


In a dark room my phone ring and wakes me up. In front of me a stack of case files to my side cups of empty coffee. I reach for my phone still barely awake.

"Hello this is detective Yun."

" You sound like shit did you get any sleep last night?"

" A few hours, I was looking over the files but I can't do much else until we get the M.E. report ( medical report)."

" I got another body at the park I want you to look at I believe it's connected to the case your working."

" Another poor girl, ok I'm gonna grab a coffee and head there."

Looking around I find my pack of cigarettes and I grab a cold cup of coffee no time to make it fresh. I light my cigarette and slowly get up and stretch my arms. Let's go get dressed and head out.

Arriving at the park I drove towards the center where a big lake is, there I can see the other police and standing there is the captain talking with the reports. I wait for the captain to excuse himself from the reports as he walks up towards me .

" I hate to drag you out here this early in the morning but a couple of people jogging found the body, she is 10 years old Lily walkers her parents reported her missing 3 days ago."

"How do we know it's the same person that killed this girl."

"It's the same M.O. strangled with a wire and she around the same age as well."

" I'll go take a look captain."

I walk down the gravel path to the edge of the lake there in the tall grass in the water face down is a little blonde girl. I put on a rubber glove and ask if they have already taken pictures. I slowly turn the body the body over and check the bruising around the neck which seems consistent with the other. Something about their eyes always bother me I can't look away deep in those lifeless eye I can see the fear and pain.

" This should never happen, she should be at home with her parents in a warm bed, no one should go through what she did especially at this age."

The captain approach me from behind.

"Her parents already filed a report with the officers at the station if you wanna go there I'll have it on your desk."

Sitting at my desk and reviewing her parents statement and looking over various reports I didn't realize how late it had become mostly everyone had went home for the night and only a few for the overnight shift was around. I rub my temple on my head and lite a cigarette. That's when I noticed it too quiet. There no one around I slowly get up and head towards the hall. The lights were flickering but I slowly advance my heart pounding. There on the floor were wet footprints like that of a child as I followed I could see wet hand prints appearing on the windows as I walk by at the end of the hall was the little girl from earlier dressed in a white one piece dress.

" What the hell is going on! Are you Lily?"

I begin to hear taping on the windows I could see rain against the windows and I could also see more and more hand prints appearing I began to hear crying from all around me as the little girl slowly lifts her head.I felt a hand on my shoulder so I turn around to see a officer.

"Are you ok you been standing in the hall for a while now."

"Yeah I'm...ok I think I'm just tired I should head home."

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