Episode 5 Alrena and Heivos

 The highest Mt. Elios in the world is a tengu where the gods live.

 The lowest layer of the shining tiangong is the residence of Heivos.

 Heivos thinks that this place is the right place for me, an exception among the gods of beautiful light.

 Other shining gods were seldom approached in this dim place.

 But today is another.

 "Heivos, the god of blacksmiths!!"

 There was an angry voice in the room.

 Heivos is called the God of Blacksmiths and Treasures by humans, and heivos is called the Father by all dwarves.

 This room is also a place of work at Heivos.

 Heivos welcomes a rare visitor to the room.

 "What's going on? Alrena, goddess of wisdom and victory? I'm not a messenger as usual, but I don't think I'm going to be here."

 When Heivos turns around, there's Rena.

 Alrena, the goddess of wisdom and triumph, is commonly called Rena and is the god of light as well as Heivos.

 That Rena is looking at Heivos with an angry face.

 Rena, who is counted as a pillar of the Sanbigami, has an angry face.

 It's been a long time since Heivos met Rena.

 Rena always sends messengers when she has something to do with Heivos.

 When the messenger came before, he asked me to build a tool to assist in summoning heroes from different worlds.

 Rena never came here when she built the aid.

 That's why Rena himself is coming here today. Heivos was rare.

 "What's wrong!"

 Rena shouts.

 "You, hesaid. I taught Modus about heroes and summoning techniques! "

 Rena asks.

 Modus is the god of darkness, but he is the only friend of Heivos. There is no reason not to tell what you know.

 "Oh, I taught You Rena. I've been asked."

 You've learned all about Summoning when you're building summoning aids.

 Modus, who was pushed into a corner by a hero, sent a messenger to Heivos.

 At that time, He taught me all about heroes and summoning techniques.

 "Modus is the God of Darkness! And you god of light! Why do you do things that are my disadvantage!? God of darkness should obey us! If not, you're the enemy!"

 Rena says so and glares at Heivos.

 The gods of light are the gods that draw the blood of Mina, the goddess of the sun.

 Heivos is also the god of light if only blood muscles are seen.

 "Is the god of darkness that does not obey an enemy... Has that happened?"

 Heivos misses that.

 The heavens today are under the control of the gods of light.

 A group of gods of light who succeeded in driving out Modus occupied the taste, and at first it was legal, and in the end, it drove out the god of darkness one after another by force. Rena belongs to that faction.

 Compared to the gods of light, the gods of darkness are incoherent.

 There is a difference of opinion, but the gods of light are in one place. On the other hand, the gods of darkness are disjointed, and some are hostile to each other.

 Therefore, the gods of darkness had to correspond to the gods of light individually, and as a result, many were driven out.

 Heivos didn't stop it.

 The reason is that the god of darkness which took on the sweet word of the goddess of light, and did not curse Modus thought that it was self-made even if it was driven out.

 The God of Darkness, which now remains in Elios, is in a position to be subordinate to the God of light.

 "I'm sorry, Rena. No matter what you say, Modus is a friend of this Heivos. I'm not going to stop going out with you."

 "Are you going to turn to my enemy? Heivos! "

 Rena's angry voice.

 "Then I'll do it, Rena. Will you kill this Heivos?

 Heivos says that and Rena is silent.

 Rena has stronger fighting power, and heivos will be killed if he wants to.

 But Heivos was neither scared.

 "I can't kill you... Your power is necessary for Elios."

 Rena says with regret.

 Heivos is one of the best engineers among the gods.

 Without Heivos, it would be a great loss for the gods of light.

 So Rena couldn't do anything about it.

 "But it's Rena. Isn't that another reason why the Lord is hostile to Modus in the first place? "

 In fact, Heivos knew why Rena was hostile to Modus.

 It is mona's existence. However, the question comes up in that thing.

(Even so, why does Rena know that Mona is a duplicate of herown? Modus should not have been made public. In the first place, how do you know that Modus summoned you? Is there anyone under Modus who leads to Rena? )

 Heivos has an exchange with Modus, so I was able to get to know him. But I don't know how Rena got to know.

 "Well, what's the matter with Heivos? I don't know what you're saying."

 Rena blurs.

 "It's a good place to go." Either is fine with this Heivos. Is that the end of the story? "

 "Yes, that's it. I'm going home today. Heivos. But I'll say it again at the end. If you're going to help Modus, here's also your idea. This is advice."

 Rena says so and tries to go home.

 "When Rena. Can I ask you one?"

 Stop Rena trying to leave.

 "What is it? Heivos? "

 "Heroes have great power. What were you going to do with the heroes after you defeated Modus?"

 Heivos has not met the heroes directly, but he heard that he has the power to be comparable to the gods, and it would be dangerous to throw them away.

 Will you be welcomed as the god of Elios?

 But in order to do that, we have to get the consent of the other gods. It shouldn't be easy.

 "What comes from a different world is returned to another world, isn't it natural?"

 Heivos tilts his neck.

 As far as Heivos knows, it's hard to draw on this world and get it out of this world, but it's hard to get back to the original world.

 It is likely to go to a different world from the original world. If you do poorly, you can drift forever between the world and the world.

 It is not a return. At least Heivos thinks so.

 "They're from outside the world, so when everything's done, they're going to leave the world."

 "Are you telling the heroes about it?"

 "Of course. Heivos. I'm telling them that it's possible to go back to the original world and go back to the same time."

 Heivos hears the words and laughs bitterly.

 It may be possible to return to the original world or to the same time.

 But there's a chance you just haven't tried it, especially.

 How do you try it in the first place? There was no way to experiment.

 Heivos was wondering but didn't say it.

"If i don't have any more talk, I'll go home, Heivos."

 Rena goes out.

 "Hmm, is a hero a disposable tool? Modus is ugly, but it's not as evil as you are."

 Rena looks at the door where she left and whispers.

 Heivos knew. Ouster Modus - that Rena is deeply involved in the conspiracy.

 Although he was a lewd man, Modus was a good-natured fellow. Mona until compared to the family that i do not like.

 Heivos walks up to the work desk and reads the letters above it.

 It is a letter of appreciation sent from Modus.

 The letter of appreciation said that he was able to repel the hero by subpoena, and that he thanked him for that.

 "He's a well-mannered guy."

 Heivos laughs involuntarily.

 Heivos has made things for many, but it's only Modus that sends a letter of appreciation.

 "I want the heroes to be grateful, too. What would have happened if I had defeated Modus like that? "

 Heroes will be disposed of by Rena, Heivos thinks.

 But Modus is alive and well.

 Rena will not dispose of them while the heroes are worth it.

 And Heivos knew that he couldn't summon a new one.

 Because the gods of light who witnessed the power of the hero decided to ban summoning.

 If you summon any more strong people, you may become an enemy of the gods of light.

 As a result, Rena should not be able to use summoning.

 Also, that technique is not easy to do. Because various rare media are necessary.

 Heivos knew rena and Modus had a hard time collecting it.

 Therefore, it was not possible to perform summoning many times in both.

 Therefore, it might be good to see that the person of the different world does not come to this world from now on.

 Heivos thinks of those summoned by Modus.


 That's the name of the person Modus summoned.

 "Well, what's going to happen in the future?"

 Heivos thought about the future in the dark workshop.

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