
Chapter I

Part I

A chance meeting.

Faenor forest.

- How much more do I have to walk? I'm very hungry I haven't eaten anything since I arrived three days ago "sigh"

A background noise caught my attention, I turned to see

- But what is that ?, My eyes little by little were seeing a young woman who ran out of the forest,

- To one side !, take off, don't get in the way ...!

- Ho! wait wait

her head collided with my stomach, taking my breath away, we both fell to the ground

- Oh, how do you think of running like that, maybe you don't see po, po, po ...

God, but what am I seeing, her glowing face with hair as red as blood, her body imitated the body of a teenager maybe fifteen years old

- and how do you think of standing in the middle of the road when I'm passing

With a trembling voice he told me

- Besides I… this… could you stop grabbing my chest?

- sorry, it was not my intention

Suddenly it sounded like a herd of horses came at a gallop

- No! They caught up with me, get up or do you want to die here, let's run ...

For some reason I started to run after her, as they came closer and closer I turned my face, and when I saw what was not a horse but a unicorn I was surprised.

- They are, they are ... cute unicorns I have never seen one, never in my life great

Wait come closer ah!

Everything happened in an instant, I still didn't know how, but we had ended up in the top of a tree.

- Hey, how did you end up being chased by that herd of unicorns?

- There is a tradition in my race, at a certain age you have to master a unicorn which will accompany you during your life, I will reach that limit if I do not achieve it I will be excluded from the force of the elven maidens

- Elves? Are you an elf?

He picked up his hair and behind him those pointed ears came out that confirmed his words, I was ecstatic to see her in her complete form, it did not take long to imagine very perverted things.

- Amazing I am with an elf, touch an elf.

- pervert, I feel your lewd gaze penetrate my being

He took out his short sword, he put it on my neck and said not to see her like that again, but who would resist a beautiful being with large breasts and abundant behind.

- Ahem, ahem back to the topic, then will you be expelled? Isn't there any way that doesn't happen?

- No, there is nothing I can do like that, it has been stipulated since ancient times, enough to talk about it, the unicorns are gone.

He got up from the branch we were sitting on and with a jump he reached the ground, but since I am low, he is very high

- Hey hurry down.

- Do not rush me, slowly I moved to the trunk of the tree, I clung to it and began to slide.

- Hey! Why don't you hurry down? Or are you afraid of heights?

- Shut up, I'm having a hard time getting to the ground without looking down, and I still haven't figured out how this works.

- How does what work?

- no forget it

I managed to get down to the ground, but I still didn't have a place to stay, and it was quickly turning dark. I looked at her and asked her where there was an inn or a city nearby

- You are crazy, do you know where you are? You are in the deepest part of the Faenor forest, the only place where you could stay is in the camp, we would have to talk to the king, I am sure that if you behave well he will let you stay.

- Would you let me go with you?

- Yes, as long as the king accepts you, I still don't know your name.

I don't have a name, and I don't want to say my previous name, I don't want that name to accompany me to this world, but I don't know what name to call myself, I still don't know what to call myself, what is it supposed to say,

- You have remained silent, I suppose you will not tell me your name, it does not matter I will give you a name in the meantime, this ... Mmmm ... ha! You will be called Quenya Feanáro, and what do you think that name also means spirit of fire. I gave it to you because you still have big red halas that are of no use to you

- shut!!! It is not that they are useless to me just that ... just that ... I don't know how to use them.

With Quenya Feanáro, it seems like a name that I can use in this world, that will be my name from now on, I have already started a new life, I looked up at the sky and saw how the sun was setting bringing to me a feeling of peace.

- Well Feanáro , my name is Evenstar Arwen , nice to meet you, it's time to get going.

We began to walk through the forest, little by little we went deeper, suddenly we found a light that was getting brighter, then the forest opened to a plain where there were many tents, I estimate there were about a hundred camping tents, one Once in the camp many elves approached Arwen one of them told her - look at my new bow - it seemed that she was not just any elf, - Miss Arwen when we will face with our swords -

- Tomorrow, Eclario.

- I'll be waiting

Now I see that she is someone important in this camp and she is also very loved by everyone, an elf girl approached her and said - Miss Arwen, and is he your boyfriend? -

- What ... what ... what ... ahem. No girl he is not my boyfriend, he is a friend that I found in the forest and I brought him so that you can talk to the king of the elves.

In Arwen's head

What a shame ... what a shame ... what a shame ... I want to die! Look at saying that there is no.

What is Arwen thinking and because she looks at me with those eyes full of sorrow, the elf girl approached me.

- sir, take good care of Arwen, she's kind of clumsy, but she's very good

- Wait, I won't marry her as soon as we meet, wait don't cry, hey don't cry, it's okay I'll take care of her a lot

He looked up and with a smile, he told me - sir, I'm counting on you - what a mess I'm getting into.

- Feanáro, it's time to go see the king, Arwen told me, we went to the tent in the center of the camp, we entered it, it was a wonderful place full of many weapons and shields, it seemed a place where a warrior lived high level

- I'm here, father

What a great surprise I did not expect that she was the daughter of the king, what is this? I feel a presence that could kill me in a second, from the depths of the tent, a large elf emerged between the curtains, his beard as white as snow.

He did not seem very large, he wore a chain mail and gloves, his green tunic distinguished him from the others, his penetrating gaze made you want to wear your pants, he ran to where Arwen was, hugged her and ... moment, is she crying? he had tears in his eyes and with a drop of snot running down his nose he said

- Arwen! My daughter, where have you been? I thought something had happened to you - with a sad face

- Father, you embarrass me, we have visitors. - Then she is ... she is ... the princess !!!

- Hoo ahem

How quickly I regain my sanity.

- How did your training go, daughter?

Arwen with a face that reflected sadness and concern at the same time answered.

- father I could not capture a wild unicorn, I am afraid I have disappointed you, sorry

- Arwen, they expect a lot from you, try harder, and you will get it, just like your mother did ... and Who is he? ... It seems that he is a demon, but because of his human aspect I don't think he is.

- Excuse me, my name is Feanáro, a pleasure to meet you.

- I see that you are educated, why is your visit due?

- Father, I found him on the plain when he was chased by unicorns, he said he had nowhere to stay so I decided to bring him to give him accommodation.

With a cold look he turned to see me, I felt like my being was overwhelmed by his presence.

- Find him a place in the camp, but if he causes some kind of problem he will be judged according to the laws we have. Also, give him better clothing, the forest is too dangerous to walk without a sword and with basic equipment.

- Okay father, Feanáro come with me we will go to the armory and then I will look for a place for you to kill the night and think about where you will go.

- Hoo is fine, sir, thank you very much for letting me stay today and for the equipment you will give me.

His face remained firm, he did not hesitate at all, but he mentioned a few words to me - may the great god of the forest guide your way - and he turned back to his enclosure.

- Do you think I have your time, hurry ...

At that moment a noise was heard coming from Arwen's stomach, her face quickly flushed which turned to the side, she continued telling me to hurry, - but first let's go looking for something to eat. -

- Let's find what to eat I'm hungry too.

Shortly after we arrived at a store that was set up as a dining room, we sat down at the table and ordered food

- Sir, miss your food is ready-

- How will you eat all that? - I asked, where she can fit so much food does not seem elf, it is like a processing machine, I had been shocked to see that she had more than ten plates of food in front of her -Mr. cook please bring me more- she will continue to eat more! I haven't even finished the soup I ordered, and why didn't I get fat? I suppose there are many mysteries here too, after a while we had already eaten and we headed to the armory where I decided to choose my clothes.

I dressed in a bib that barely covered my heart, I also put on some leather boots, I just needed to choose a weapon, there were many to choose a bow, swords of all sizes, hammers, spears, daggers.

- It is time for you to choose a weapon, try them, choose the one that best suits your body, keep that in mind since at the time of fighting it will define the course of the battle-

- I will keep that in mind- I directed my gaze to the weapons, a hammer may be very good, but it will not serve me against a spear, and the spear has a disadvantage against the bow, better I will use a sword since in my world I was an expert on the subject of fencing, but what kind of sword will be the best, Mmmm Hoo !!! This, a short and light sword with a great balance.

- You have a good eye- Arwen told me

- Perhaps, do you have any idea how to use it?

- Who do you think I am.

- a perverted half demon, who likes big breasts

- Hey shut up, it was an accident, you were also the one who came running and bumped into me

- Hey !, I propose something, let's have a duel, the loser will have to do what the other tells him for a day, we go to the center of the camp.

We quickly moved to the center of the camp, while voices were heard in the background - "Arwen scratched him to pieces", "poor half demon doesn't know what he's doing", "he's finished" - of course fear wanted to invade my being - I'm doing - I said inside of me while pretending that I was not afraid to see Arwen from behind, you can see her tranquility, it seemed that she had done this for a long time, we arrived at a point in the camp and she told me.

- Here is fine, take a distance and get ready.

She walked away from me and I did the same, but always thinking “why the hell am I doing this”.

I stopped and turned around, Arwen was ready with her sword drawn, I also got ready, I took my sword with both hands, she looked sublime in the light of the fire while a silence reigned around her, the elves gathered side by side. shortly, the fire made a sound, Arwen disappeared from where she was and in moments she was in front of me, I barely had time to react and block the attack our swords fired sparks

- You're good - Arwen said, her eyes had lit up as if it were a predator looking for its prey, my body reacted instinctively taking a step back

- How scary, don't expect me to have so much strength. - I said in my mind as she lashed out at me again this time I was ready, I dodged the counter attack that I launched, I made a right turn, my intention was to inflict damage on her left side I had set my objective when I heard a sound of two clashing metals, somehow protected himself with his sword.

- Do not underestimate me, this is just beginning - I put the tip of his sword on the ground, at the same time he made a turn falling crouched taking momentum, but this time it was different since I was waiting for her eager to continue the fight, I pushed myself with my legs He ran out to meet Arwen.

After clashing our swords several times it was remarkable that the combat was even, -I think it's time- said Arwen, I was surprised to ask him

- Time for what?

- This will end soon ..., - I take a deep breath and pronounce - ... forest spirits, ancestral caretakers of my people, lend me your spiritual energy ... wind shear! -

As she spoke these words, a green aura gathered around her, the trees moved as if a gust of wind was blowing, just before finishing the words her sword began to glow with an emerald green glow.

I take position, a sonic explosion was heard and it lunged at me I could barely place my sword in defense position when it was already in front of me, - shit I won't hold on long, what incredible strength it has - a scream began to come out of Arwen, that sling of pressure grew stronger on my sword to the point of causing a fissure, at that a voice was heard from the crowd,

- Arwen stop! - but it was late, my sword was broken, and Arwen's stopped just before cutting my neck, a drop of blood ran down the edge of the sword.

What they did not know was that someone was observing them through the soul clock, location east of the castle of the demon king.

- I knew it had been a good choice. He will give me many years of fun !, "laughs

- Jum, you really think he's strong enough.

- Of course I made sure of that myself, not for nothing I went after him.

- It does not seem so strong to me, it will be better to check it.

- Then don't blame me if you end up badly hurt, anger

- I'll have to check it out for myself. This will be fun and I want to taste the taste of his blood ju, ju, hahaha! Ahahahaha!

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