6. Disappearance 6 失踪

Almost half a month has passed since Miyahara had such a conversation with Risako Sakashita, and the night before an overseas coverage was decided with another photographer who was not her, he was contacted by Kanzaki.

"What's wrong with Mr. Kanzaki? Calling me at this time ..."

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Miyahara."

"What do you say?"

"Mr. Saegusa has gone missing."

"What does it mean to be missing?"

"I know a person from N Shimbun, and I got information from him. It seems that Mr. Saegusa is not currently in the office, and he is not doing confidential interviews. That company has a lot of human resources, so even if Mr. Saegusa hasn't been there for a while, they won't have trouble with articles. However, it seems that everyone in the company is confused. Mr. Saegusa liked intense jokes, but he wasn't the kind of person who would be absent without notice. "

"Is it an accident? Or is it an incident?"

"Well, I don't know. The search request seems to have come from his family. No matter how many times he went out and didn't come home for a few weeks, It seems he always contacted his family"

"Yes, I understand," Miyahara responded to Kanzaki and was at a loss.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do. I hope he is fine ..."

"Yes, I hope so too."

That was the end of the call from Kanzaki, but Miyahara dazed for a while with keeping his cell phone. Right now, he couldn't believe what he heard with his ears. It's a coincidence, I don't have to worry about anything. He thought so on the one hand, and on the other hand, screamed whether that really happened or whether Saegusa was involved in that global conspiracy.

Did Saegusa continue to cover the rumors of strange returnees? With a few exceptions, the general public is unlikely to be involved in an international conspiracy within Japan. If so, did Saegusa have an accident during an overseas coverage? However, in that case, Saegusa's family should have been contacted at least once by him at his destination. However, there is nothing in Kanzaki's story that suggests it. Or did Saegusa try to travel alone without telling his family? I do not know. Too little information to draw a conclusion!

"What happened? Is it lack of sleep?"

The next day, Miyahara was pointed out by Takeshi Numata, a photographer who met at Narita Airport, but Miyahara could only smile.

"I have some concerns. By the way, does Mr. Numata know Mr. Saegusa from N Shimbun?"

Numata replied that he had heard rumors but had no acquaintance. So Miyahara didn't mention Saegusa any more.

Only vague anxiety spread greatly in Miyahara's mind.


「神崎くん、どうしたの? こんな時間に……」






「事故なのかな? それとも事件?」





 三枝は奇妙な復帰の噂について取材を続けていたのだろうか? そして何かを掴んで謎の組織に拉致されたのか?

 少数の例外を除けば、一般人が日本国内で国際的な陰謀に巻き込まれる可能性は低い。……とすると、三枝は海外での取材中にアクシデントに見舞われたのか? だが、それならば三枝の家族は渡航先から最低一度は連絡を受けているはずだ。しかし今の神崎の話にそれを示唆するものは見当たらない。それとも三枝は家族にも内緒で単独渡航を試みたのだろうか?


「ん、どうした? 寝不足か?」





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