episode108 "Giant Tribe"or"Titan Tribe"

"Mom! The tulip has bloomed!"

Freckled girl, Cereola, excitedly calls her mother, Isla.

"Let me see. Oh, it's true, a cute little princess has bloomed."

"She's a beautiful princess, Mom!"

Cereola jumps up and down with joy.

"Yes, that's right. It's nice that a somewhat cute princess was born."

Isla feels a bit disappointed as it wasn't what she had imagined, but since it's not a rose and they got a 30% discount, she accepts it with an adult's understanding.

"They also included a tulip care set, so it's fine."

Inside the bloomed tulip, there lies a thumb-sized princess with black hair, dressed in a beautiful dress.

"Hey, Mom! Can I wake up the little princess and play with her?!"

"Hmm, the princess seems tired, so let's leave her alone until she wakes up on her own, Cereola. Oh, I have an idea. How about we make some playthings for the princess while we wait? We should also prepare food and drinks."

"Okay, got it!"

"I'm going to visit Witch Azelia's place to ask about how to raise her."

Isla visits the shop of Witch Azelia.


"Hello, Azelia-san! The tulip I bought bloomed, and I was wondering if you could teach me how to take care of it."

"Oh, you managed to grow it well. Has a cute little girl been born?"

"Yes, she's a tiny, adorable princess. I'm glad I bought her."

"That's good to hear. Let me give you some important tips. First, be careful not to squeeze or hold her too tightly; she'll die instantly. Handle her gently. Second, make sure to provide water and food in the morning and evening. Give her a bath twice a week. And the most important thing is that she excretes several times a day, so prepare a dark spot for that. She won't be able to excrete in a bright place, and that could lead to her death."

"Thank you, Azelia-san!"

Isla hurriedly returns home, worried that her daughter, Cereola, might have crushed the tiny princess.

Azelia shouts towards Isla's back, "Don't forget the toad repellent net!"


When Isla rushes back home, she finds Cereola preparing various things like cracked walnut shells to make a boat for the little princess.

Relieved to see the tiny princess sleeping safely inside the bloomed tulip, Isla lets out a sigh of relief.

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