.

"Is that true?"

Sahim asked, and Sabadda nodded.

"Jean is the youngest son of the Prava main family."

"Prava family?!"

When Sabadda said this, Sahim could not hide his surprise. The Prava family is a foreign aristocracy known in the port and capital. They own a group of merchants who often come to Urda to sell rice and silk.

"But you said that Jean is Sabir Efrad’s grandson?"

"That's true, too."

Sabadda said and Sahim tilted his head.

"What's the connection?"

Sahim asked, and Sabadda was lost in thought.

"I heard from Abu that a long time ago, Mr. Sabir's maternal and Jean's paternal ancestors lived in the same family."

"There’s no credibility to what happened that long ago, right?"

"But that's the fact. Their eyes are the same color."

"Who and whose eyes?"

"Jean's brother, his great-grandfather, and Mr. Sabir."


"I heard their eyes are the same color."

People felt pity for Sabir because his eye color was unusual. Although he has talent, it would be dangerous for him to live as an assassin, because his eyes are different than others and can be remembered by the enemy. With only training, Sabir ended up making a living as a businessman. Sahim had heard the story.

If those eyes are the same as Jean's older brother's, they are blood relatives.

So Sabir cared about Jean. The descendants of a family that perished long ago had finally been found.

"So, what's his relationship with Mr. Jenal?"

"I heard from Teacher Jahir that they are distantly related. It's Jean's grandfather on his mother's side who is the cousin of cousin of Mr. Jenal.''

"I see, I kind of understand."

Sahim nodded and sat down on the bench.

"So what is his mother doing now?"

"She seems to be looking after her late husband's parents, her parents, and their children over there.''

"That's tough. What about her eldest son?"

"In Ircandia, he is a hostage."


"Jean said that his brother is studying abroad, but since he went to Ircandia before Jean was born, I think he is probably not studying abroad, but being held hostage.''

"Is it because Archia lost to Ircandia?"


Sabadda nodded.

"I thought for sure that Father had remarried and made Jean.''

"I didn't say anything about that, did I?"

"Ah, it was my mistake. I misunderstood. That's why he didn't reply when I wished Father congratulations on his marriage."

Sahim said, and Sabadda just laughed.

"To tell you the truth, I'm concerned about Jean's sisters, though..."

"They must be beautiful."

"It seems."

Sabadda said in a low voice, and Sahim laughed.

"I'd like to propose marriage, even if it's just one person. I'm sure they're all pretty and smart women."

"If you look at Jean, there's a high possibility. His skin is bright, his cheeks turn red when exposed to the sun, and his round eyes...I'm sure they are as cute as him. However, Archia is very far away, so there's no way we'll ever be there. Besides, even if we can manage to go there, we don't know if they are still unmarried."

"I agree."

Archia. Sahim thought again. From what he heard, it takes half a year just one way. As Sabadda says, even if Sahim goes to Archia, he won't know if they are still unmarried. Besides, whether or not they can understand each other is also an issue.

Beautiful and smart. For Sahim, that's the ideal woman. Sahim thought that if Jean were a girl instead of a boy, he might want her so much that he could kill another man.

And Sahim noticed. His father must have made Jean his child for the same reason. Zaid may have noticed something when he saw Jean full of talent. So he immediately sprang into action. By making Jean his child, people around admire him for protecting yatim's child and allowing him into his home. Besides, he can keep Sabir Efrad and Jenal Jazar in check.

“Did Brother Zaad say something?”

"No, he didn't."

Sabadda shook his head.

"On the contrary, Brother Zaad talked to Mr. Jenal and Teacher Jahir."


This means that Zaad hasn't rejected Jean. Sahim thought as he looked at the lush vines.

"Brother, I'm going to go have breakfast now. Would you like to eat with me?"

"You can eat first. I want to take a bath and change clothes. It'll probably stink if I stay in these clothes for several days, right?"

"Hahaha, I understand."

Sabadda smiled, nodded, and went inside with the servant.

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