第2話 First travelling (1)

That afternoon, after lunch, Jahir took Jean and his friends out. The destination is the market in the next town. If they leave in the afternoon, they will arrive in the town in the morning two days later. Jahir told Jean that they were traveling by camels, and carrying a lot of luggage, so it would take a long time to travel.

"By the way, how did you learn the language? Are Archia's language different from Urda's?"

Jahir asked Jean. Little Jean sat on top of a heavily laden camel and was lost in thought.

“My grandfather taught me.”

Jean thought for a while before answering.

“Can you read and write too?”

"No, I can't read yet. I can't write either. My grandfather told me that I just need to understand conversations."

"I see."

Jahir nodded.

"Can you speak other words?"

"Hmm, I can understand a little bit. I can speak Ircandian, Erganti, Torpian, Smilkian, Min, and Saikis a little."

"That's amazing."

"Thank you."

Jean reluctantly lowered his head.

“Did the old man teach you that?”

"My grandfather taught me Urda and Smilkian. My mother and teachers taught me the other languages."

Jahir thought after hearing Jean's words. This child, who is only 4 years old, is no ordinary person. It is no ordinary thing for a mother to have the wisdom to teach language. Jahir thought it was because she was the old man's daughter.

The daughter who married into the Duke's family of Archia is now the head of the family. Jahir thought once again that she was no ordinary person after all.

"Aren't you lonely being away from your parents' home?"

“I’m not that lonely.”


“Everyone is kind to me no matter where I am.”

"Hahaha, I see."

Jahir thought that was an unusual answer for a child who was only four years old.

"...And I've lived with my grandfather since I was little. I only go back to my parents' house on weekends."

“What about your mother?”

"Mom became the head of the family and was busy every day. Even when I met her, it was only when she was learning the language and during lunch. The rest of the time, I played with my grandfather.''

Play... Jahir caught the word. Jahir couldn't help but look at Jean, wondering if jumping from the palm tree was part of the game.

“Is that dagger also the one you got from the old man?”

"Yes, it was."

“Can it be used for things other than cutting leaves?”

“I can do some, a little bit.”

Jahir looked forward. Jahir thought that taking on the responsibility of educating this 4-year-old child was going to be a tough job.

There is no problem with words. Perhaps he is a genius, or as the old man said, he is very intelligent.

"What did you do at Archia other than studying? Who did you spend your time with other than the old man?"

Jahir asked without changing his gaze. Jahir thought that the answer might make him rethink how he educates children.

"Well, I played most of the time. I went back to my parent's house on weekends and spent time with the chamberlain. Sometimes I played with my brothers and sisters. My sisters were kind to me, and read me books."

Jahir felt relieved for some reason, wondering if he was a normal child.

“I heard that you have three older brothers, which one?”

"My third brother. Vesta-big brother has been very kind to me. After we finished studying Torpian, he always took me to various places."

Jean looks at the sky nostalgically. Jahir thought that he must have been lonely, having parted ways with his close brother.

“Vesta-big brother sometimes taught me interesting things.”

"Huh? What do you mean?"

When Jahir asked, Jean laughed for some reason.

"Well, one day I did something bad. I broke a vase that my mother cherished."

“That would make her angry.”

"Yes, it was."


"So, as punishment, my mother locked me in a warehouse. It was a dark, cold place, and the only window was a small window above the warehouse, so I couldn't escape."

“Hahaha, have you regretted it?”

When Jahir laughed, Jan smiled shyly.

"I still don't understand why I should regret it. There was a picture of the Queen of Ircandia on that vase, and my grandfather always turned it upside down. If it's that ugly... I thought it would be better to break it, so I did so.”

That's a problem, thought Jahir. Archia, as a vassal state of Ircandia, is obligated to display the Queen's picture.

"So, did you accept the punishment honestly?"

"Well, I was scared at first. It was dark, the floor was cold, and most of all, I was trapped there alone, so I felt sad. I started crying."

Jean looked down a little. However, the next moment, for some reason, I saw a big smile on his face.


“Hahaha, Vesta-big brother called out to me from the other side of the door.”

"What happened then?"

"He told me not to cry. He must have been worried because I cried so hard."

"He's a kind brother."

"Yes. After that, he taught me something fun."

“What kind of fun?”

Jahir asked, and Jean laughed for a moment. Amir and his friends look at Jean with great interest.

"Oh, sorry. I laughed too much."

"No problem. Go on."

"Yes, Sir."

Jean nodded.

"My brother said there was a lot of wheat flour in the warehouse. He said that if I opened a bag and sprinkled the flour on top, it would look like snow.''


"My brother said it was something like soft, ice or rain falls from the sky. In Ircandia, where my eldest brother, Theo, studies, it always falls every winter. I knew that from a letter he wrote to us."

"What a strange rain."

"Yes. I thought so too, so I did what Vesta-big brother said. Besides, it was a lot of fun and a strange feeling."

Jean laughed again.

“So, what happened?”

Jahir was curious and asked Jean.

"Hmm, perhaps because they suddenly couldn't hear my crying voice, my mother became concerned and ordered the Chamberlain to go check on me. Then, the Chamberlain opened the door of the warehouse. When he saw me completely white, he screamed out loud."

“Hahaha, he must have been surprised.”

"Yes, he was."

Jahir and Amir couldn't help but laugh.

"The Chamberlain took me out of the warehouse and immediately bathed me. When my mother was contacted by another servant, she was surprised to see the bathroom."

Jean laughed again, embarrassed.

"But then I got scolded again. As punishment, I didn't have dinner that night because I had spoiled the precious wheat flour. She locked me in the bedroom, so I got hungry and cried again. But that night, Vesta-big brother sneaked in through the window, brought some bread and meat, and handed it to me."

"He's a good brother."

"Yes, he is."

Jean nodded.

"Where is your brother now?"

"He is studying abroad in the Kingdom of Torpia. I heard that he is planning to stay there for five years."

“You must have been lonely.”

Jahir said, and Jean didn't answer.

"But you also have Amir, Abu, Sabadda, and Saman around you. Besides, I don't think you have time to feel lonely."

"Yes, Sir."

Jahir said and Jean nodded. Afterward, they continue their journey while talking.

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