Curious Similarity between Buddhism and Particle Physics


第1話 File1. “Matter is Nothing, Nothing is Matter”

The phrase is in "HANNYA SHINGYO”, the basic dogma of Buddhism. It is “Matter is Nothing, Nothing is Matter”, which was created by Buddha more than 2 thousand years ago. It was too difficult and strange for normal citizens to understand its real meaning, therefore it was realized a kind of religious words for a long time.

However recently the developing science could gradually explain this strange phrase and make clear various secrecy of Buddhism. If we explore the wonderful Buddhism’s world and Particle Physics, we will be able to understand Truth of the Universe.

According to the Quantum Theory, the most sophisticated area of modern physics, matters can be arisen from nothing or complete vacuum by “Pair Production”. Generally people believe there is nothing in the true vacuum. But the Theory explain that it is possible to create simultaneously matters and anti-matters through Energy-Matter Exchange. In true vacuum there is very small fluctuation of energy, which could produce matters and anti-matters. “Anti-matter” is a kind of “Matter” only whose energy charge is minus. It is very popular thing introduced in the USA movie “Angels and Demons”, which is actually created at the CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Not science fiction.

We are existing in this world. What is “existing”? Mathematically existing means “plus one”. Then to where did “minus one” go? We emerged in this Universe because minus one was removed from zero and plus one was left behind. Generally minus one or anti-matter was disappeared by “Symmetry Breaking”. At the first point of creating Universe namely “Big Bann”, completely same number of matters and anti-matters were created, soon later only anti-matters were erased by symmetry breaking. It is the most general understanding of particle physics. But nobody knows what really happened at the first point of Universe. It could be possible only matters were erased and anti-matters were left behind. Why did the God choose “Matter”? Assuming anti-matters are only isolated in the Parallel Universe, not erased, what will happen?

Let us think about a wave. If we throw a stone into the pond, then waves arise. A wave is always composed by top and bottom. Top only wave or bottom only wave cannot be thinkable. If we look at only top part of the wave and say “This is the Universe”, we would make big misunderstanding. We should move to the point where we can look into the bottom.

Physics likes Symmetry. Plus or Minus, Face or Back, Right or Left, Action or Reaction…, why should only anti-matters be erased?

Buddhism always tells us that “Nothing” is the normal or desirable status of the Universe and “Matter existing world” is abnormal and fragile. Let us begin analyzing the Buddhism from the viewpoint of Particle Physics.

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