Seraph's Ambition: How a Failure Became an Enemy of the Divine Beings



Chance looked up at the magic clock hanging above the door, anxiously trying to get down his food. The clock was one of the many household magic tools available for use these days, and by using the flow of magic to reflect time passing, the clocks were quite accurate. However, Chance swore that this had to be running fast. There was no way he only had two hours until the ceremony.

“I know my cooking is nothing compared to yours, Chance, but is it really so bad that you can’t even look at your plate?” Chance heard a chuckle accompany the playful jest that came out from the door leading into the living room. He looked over his shoulder at his caretaker for the past fifteen years.

“Sorry, Miss Karina but even if I had the royal chef cooking for me, I don’t think I could eat a bite. I’m just a little nervous about today. I spent all last night trying to look through your old magic books. By the end of each one I got so mad I couldn’t help but start hand-to-hand combat with my pillow.” Chance tried to smile at his bad joke.

“Ah. Is that what that noise last night was all about? I thought you and Lydia were having some quality time and couldn’t keep it down.” The elf flashed a mischievous smile as Chance, her long blond hair accentuating her beautiful, ageless body.

Chance blushed deep red at her tease, “Please. Don’t give her any ideas. She’s already almost caught me twice. I keep trying to tell her that I have to awaken some as something before I even think of going down that road.”

“Hahaha! You clearly don’t know Lydia if you think she’s going to wait that long. She was never even able to wait for her turn in games, much less waiting on the one she cares for. She won’t give up. No matter what happens.”

“Yeah, well. Let’s just hope I awaken then. Anyways, when are you going to bring around this new boyfriend of yours for me to meet.”

“W-what?! Why?!” Karina’s voice wavered as a slight blush crept up her neck.

“As the oldest boy in the orphanage and as someone who is basically a son to you, I feel I have the right to meet him and make sure he’s right for you.”

“What are you going to do, interrogate him?” Even as Karina raised an eyebrow, the blush continued to spread to her cheeks.

“If it comes to that, yes. I’d rather meet him first, though. He has to meet the minimum requirements in order to get to the interrogation round.”

“And what are those minimum requirements, if I may ask?” The blush was now at the base of her ears.

“Well, first and foremost, he has to be kind and compassionate to both you and the kids. Second, I need to make sure he can’t live without you. That way he will never slack off on the first requirement. And third, he better be damn sure he can protect you, because if he can’t and you get hurt, your son here would make him go through a hundred times more pain.” Whether it was Chance’s view towards the boyfriend or his calling himself her son, Karina had officially overheated. Her blush now covered her entire face and went all the way to the tips of her long ears. Chance could even swear that he saw a plume of steam rising up from her head. Smiling at her behavior, Chance walked up and hugged her. “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you at the ceremony.” He let go and headed out the door, much calmer now that he had had a normal (?) conversation with Karina.

He gently closed the door behind him and started down the road towards the middle of town. He was quietly watching the people around him as he walked when he overheard someone calling to him. He looked back and saw a familiar person running towards him. “Chance! Hey Chance! Wait for me!”

Deciding that it would be both less embarrassing and less loud, Chance stopped and waited for the person to catch up. After he had, he watched as she leaned forward hands on her knees sucking for breath. The girl's light blue ponytail seemed to bob with each breath. When she finally had regained enough breath to stand straight Chance asked, “Could you have found any other way to catch up to me without screaming my name and running down the street?” The girl avoided his eyes, “Lydia…”

After a moment of his glare, she turned to him and said, “I just want everyone to know that I am yours body and soul. If you need anything from me, anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask. Especially if your needs aren’t being met. Hee-hee- OWW! What was that for?!” Lydia grabbed her head in pain from Chance’s swift chop to her head. Her eyes were beginning to tear up.

“First of all, do not talk about my needs, especially when we’re in public. That is just a little too strange… and creepy. Second, I have told you countless times we are not in a relationship unless I manifest. Understand?” He waited until Lydia nodded. Seeing her hide her face from him as she did, Chance couldn’t help but give her an affectionate smile and a pat on the head. After all, he knew that it was just her way of cheering him up. “Now let’s go. I don’t want to be late.” The pair continued on their way towards the center of town. They chatted back and forth about various topics, often with Lydia going on a pointed and slightly obsessive rant about her love for Chance. This was followed by Chance forcing her to come back down to earth. Although it was a perfectly normal conversation for the two of them, it did wonders for helping keep Chance’s mind off of his upcoming ceremony. That is, until the pair came within view of the entrance to the building holding the ceremony, the International Academy of Magic Axorl Campus. The very sight of the entrance to the monstrous colosseum sent Chance’s heart pumping in fear. Lydia heard him mutter something under his breath but she couldn’t make it out.

“What did you say?”

Chance looked at her in surprise, as if he had forgotten that she was there, “Oh! Sorry Lydia, I guess I spaced out for a second.”

“You okay now?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s go before I run off in the opposite direction.” The pair smirked at Chance’s poor joke before making their way to the entrance, absolutely terrified but having hope that things would turn out all right.

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