

  • 第二部予告への応援コメント


  • 第二部予告への応援コメント


  • Anzu-chan's actions deny what she told Jin-kun as they entered the elevator, unless she was desperate to tie him to her, as she's a cutter, she doesn't really think about her body very much, cutters that do worry about how they look will cut around the waist band, or somewhere else that is easy to hide,. Anzu-chan could have decided to use sexual release instead of the release from cutting herself. Jin-kun was just letting her lead, and getting swallowed by her spell, until he thought about Minase-chan and what she said "why is Jin trying to ignore my feelings," it was like he had ice cold water poured over him, he got dressed and left Anzu in the love hotel. Thanks!

    杏ちゃんの行動は、エレベーターに乗り込むときに仁くんに言ったことを否定する、必死に縛り付けたいと思わない限り、カッターだから自分の体のことをあまり考えていない、カッターは自分の体のことをどうするか気にする ウエストバンドの周り、または隠れやすい場所にカットされているように見えます。 杏ちゃんは、自分を切ることからの解放ではなく、性的な解放を利用するという決断もできたはずだ。 仁くんはただ彼女にリードされて彼女の魔法に飲み込まれているだけだったんだけど、ミナセちゃんのことと彼女の「なんでジンは私の気持ちを無視しようとするんだろう」という言葉を考えるまでは、氷水をかけられたようだった、 彼は服を着て、アンズをラブホテルに残しました。 ありがとう!
    Anzuchan no kōdō wa, erebētā ni norikomu toki ni jinkun ni itta koto o hitei suru, hisshi ni shibaritsuketai to omowanai kagiri, kattādakara jibun no karada no koto o amari kangaete inai, kattā wa jibun no karada no koto o dō suru ka ki ni suru uesuto bando no mawari, matawa kakure yasui basho ni katto sa rete iru yō ni miemasu. Anzuchan wa, jibun o kiru koto kara no kaihōde wa naku, seitekina kaihō o riyō suru to iu ketsudan mo dekita hazuda. Jinkun wa tada kanojo ni rīdo sa rete kanojo no mahō ni nomikoma rete iru dakedatta ndakedo, Minase-chan no koto to kanojo no `nande Jin wa watashi no kimochi o mushi shiyou to suru ndarou' to iu kotoba o kangaeru made wa, kōrimizu o kake rareta yōdatta, kare wa fuku o kite, anzu o rabuhoteru ni nokoshimashita. Arigatō!

  • he's feeling a bit guilty, but it's not his fault. Minase-chan is depressed, is she realising what she put Jin-kun through, she says that she doesn't want to be just a childhood friend, she wants to be a girlfriend, a lover, a wife, the only chance she has of getting what she wants is to start back as a childhood friend. Thanks!

  • Jin-kunstarted to go back to his old way of interacting with those around him, he noticed that Minase-san had not been to school in a while when sensei asked him to take paper -work to her. Minase-san is a heavy woman, will getting involved with her again cause him problems again?

  • Yayoi is a stalker, and is over possessive for a family member, and Minase-chan is insensitive girl who pushes everyone away, and then wonders why she has no friends, she hurt her best friend by rejecting him and his birthday present for her, than when she shows up again, she is manipulative and forceful, she expects him to do what she says without any questions, and of coarse he won't do that, he has his free will, and he won't even let his sister take it away. So when he gets wrapped up in his first real girlfriend, they all expect him to stay the same, it won't happen, he's been twisted and pulled so much, that his personality is being affected, he began ignoring those who where disturbing his peaceful life, to have a more relaxing and enjoyable life.

  • まあ、初彼女でのぼせ上がるのは仕方ないけど、実生活がおぼつかなくなるようだと良い恋愛とは言えなくなってくるからねぇ

  • Is Minase-san getting what Jin-kun is telling her, that he's been hurt by her to many times to trust her anymore, so he found some else! Thanks for an emotional filled story, see you at the next episode.

    ミナセさんはジン君が彼女に言っていることを理解していますか?彼は彼女に何度も傷つけられ、もう彼女を信頼できなくなったので、他の人を見つけたということです! 感情豊かなストーリーをありがとう。次のエピソードでお会いしましょう。
    Minase-san wa Jin-kun ga kanojo ni itte iru koto o rikai shite imasu ka? Kare wa kanojo ni nando mo kizutsuke rare, mō kanojo o shinrai dekinaku nattanode, hokanohito o mitsuketa to iu kotodesu! Kanjō yutakana sutōrī o arigatō. Tsugi no episōdo de o ai shimashou.

  • Minase-chan pushed Jin-kun to far again in front of witnesses, and she was looking down on An-senpai, so Jin-kun told her more forcefully than before how he thought of her as just a childhood friend, in front of An-senpai and the other witnesses, then he asked An-senpai to walk away with him, leaving Minase standing there and ignoring her calls to him. Thanks!

    みなせちゃんは証人たちの前でまた甚君を突き飛ばし、杏先輩を見下していたので、仁君は杏先輩の前で彼女をただの幼馴染みだと思っていることをさっきよりも強く言いました。 -先輩と他の目撃者、そして彼は杏先輩に一緒に立ち去るように頼み、ミナセをそこに立ったままにして、彼女の呼びかけを無視しました。 ありがとう!
    Minase-chan wa shōnin-tachi no mae de mata Jinkichi-kun o tsukitobashi, anzu senpai o mikudashite itanode, jinkun wa anzu senpai no mae de kanojo o tada no osananajimida to omotte iru koto o sakki yori mo tsuyoku iimashita. - Senpai to hoka no mokugeki-sha, soshite kare wa anzu senpai ni issho ni tachisaru yō ni tanomi, Minase o soko ni tatta mama ni shite, kanojo no yobikake o mushi shimashita. Arigatō!

  • Anzu-san has known Jin-kun since middle school, where he had seen her scars. If they were in the same class in middle school, why is she one year ahead now? Was it a special class, or something+?

  • Minase is a little jealous. Anzu-san is after Jin-kun, does she like teasing boys, so much that she has to keep changing partners to keep from getting bored?

  • Anzu-san was interested in Jin-kun before the fall at the train station

  • Minase is trying to get Jin to like her again, but his younger sister is trying her best to interfere

  • Jin is telling himself that he has no feelings for Minase as a girl, she was just someone he protected, a semi-friend that he grew up with, a childhood friend, she meant nothing to him when she left, and he still feels that way, she's someone in his life, but without her, there wouldn't be much of a hole in his life. Thanks!

  • これは妹ちゃんがナイス これはね

  • Jin followed Minase when she left her house late at night, he caught up to her on the river bank, while they were talking, he got a cross to her that she was only a childhood friend to him, he didn't return her love, Minase has calmed down since meeting again, she took his rejection of her calmly, and then set up a date to go out together. Thanks for the up date.
    深夜に家を出たミナセの後を追ったジンは、話している途中に川岸で追いついたが、幼馴染でしかないとバツを付けられ、愛を返さなかった , 再会してから気持ちが落ち着いた水瀬は、彼の拒絶を冷静に受け止め、一緒に出かける約束を取り付けました。 更新していただきありがとうございます。
    Shin'ya ni ie o deta Minase no ato o otta Jin wa, hanashite iru tochū ni kawagishi de oitsuitaga, osananajimide shika nai to batsu o tsuke rare, ai o kaesanakatta, saikai shite kara kimochi ga ochitsuita Minase wa, kare no kyozetsu o reisei ni uketome, issho ni dekakeru yakusoku o toritsukemashita. Kōshin shite itadaki arigatōgozaimasu.
    Show le

  • Minase finally admitted that she had missed Jin, and she feels like she wants to keep him for herself.

  • Minase is out of control! Something is upsetting her.

  • Yayoi-san is acting like a Palmtop Tiger! Spitting, arching of the back, hair standing on end, and claws out.

  • She regrets what she did in junior high, but he doesn't understand why she is trying so forcefully to get him back,did something happen in those two years that they were apart , to her, or was it watching other girls get boyfriends, he has a lot of harsh memories of her that are bad memories for him, her attitude is going to push him away.

  • ヒモにさせてくれるなら結婚するのも悪くないわね。