Episode 3: Student Council

 I was free from everything in many ways, and my grades on the final exam were better than I expected, although of course not as good as Kyoko's. My grades went up across the board.

"Oh, you can do it too, Yusuke.

"Oh, Yu-chan, you can do it!

 The top one is Kyoko's words and the bottom one is Mom's words. They are starting to look alike, aren't they?

 The new school year arrived. The new class was 3rd grade A. For some reason, Kyoko was in A class with me.

 Because of Kyoko, I ended up being the treasurer of the student council. I don't really know what the job of treasurer is, but since it's called treasurer, I guess it's just a matter of adding and subtracting numbers. I guess I should just do what I'm told, but so far I haven't been told to do anything, so I have nothing to do.

 It's now after school, and the full student council is in the student council room. The president, Kyoko, the vice president, a skinny boy with dark glasses, the secretary, a girl with silver-rimmed glasses and braids, and a dark-skinned girl with short hair. There were five of us, and I was the treasurer. The girl with the silver-rimmed glasses is a tough-looking girl, and the dark-haired girl with short hair is a calm-looking girl.

 While the other four were discussing things that I had no idea what they meant, I was sitting still in the corner of the long desk. That's all.

 Sometimes Kyoko asks me for my opinion, but since I don't have any ideas, I just say, "Well, I guess so. If it's an affirmative statement, I can get away with it. If I make a mistake and reply with a negative answer, they will ask me why, so I am very careful.

 No matter what I'm doing, the time is passing, and when the chime rings to let the students know it's time to go home, I quickly grab my bag that I brought to the student council room and head home.

 This will go on for almost a year. Give me back my wasted, pointless time!

 As I left the student council room, a pair of dark glasses came out after me. He seemed to have some business with me.

"Matsuda-kun, can you please be a little more serious?

 He's a strange guy, isn't he? What does it have to do with whether or not I take my work seriously?

 I kept my mouth shut, and then Kyoko came out.

"What are you doing home alone?

 It's time to go home, so I have to be home as soon as possible.

 I ignored the black-bellied glasses and replied to Kyoko. He clucked his tongue and left. It seems that he doesn't like me very much. Kyoko didn't seem to have heard what he had said to me earlier.

"We're going in the same direction, so don't go home by yourself.

"Yes, yes.

"One "yes" is all I ask.


"Hey, what's going on?


 She didn't seem to hear what the black glasses said to me, but I guess he knew something was wrong.

"Hey, I want to quit the student council.

"Oh, right. If that's the case, go find someone to take your place.

 I'm sure she knew that I didn't have any friends who could ask me to do that, but we'll see. There's always someone who wants to be an officer of the student council. Then he shouldn't need to be my friend.

"Yusuke, I've been getting tired easily lately. This never used to happen before. So, can you carry my bag too?

 This level of selfishness is not a big deal, so I silently accepted the bag from Kyoko.

"Oh, you're being so honest today.

 By the way, Kyoko just said that she gets tired easily, but her face seems paler than before. It might be my imagination, but she looks a little pale.

"Hey, Kyoko, is there anything wrong with your body?

"Well, I've been running a slight fever. It doesn't feel like a cold, though. What is it? Yusuke, are you worried about me?

"I guess so.

"Oh! Thank you. But I'm fine.

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