Episode 4 The rear-admiral Tanaka: the first part

Captain Akiyama who returned to Kure port after three weeks from fighting has been called by the headquarters.

An overview of the case has been reported to the headquarters via cryptographic communications before returning to Kure port.

Captain Akiyama who has visited the captain's room of the seventh Diving Corps for direct reporting is very surprised.

It is not the captain who was waiting for him but a rear-admiral Tanaka who is a commander of the submarine corps.

Captain Akiyama is the first captain in the classmate of the Naval Academy.

Even an excellent person like him is the first time to meet the commander of the submarine Corps alone.

"Please report the battle three weeks ago."

By the instructions of rear-admiral Tanaka, Captain Akiyama reports a whole picture of the case.

During the report, rear-admiral Tanaka did not show any surprises and silently listened to captain Akiyama's report.

The word of rear-admiral Tanaka who has finished hearing captain Akiyama's report is very short.

"OK, You can leave the room."

"Aye, sir!"

After the report, Captain Akiyama has been surprised that rear-admiral Tanaka was calm all the time.

In the first place, it is unusual for just a captain to report to the commander of the submarine Corps alone.

Also, the rear-admiral Tanaka's attitude is very unnatural.

It is an incredible report for everyone.

Therefore, it is impossible for an ordinary commander to easily accept the report.

And he concludes with some circumstantial evidence.

He thinks "Rear-admiral Tanaka is hiding something."

"At least he knows who attacked Fuyushio."

He is waiting for an elevator while thinking about rear-admiral Tanaka.

Surprisingly, a person who appears from the elevator is Shiori who is the girl in the submarine that attacked Fuyushio.

Captain Mikami is with her.

They are going through the same passage Captain Akiyama came.

Captain Akiyama thinks "Why are there persons other than a sailor on this floor?"

He gets on the elevator while feeling faint doubt about them not wearing a military uniform.

He will know the answer after a while.

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