The 2nd Story
《It's creepy》
I honestly thought, "It's free to say," he told to a hare.
"Yes, I wonder if i want her to say strongly."
I said it in a tone that was a little teasing. It is not a very true mind.
<Hey, that's fine. All right, i'll see you Well, wait two,three days.>
"All right, all right."
When I said that,the two hares began to splash rice cakes on the moon again. Then, the voice stopped talking.
It returns to the living house, and the lunch which has been bought is eaten by huting. I don't watch late-night TV, but I'm letting it go.
"Well, what was that? ? ng."Well, it's just too much drinking."
When I cleaned it up, I lay down and fell asleep.
When waking up the next morning, there was a white round solid beside the container of "Nori bento" of eating.
" What the hell is this?"
It's like a rice cake when you pick it up.
"It's like a rice cake. Oh, yesterday's! "
I knew what happened that night was true.
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