第6話 First travelling (5)

What appeared were some bandits covered in scars. There were ten knives in all that Jean threw. One of them missed, three bandits were killed, and two were seriously injured. The rest had minor injuries. However, Saman thought that even though it was only a minor injury, it was fatal, making it difficult for them to grasp the sword. Still, it would be difficult for them to deal with five bandits alone.

The camel was also tired and did not move.

"We can't run away anymore."

Abu got off the camel's back and drew his sword. Saman also left Jean and stood next to Abu and drew his sword.

"Who threw the knife at me?!"

One of the bandits asked in a loud voice. It seemed like the knife had hit him in the eye, so Abu gripped his sword hard and didn't answer.

"Do not ignore!"

The bandit suddenly took out his whip and attacked Abu and Saman. Abu and Saman were surprised by the sudden attack, but they quickly distanced themselves.

"Huh? Even a kid can fight properly?"

The other bandit said that and laughed. The knife that Jean threw pierced his arm, and blood was flowing from the bandit's arm. It was so visible even in the darkness.

"What are we going to do with these guys? Sell them or kill them..."

Before the person in the back could finish speaking, he suddenly collapsed.

He died.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

His companion suddenly collapsed, and one of the bandits dismounted from his horse to check on the fallen man.


The bandit blinked as he saw the body of his companion.

The bandit thought the wound was only minor, but he turned his friend over.

A small knife is stuck in his chest.

“Hey! Is there anyone else besides you guys?!”

Even when the bandit yelled, Abu and Saman did not answer.


This time the bandit collapsed. Then, a bandit with a whip got angry and started attacking Abu and Saman. Another bandit also got off his horse and attacked Abu, brandishing a large sword. Although Abu desperately resisted and fought back, there is still a difference between an adult and a child. Just as he was in the throes of death, a faint light appeared above Abu's head. Abu hurriedly lowered his head and the moment his opponent collapsed.

He died.

Abu instinctively turned around, but there was no one there.

Jean was the only one, Abu thought, but he didn't say it. However, Abu knows that all he has to do is to do what he can.

Another bandit, unaware that his comrades are dead, attacks Saman forcefully. The whip hit Saman's arms and back, and instead of slowing down, the bandit only intensified his attacks.

It was at that time.

A small figure appeared from behind the horse, jumped onto the horse's back, and grabbed the bandit's head. As the surprised bandit turned around, another hand slashed his neck with a dagger.

The bandit collapsed and died.


As Abu rushed towards him, he saw a small shadow covered in the enemy's blood.

"Brother Abu!"

"Are you okay?!"


"Oh, that's good."

Abu hugged Jean.

"I'm glad you're good."

"Brother Abu, are you hurt, too?"

"No problem, at least this much..."

Abu held Jean in his arms and looked at Saman. Saman stood up and took off his clothes, which were already in shreds.

The wounds from the whip are fresh, but the injuries are not life-threatening.

"Is it hurt?"

Jean asked, and Saman smiled and shook his head. Saman thought he had to appear strong at this time.

"I'm going to change some clothes."


When Saman said this, Abu nodded and looked at the ownerless horse.

"What are we going to do now?"


When Jean asked, Abu was looking at the sky and looking around.

"We'll collect weapons and get the horse."


"Then, as directed by the teacher, we aim for the nearest village from here."

Abu said as he put Jean down.

"Why don’t we go find the teacher?"

"No, we're not going."

Abu answered immediately.

"Even if they see us, it will only disturb the battle."

"Oh, okay."

"So, let's pick up the knife you threw earlier."


Jean nodded and retrieved the knife from the dead bandits. At the same time, he also collected the bandits' weapons and went to Saman.

"Oh, that's a good weapon."

"Yes, it is."

When Saman said this, Jean laughed took the weapons, and placed them in front of Saman.

“They are all good horses.”


Saman looked at Abu and laughed.

"Brother Abu."


"I had five throwing knives. But I ended up using the entire poison bottle in Brother Abu's bag. I'm sorry."

When Jean said this, Abu froze for a moment.

"It's great that everyone is safe."

Abu said gently and accepted the throwing knife wrapped in cloth.

"Anyway, how did you know that the contents of that bottle were poison?"

When Abu asked, Jean was deep in thought.

"Because it smells like poison."



Saman asked after he finished changing.

"Can you smell poison?"

"Hmm, not all of it, but I think it's kind of poison."


When Abu checked his bag, he found that one bottle was empty.

"Saman, wash Jean. It's a Peacock Star."

"Got it."

Saman took Jan with him and washed his hands with the water he had brought. Then he took off Jean's clothes and washed them again.

"It's cold, but please bear with me for a while."


Jean answered while trembling. Saman quickly washed Jean and then changed Jean's clothes Abu had brought.

"We have to buy Jean's clothes again."

"That's right. Let's buy it in the next village."

Saman said, Abu nodded and wrapped the knife in the clothes Jean used. Then he wrapped it again in a clean cloth.

"The poison that Jean used is dangerous. It's the poison my father gave me. If it was used on an enemy, it would kill you almost instantly."

"Oh, I see."

"Did you use it without knowing?"


Abu said, and Jean nodded in response.

"Abu, you need to get changed, too. Didn't you hug Jean earlier?"

"Oh, right. Is there still water?"

"This is all we have now. We have drinking water in different bags, so you can use it all."

"Got it."

Abu took a large water bottle from Saman and immediately washed himself. Saman took Jan and made him sit on the camel, then took a thick cloth and put it over Jan.

"Wait here."


Saman said and Jean nodded. Saman collected the bandits' weapons and wallets and packed them into a camel. And they easily buried the dead bandits. The night began to fall, and light began to illuminate the surroundings. Abu went to where Saman was, had a little conversation with him, and then climbed on top of the camel. Saman also rode a camel and then slowly moved and headed towards the nearest village from the spot.

"Are you thirsty?"


Saman asked, and Jean nodded. Saman took the drink and handed it to Jean. Saman laughed as Jean gulped down the drink deliciously.

Saman says he's probably thirsty since he hasn't had a drop since that fight, and Jean nods.

"Thank you, Brother Saman."


Saman took the water bottle and put it back in his bag.

"But please be honest next time. Let's say, "Hey, I want to drink" or "I'm thirsty, so gimme something to drink", just kinda like that."

"Yes, Brother."

Jean nodded.

"I'm not trying to become your brother just by saying words. So, I want you to contact me as if we were your real brother."


"Even though we're not related by blood, we're brothers. Understood?"

"Yes, I do."

Saman said kindly. Abu silently looks at Saman and Jean and moves forward.

As the journey continued for several hours, the sun rose higher. Abu stopped the camel, spread a cloth, built a bonfire, and prepared a meal. Saman took Jean down and started cooking with the little water he had.

"I hope the teacher is okay..."

When Jean said this, Saman, who was cooking next to him, smiled.

"No problem."

Saman put a lid on the pot. That way, no drop of water is wasted, he explained.

"We have to give the camels some water, too. So people have to be creative."

Abu came and filled the bucket he had brought with him and gave it to the camel to drink.

“Then, let’s eat.”


Saman carried the cooked food along with the pot and divided it into bowls. It was an ordinary dish of steamed eggplant, dried grapes, and dried meat.

"Looks like I dropped a bag of bread somewhere."

"Well, we can't help it."

Saman said and Abu nodded.

“Let’s just eat something we had.”

When Abu said that, everyone nodded and started eating. Everyone felt grateful to be able to eat.

After eating, Abu boiled tea in a kettle and poured it into a bowl. That way, they don't have to wash the bowl. Jean recently realized that this practice is common in places where water is scarce.

After eating, they set out again. After several hours, they finally saw the entrance to the village. It was a bigger village than the previous town, Jean thought. He could see a large oasis and people moving around busily.

"We'll stay in this village for a while. Until we find out where the teacher is."


After dropping Jean off, Saman took his precious bag and slung it over his shoulder. Abu also got off the train and headed to the shelter with five horses and six camels. After receiving the tag, they report to the nearby village security and search for Jahir.

Jahir was a fairly well-known person, Jean thought.

"The teacher is famous around here."

Saman said as he held Jean in his arms and waited for Abu. He could see Abu talking with them with a serious look on his face.

"Is Brother Abu also famous?"

"Well, I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't know about his father and brothers."

Saman laughed.

"What is Brother Abu's father doing?"

"He's a skilled bodyguard."

When Saman said this, Jean turned his attention to Abu again. Jean tilted his head, wondering why the bodyguard had given the bottle of poison to his son. However, he did not ask Saman that question.

"Sorry for making you wait."

When Abu returned, Saman nodded.

"How was it?"

"They'll let us know if the teacher shows up."

"Oh, that's great."

Saman nodded.

"They expressed interest in the horse, but I said I'd like them to stay for a while until the teacher comes. Is it okay?"

"I have no problem. What about you, Jean?"

Saman asked, and Jean tilted his head to one side.

"I'll leave it to Brother Abu."

Jean, who did not understand the situation in the end, answered so. Abu laughed and pinched little Jean on the cheek, then nodded.

"Okay. Well, let's eat first."


"Hahaha, he is very energetic when it comes to food."

Abu laughed and went to the market with Saman and Jean. Jean was interested in some of the dishes, so Abu and Saman bought some, and then had their meals at an eating house.

"So, an eating house is a place where we can rent out a room for eating.''

Jean said and Abu nodded.

"That's right. Doesn't it exist in Archia?"

"Yes, there isn't."

Jean answered and put the rice in his mouth. When Jean said it was delicious, Saman laughed.

“So, where do you go to eat the food you bought at the food stall?”

“Hmm, that’s it, either in front of that food stall or take it home and eat it at home.”

"Isn’t it inconvenient?"

Abu tilted his head.

"If you take it home, how do you return the food stall plate?"

"Some people bring containers from home. Others eat in front of food stalls."

"It's inconvenient, indeed."

Abu still couldn't understand.

"If you're going to eat in front of a food stall, you'll probably eat outside, right?"


“I kind of understand that, but if you eat with family and friends, the streets will be full, right?”

"Yes, it will."

Jean nodded.

"If there are so many people buying it, you can’t just sit down and eat, right?"

"Now that I think about it, yes."

Jean nodded.

"If you think about it that way, eating houses are convenient. You buy food at a food stall outside and eat it here. When you finish eating, the eating house returns the plate to the food stall. The fee for it is included in the prepayment. It's convenient for us because the restaurant staff can easily tell which stall this plate comes from.''

Abu said and Saman also nodded.

"Besides, if you go to the market with women, you’ll feel sorry for them because they can’t eat outside, right?"

"Huh? Is that so?"

Saman said, and Jean was surprised.

"Do women normally eat and drink outside in Archia?"

"I don’t understand that."

Jean answered honestly.

"But my Grandmom sometimes asked her maid to go out and buy things."


Saman said as he took a large piece of meat.

"That means that even in Archia, women probably won’t be able to eat and drink outside comfortably."

When Saman said that, Abu nodded.

"That’s why eating houses are important."

"I see."

"Well, eat. After eating, we have to find a place to stay."


When Abu said that, Jean nodded and put the rice into his mouth again, looking delicious.

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