第7話 File7. “SANZUNOKAWA” is ”the Worm Hole”

According to Buddhism the sole of dead person would pass through “SANZUNOKAWA”, the passage or the way to “GOKURAKU”. Some people who has experienced near-death tells us after returning that it was like a dark tunnel or dazzling field etc. But nobody actually knows what it is. Buddhism tells us that human soles will travel “JYUMAN OKUDO” which is extremely far distance same as one billion light years to reach GOKURAKU. Why did Buddhism need to think such large scale distance?

Only persuasive explanation for SANZUNOKAWA would be a kind of “Worm Hole” which is the hole opened in the space to connect very distant separated worlds simultaneously. Recently even a child knows the name of “Black Hole” which actually exists in the center of galaxy or after supernova explosion. It absorbs everything by its strong gravity and looks like a hole opened in the space. The deepest bottom of Black Hole, where the gravity grows infinity, is called “Singularity”. Nobody has looked inside Black Hole and nobody knows to where the Hole leads beyond Singularity.

Generally Cosmophysics explains that Black Hole will gradually evaporate for extremely long periods. However if the shape of Black Hole is like a tornado which is connecting two remote areas in the Universe, the Black Hole does not have an end and lead to another world at the Singularity. Such world could be another area of our Universe or completely different place like parallel universe or extra dimension. Depending on the Quantum Theory and Multiverse Theory, such case might be possible. If the “Sole” or “Energy” uses such Worm Hole, it will be able to travel 1 billion light years instantly and reach to GOKURAKU soon.

Then why dose the sole need “Six Pence Coins”, a charge for passing through Worm Hole? Physicists are expecting that to pass through Worm Hole safely we should sustain the Hole by using “Exotic Matters” which has minus energy and expands the Hole against the strong gravity. Exotic Matters are only mathematically proved matters and nobody knows they are actually existing. Then why does it need “Six”, again? Please remember that there are 6 Extra Dimensions which possibly crash Worm Hole from 6 directions. Human soles needs 6 Exotic Matters to stop the collapse of Hole.

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