episode7 “The Super AI Mayor and the AI Citizen City Council”

At home:

"I'm back."

"Hey, welcome back, Kaoruko."

Father greeted her at the door.

"I handed over G to the City Hall and collected 50,000 yen. They accepted it."

G referred to the insect cyborg, an autonomous stray insect robot known as the Global Searcher Insect, abbreviated as GSI. It was a surviving remnant of the insect-shaped reconnaissance weapons used in the previous world war, a negative legacy. There were still over a billion of them crawling around the world. Just thinking about it gives me the creeps.

"Father, are you done with work already?"

"Yeah, today the AI mayor summoned me regarding the minutes of the city council."

Father is the AI mayor's assistant. Since the AI mayor doesn't have a physical body, some of the duties are handled by Father.

The AI mayor is a hybrid super AI mayor created by transplanting the thoughts and memories of Mayor Matsura, who was elected in the mayoral election 20 years ago. Through "whole brain emulation" technology called Mind Uploading, human synaptic behavior was reproduced using semiconductors. Mayor Matsura has retired and is enjoying a leisurely life in Matsukage.

There are no longer any council members in the Akashi City Council. The AI mayor and all the virtual citizens, who possess the thought patterns, beliefs, and memories of all citizens aged 15 and above, hold 100,000 city council sessions per second and engage in discussions totaling 8,640,000,000 within 24 hours, ultimately providing the optimal solution for policies that achieve unanimous agreement. It could be said to be the ultimate reflection of public opinion. Father and the other assistants are responsible for implementing and aligning those policies in the real world. That's why Akashi citizens never raise objections to policies.

The arrival of the Singularity, where AI surpasses humans, has become a reality.

The idea for the Wave Engine also came from the AI version of "me," created by three AI beings that exchanged ideas billions of times. Using the duplicate AI is something all my friends do, but I'm the only one who could come up with the foundational theory for the Wave Engine. I deserve more praise.

Having an internal? conference, I think.

Father must have been exhausted because he fell asleep without even eating dinner.

It's okay today since it's Mother's turn to cook. Maybe I'll make something delicious together with her.

Tonight, without Japanese Father around, let's have an English-style feast. Since the granary region of the former P-Union (Pluchinov Federation) was devastated in the world war, wheat is no longer available, and cottage bread, a luxury item, costs around 10,000 yen for two loaves. I'll secretly buy it and enjoy it without Father knowing.

Next time, a lost small-scale espionage weapon goes haywire.

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